Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 236 Bloody God-Devouring River [Seventh update, please subscribe]

After the Dapeng golden eagle sent Zhuo Bufan to the ground, he was taken into the mysterious bone ring by Zhuo Bufan.

Then Zhuo Bufan came to the river bank.

In front of him is a long bloody river that runs from north to south, isolating the east and west banks.

It is like a natural chasm that stretches between two pieces of land, making it difficult for countless monks to cross the thunder pool.

The long river is hundreds of feet wide, and the water is scarlet and surging. From time to time, big waves hit the river bank and make a deafening sound.

Looking up, I saw endless bloody sand dunes on the other side of the Blood River.

On the sand dunes, there are white bones and bloody demon corpses scattered all over, which is extremely terrifying and shocking.

Faintly, there is still a billowing of blood, and one glance at it makes one feel that his mind is caught and unable to extricate himself.

In addition to the bones, the bloody sand dunes are covered with all kinds of eye-catching magical weapons and natural secret treasures.

"Look at that black sword. It's wrapped in black aura. The sword aura is compelling. It has the aura of a king among soldiers."

"The knife that cut off the skull of the demon corpse is not bad. It seems that the demon corpse is an expert who has cultivated to the Great Wuluo Golden Core Realm. It can cut off the head of the Great Wuluo Golden Core Realm. It is a precious sword."

"I like that golden Overlord Spear. After thousands of years, it still shines like gold and looks domineering. It is definitely a magic gun."

A group of people stood on this side of the river, greedily looking at the treasures on the other side of the river, their eyes already filled with passion.

However, they will also have to live with their eyesight. A group of people stand by the river, with nothing to do.

"Why not cross the river?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, there were between a thousand and eight hundred people standing on the river bank, but no one crossed the river, which made Zhuo Bufan extremely puzzled.

An old Taoist in white clothes standing next to Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"Huangkou kid, do you think crossing the river is easy? Do you know what kind of river this is?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head honestly.

"have no idea."

"Tch, you don't even know this river, how dare you come to the bloody desert? How did you get here?"

The old man in white clothes was obviously in disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said.

"I flew here!"

"Senior, you haven't said what kind of river this is yet."

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

He knew very well that since so many people stood by the river and did not dare to cross the river, it was obvious that the river was not as turbulent as it seemed.

After hearing this, the old man in white clothes stroked his beard, then squinted at Zhuo Bufan, and finally said.

"Then I'll tell you!"

"This river is called the Blood Devouring Divine River."

"The sand at the bottom of this river contains a kind of blood-colored god-eating sand. This kind of sand can swallow people's souls, which is extremely terrifying."

"You know, the Blood Altar in Shihuang City is made of this God-Eating Sand."

"Once you cross the river, you will be affected by the God-Eating Sand at the bottom of the river, and you will have inner demons."

"No one dares to fly over easily, no matter whether they are humans or animals."

"Only those souls in the Yuan Shen realm that have transcended the entanglements of inner demons can survive unscathed."

"Under the Yuanshen realm, we can only stay away."

The old Taoist in white told Zhuo Bufan about the origin of the Blood-devouring Divine River.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

He didn't expect this river to be so terrifying, and he couldn't even cross it if he was in the Yuan Shen realm.

But the Xuantai he was looking for was just across the river! Do you want him to give up?

"Boy, you are in the Immortal Ascension Realm, right? Give up. You can't even survive in the Yuan Shen Realm."

The old Taoist in white felt that Zhuo Bufan's spiritual realm was similar to his, so he persuaded him.

"In fact, the opposite side of the Blood Devouring Divine River is the real Blood Desert."

"And this river is just weeding out the weak who want to enter the bloody desert."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"So, senior, you are also a weakling?"

After hearing this, the white-bearded old Taoist was almost so angry that he spurted blood.

"You, you stupid kid, how can you talk?"

"Didn't you say that if you can't cross this river, you are weak?"

When the old man heard this, he was stunned! It seems that I have dug a hole for myself.

"Boy, do you want to practice with the old Taoist? Although the old Taoist is not as good as the Yuanshen realm, he can still kill one or two ignorant children."

Zhuo Bufan ignored the old Taoist who wanted to discuss with him, but walked alone to the bank of the Blood Devouring Divine River.


Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes slightly and saved the file in time.

His three archives now are: West Bank of the God-Eating River, Blood Wasted Sand Dunes, and Mass Graves.

"Can't make it? I still don't believe it!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he jumped up and plunged into the Blood Devouring Divine River in front of him.

"Hey, you kid, are you looking for death?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan jump down, the old man in white rushed forward.

People on the side also gathered around.

"What's going on? Has anyone crossed the river again?"

"Who is crossing the river this time?"

These people are all people under the Yuanshen realm. The reason why they stand on the bank of the river is to see what powerful people can cross this long river of devouring gods.

After hearing this, the old Taoist in white sighed.

"He's a young boy who doesn't listen to the old man's advice. That boy is just in the Fugue Realm."

When the people around him heard this, they were immediately in an uproar.

"No, how dare you cross the God-eating River in the Immortal Ascension realm?"

"He is totally seeking death, Master Mingbai, why didn't you stop him? Another outstanding young cultivator in the world of immortal cultivation has died!"

Some people actually blamed the old Taoist for not stopping him.

The old Taoist cried out that he was wronged.

"I stopped him. I told him clearly that this God-Devouring River cannot be crossed without the Yuanshen. But this guy is so stubborn! He didn't stop what I said, but ridiculed me instead."

After hearing this, the others were shocked.

"No way, so fierce? He dared to force his way across the God-Devouring River even though he knew it was the God-Devouring River?"

"I think he is ignorant of life and death. It's not our fault. Let's just watch him die quietly. No one can help him."

A group of people stood on the river bank, and they could do nothing to help.

At this time, they only saw Zhuo Bufan, who jumped into the God-Devouring River, finally popping his head out.

Seeing this, Master Mingbai shouted quickly.

"You little brat, hurry up and get on the shore, you are looking for death."

"That's right, kid, you are just in the realm of divine wandering, don't be so ignorant of life and death. The opportunity on the other side is not something you can get."

"Pretending to be powerful will cost you a price."

"That's right, we can't help him, just watch him die!"

"If you don't do it, you will die. There are always some people who think they are the proud sons of heaven who are different from others. When their souls are destroyed, they will know that they are just small characters."

Some people stood on the shore and tried to dissuade him, while others clasped their hands and sneered.

However, Zhuo Bufan ignored them at all, or he couldn't hear their shouts at all.

After jumping into the Red Blood Devouring God River, Zhuo Bufan immediately found that his soul was hit hard.


At that moment, his whole brain was blank.


There will be seven chapters today! These two chapters are beyond my expectations. The plot that I have been thinking about for several days has not received a good response! The subscription has also dropped sharply, and the author has gone to summarize the lessons of failure. It seems that the outline for the rest of the book needs to be revised! The heroine is Bai Su. Whether you like it or not, I must explain here that she is the heroine. And everyone has also felt that her identity is not simple. Like the protagonist, one crawled out of a grave and the other crawled out of a mass grave. That’s all I have to say. I’m going to organize the rest of the plot. So there are only seven chapters today! Sorry, it didn’t meet the standard! Please forgive me for that!

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