A solar eclipse occurred in the sky.

A wisp of black light began to sweep across the entire earth.

It was as if God slowly closed his eyelids and closed his eyes.

"It's coming soon. When the solar eclipse comes, it depends on whether Xuanyuan Hao on the ship will take action."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Gao Yangxu beside him was trembling all over.

That was not fear, but excitement. It seemed that he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Not only Gao Yangxu, but everyone present hoped that Xuanyuan Hao could alarm the prehistoric beast below and make it create the miracle of ten thousand dragons raising their heads.

Ten thousand dragons raising their heads is an opportunity for the people of the world.

And now, this opportunity for the people of the world depends on whether Xuanyuan Hao can make it happen.

This matter cannot be forced, because no one in this world can force Xuanyuan Hao to do anything.

So, they can only wait, only wait for Xuanyuan Hao, to see if he is willing to help the people of the world.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan also became inexplicably excited.

It was as if he was following the people of the world and experiencing a world-shaking event.


Although he didn't know what would happen next, Zhuo Bufan habitually saved the file.

After all, he didn't know how terrible the next thing would be.

Now his three save files are: the east bank of the God-Devouring River, the ruins of the Imperial City, and the mass grave.

Zhuo Bufan had just saved the file and was about to start praying.

Suddenly, he felt a heavy murderous aura coming from the back of his head.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan turned his head immediately.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu also turned around at the same time, and he felt the murderous aura before Zhuo Bufan.

Only a stunning figure flew from the end of the western sky.

She held a black umbrella in her hand, and the land behind her began to spread under the shadow of the solar eclipse.

But she always stayed at the boundary between light and dark, and it looked like she was leading the entire dark world to attack the ruins of the Imperial City. The scene was extremely shocking.

Everyone felt great pressure.

Gray robe, white shadow, black umbrella, peerless elegance, darkly dominate the world!

Bai Su, here she comes!

The umbrella arrives before the person, and darkness sweeps over everyone at the same time.

The Mysterious Umbrella rotates from the air, like a black grinding wheel, cutting the space apart.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't block this move, but there was Gao Yangxu beside him.

Just as the Mysterious Umbrella arrived in front of Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu raised his Yang Sword and chopped down the black umbrella.


Another fierce explosion occurred, and the ground under Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu's feet fell again.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

The sword in Gao Yangxu's hand was hit by the Mysterious Umbrella, buzzing continuously, making his hands tremble.

"So strong, which female monster is this again? Is it endless?"

Gao Yangxu looked at Bai Su with an evil face.

White glowing crystals flew out from the rings of hundreds of people present, illuminating the world shrouded in darkness.

At this time, everyone saw the "unparalleled elegance".

When they saw Bai Su, they immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

"Look, it's Bai Wang Bai Su, Bai Wang Bai Su is here."

"Bai Su? She's not dead yet? I heard that after she entered the Blood Desert, she was surrounded and killed by dozens of forces. Is this woman a god? She can't be killed!"

"How did she come here? And suddenly attacked Gao Yangxu?"

"Could it be that Gao Yangxu is the little venerable of the Talisman Temple?"

"No way, is the little venerable called Gao Yangxu? I don't think I remember this name."

"Who knows the little venerable's name? The Talisman Temple only calls him the Light and Shadow Venerable. The whole world calls him the little venerable."

"Bai Wang Bai Su is chasing the little venerable. So, Gao Yangxu may really be the little venerable."

In everyone's opinion, Bai Su's target is Gao Yangxu.

After all, Gao Yangxu also blocked Bai Su's attack.

After some imagination, everyone guessed that Gao Yangxu was the little venerable of the talisman temple.

At this time, Bai Su was seen floating in the air with a black umbrella, and then shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

"The cat and mouse game is over."

Cat and mouse game?

For a moment, everyone was puzzled. Including Gao Yangxu, who was also confused.

"What cat and mouse game? What's wrong with the woman now? Just now a demon princess entangled me, and now a black umbrella beauty came and was extremely vicious to me."

"Brother Zhuo, do you think this woman likes me, but dares not get close to me, so she wants to get close to me in this way by any means?"

Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan who was calm on the side with a confident look.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to block Gao Yangxu, and then took a step forward.

"She's here to find me."

When Zhuo Bufan walked out from Gao Yangxu's side, the whole audience exclaimed again.

"King Bai's target is not Gao Yangxu, but the person next to him?"

"Who is that person next to him? I don't know this person at all."

"His cultivation is very low, it seems that he hasn't formed a pill yet, and his soul realm seems to be only the Yuanshen realm."

"No way, could he be... the little venerable of the Talisman Temple?"

Zhuo Bufan stood up, and everyone in the audience paid attention to this scene.

Zhong Shenxiu sitting on the sword throne in the sky, Xuanyuan Hao and his sister lying on the spaceship of the ancient temple in the sky, and the demon princess on the purple cloud palace.

Everyone looked at the ground, and their eyes were all focused on Zhuo Bufan like spotlights.

The matter between the little venerable and Bai Wang Bai Su had long been known to the world.

However, from beginning to end, everyone just shouted and killed Bai Wang Bai Su, but never saw the other party involved in this world turmoil, that is, the little venerable.

Who is that little venerable? No one knows.

They only know that he is the youngest little venerable in the history of the Talisman Temple and is extremely favored by the Talisman Temple.

They only know that killing Bai Su can get a generous bounty and preferential treatment from the Talisman Temple, and they don’t know what the little venerable’s name is.

And now, the secret that has troubled the world is finally about to be solved.

Bai Wang Bai Su, the little venerable who is hunting, is finally going to unveil his mysterious veil.

Zhuo Bufan took a step forward, and then raised his right hand in the air. A black light pierced the sky from his ring.

From the black light, a fist-sized black tripod appeared in the air, and then slowly fell into his palm.

In the black tripod, everyone's soul saw the temple full of divine power and boundless power.

"That, that is the Black Lord of the Talisman Temple, the Black Lord that only the Lord has."

"He is the Lord, he is the Little Lord of the Talisman Temple."

"It's him, it's him, it's him!"

When everyone saw the Black Lord appear in the world, they were all shocked and their souls trembled.

The most mysterious little Lord of the Talisman Temple appeared out of nowhere!

The second update, caught up in time before noon! Thank you for your support! Please subscribe.

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