Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 241 Bloody Monument (Part 2) [Fifth update, please subscribe]

The bloody obelisk stands on the bloody desert.

Hundreds of people surrounded it, as if performing some kind of pious ritual.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a swordsman in green who was standing on a flying sword next to him.

The swordsman in green gave Zhuo Bufan a blank look and said nothing.

"So cold?"

Zhuo Bufan flew to the other side and said to a woman wearing a black outfit.

The woman with long flowing hair stood on a black lotus, holding her hands and looking at the flying Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that this woman was really beautiful.

Zhuo Bufan was just about to ask, but suddenly he felt that it was better not to get closer.

Because he felt that this woman was very special, and no one around her dared to approach her. She had a coolness about her that made people afraid to get close to her, as if she was a beautiful and poisonous snake.

Any man who comes close to him will be bitten by her fangs.

As a result, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to leave in despair, he didn't expect that the woman looked at Zhuo Bufan instead.


Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"You're calling me? I didn't hear you. Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan pretended not to hear and continued to fly away.

"I told you to stop."

As a result, this time, a black lotus stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, making it inevitable for Zhuo Bufan to avoid it.

"Can't you hide?"

Zhuo Bufan sighed, then turned to look at the woman, smiled slightly, and said.

"Girl call me?"

"Why do you hesitate to speak? And why do you avoid it?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he sighed inwardly: "Are we still in trouble? I'd better avoid it as soon as possible."

"The girl was joking. I didn't hesitate to say anything, nor did I avoid it. I was just a little tired from flying and wanted to land to rest. If I have offended you, please forgive me."

"Don't you want to ask me, what is that bloody obelisk?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that the woman would let him go, but he didn't expect that the woman would catch him and refuse to let him go.

"I suddenly don't want to know anymore," was the reply.

Instinct told Zhuo Bufan to stay away from this woman and avoid her if possible.

This time Zhuo Bufan didn't look back, turned around and flew away immediately.

After getting rid of the woman, Zhuo Bufan approached the bloody obelisk, but just when he was about to fly in front of the bloody obelisk, he was suddenly pulled back by a hand.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw a white-haired old woman holding him.

The first time Zhuo Bufan saw her, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Grandma Qiu?"

Isn't the old woman in front of me the Qiu Hall Master of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, Granny Qiu?

The old woman frowned after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"Who are you?"

Obviously, this Granny Qiu was not familiar with Zhuo Bufan. After all, Zhuo Bufan had only stayed at Four Seasons Mountain and River for one season.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"The eighth day of August!"

When Granny Qiu heard this, she immediately understood, and then she took Zhuo Bufan and flew to a place with few people.

Then Grandma Qiu looked at Zhuo Bufan carefully, and then nodded slightly.

"The boy from August Tower?"

"Yes, I met you during the autumn end-of-season assessment at Wumeishan. Of course, you may not know me. After all, I am just a young student."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to meet Granny Qiu here.

After hearing this, Grandma Qiu replied.

"Boy, even if you are a Risheng, you are still a part of Siji Shanhe. Although Siji Shanhe has been disbanded, our hearts have not been separated. Siji Shanhe will always be a family."

"What force are you serving now?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned and replied.

"The boy joined the Talisman Temple."

"The Talisman Temple? Not bad, then you should stay in the Talisman Temple and see what happens to you!"

Grandma Qiu didn't say much.

Seeing people from Four Seasons Mountain and River here was a bit surprising to her.

Seeing that Granny Qiu had no more questions, Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"Grandma Qiu, I have one thing to ask you. I wonder if Grandma Qiu knows the whereabouts of the Holy Lord."

When Zhuo Bufan learned that there was a mysterious altar in the hands of the Holy Lord, he actually had the idea in his mind to find a way to get the mysterious altar from the Holy Lord.

However, the Holy Lord of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers has always been a dragon that never sees its end. He can't even see his figure, let alone obtain the Mysterious Altar.

Upon hearing this, Granny Qiu was silent for a moment, then she squinted her eyes, looked at Zhuo Bufan with a vigilant look, and asked.

"Why are you asking the Holy Lord? Do you have some tricks up your sleeve?"

Zhuo Bufan touched his forehead and said.

"Khan, Granny Qiu, you are thinking too much. Since Granny Qiu doesn't know, then just treat it as a kid and didn't ask."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that Granny Qiu would regard him as someone with ulterior motives.

Didn’t we just talk about the Four Seasons Shanhe family? What about trust between people?

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan and Weiwei were disappointed, Granny Qiu patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said.

"Boy, I don't know where the Holy Lord is. But I know that if your matter is enough for the Holy Lord to care about, the Holy Lord will take the initiative to find you."

"Don't try to find the Holy Lord. Not many people in this world can find him."

Grandma Qiu's words made Zhuo Bufan roughly understand something.

"Okay then, let's not talk about the Holy Lord. Granny Qiu, what is this blood-colored obelisk?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a practical question.

After hearing this, Grandma Qiu replied.

"Boy, have you ever heard of the Red Emperor? This obelisk is called the 'Jiuwuji Heaven-Suppressing Blood and Bone Monument', and it was built by the legendary Red Emperor."

"The blood-colored obelisk you see is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire blood-and-bone monument is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet high. Under this monument, a giant beast from the wild is suppressed."

"Huge, wild, giant, beast."

For some reason, when Zhuo Bufan heard these four words, a picture or a word suddenly flashed through his mind.


That kind of association is simply unreasonable and inexplicable.

Because in Zhuo Bufan's understanding, the only person who was qualified to become a great beast was the terrifying behemoth seen in the cave of blood and bone.

"Blood and Bone Monument, Blood and Bone Cave? Could it be that the body and bones in the Blood and Bone Cave are the Red Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan believes that there are no such coincidences in this world.

There must be a connection between the Blood and Bone Monument and the Blood and Bone Cave.

Red Emperor, Red Emperor, the legendary Red Emperor is as famous as Xuan Emperor!

After Emperor Xuan, the pit for Red Emperor has been dug. Leave a mark so that you can come back and fill it in later!

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