Read the file to cultivate immortality

Thanks to the leader [Pingyang Chen Er] for the reward, ten more chapters will be added!

This book has its first leader, and the author is very excited. I won't say much about gratitude, but will take some practical actions and add ten chapters.

The ten chapters here refer to the additional updates in addition to the seven chapters guaranteed every day.

I may add one or two chapters every day, and complete them in installments. It will take about five days.

In other words, my daily update volume is around eighty or ninety chapters, it varies!

The leader's name will be after the additional update, and I will separate all the additional updates from the ordinary guaranteed updates. I will not use the guaranteed update to fool the leader and all the readers.


Thanks again to the leader [Pingyang Chen Er] for the reward.

That's all!

The author is going to write...

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