Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 261: Ghostly Soldiers and Horses [Sixth update, please subscribe]

The miserable screams came from the depths of the underground palace. Zhuo Bufan stopped for a moment and then continued to move forward.

The Four Emperors Forum is definitely not a good place with green mountains and clear waters.

It’s not surprising that there are any monsters and monsters here.

Zhuo Bufan is ready for the battle.

When Zhuo Bufan went down to the depths of the tunnel, he came to an underground palace.

This time, he finally saw a figure.

In this underground palace, there are about twenty people standing and observing quietly. Four search crystals are floating in the air, completely illuminating the underground palace.

This underground palace is more than twenty meters high and has an octagonal shape. There are many scrawled patterns and notes carved on every wall.

Some people picked up the books and began to copy and make rubbings. Obviously, they all suspected that these were the notes left by the Four Emperors.

This is the dojo of the Four Emperors. The Four Emperors studied countless magical awakenings before they became enlightened.

Some give up halfway, some go to a dead end, and some things backfire.

In short, these people believed that what was on the wall was useful, so they quickly copied it.

Some people simply sit cross-legged, seemingly facing the wall, intending to understand the true meaning of the ghostly symbols painted on the wall.

Zhuo Bufan also took a look, but after scanning around, he shook his head helplessly and found nothing.

"Either I can't understand it, or it's just a ghostly drawing of a peach charm that doesn't make any sense."

"No need to waste time here."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he prepared to go deeper through another tunnel in the underground palace.

At this time, several people also entered the tunnel one after another.

The tunnel is very large and becomes wider as you go down, almost as spacious as a train tunnel.

Zhuo Bufan followed closely behind the monks. Soon, they came to a T-shaped intersection.

The five people walking in front of Zhuo Bufan stood at the intersection, hesitating whether to go left or right.

As a result, at this moment, a horse's neighing was suddenly heard.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of black smoke spewed out from the tunnel entrance on the left.

The black smoke spurted out, and the five people standing at the intersection were instantly invaded by the black mist.

Only a scream was heard, and Zhuo Bufan was shocked to see it.

In the black mist, their bodies were chopped into pieces by random knives and torn into pieces, which made Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows jump.

Blood rushed up, heads fell, and dozens of Yin soldiers and Yin horses rushed past, trampling several corpses into flesh and blood.

The powerful Yin soldiers, the terrifying Yin horse, and Tie Ge's direction made Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but take a step back.

Tap, tap, tap...

Seeing the dark soldiers and horses in the dark room whizzing past his eyes, Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

"My dear, has this tunnel become a race track for the Yin soldiers?"

Zhuo Bufan watched the Yin soldiers and Yin horses gallop away and let out a slow breath.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, I felt deeply sorry for their arrival.

They were unlucky. If they had walked out a little later, they wouldn't have become the dead souls under the evil horse's iron hoof.

"Should I go left or right now?"

Zhuo Bufan also walked to the intersection, first looking to the right where the black mist was receding, and then to the left where the black mist was coming.

"Xuanxuan, where is the Xuantan?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't make up his mind and summoned Xuanxuan directly from the Xuanxuan Ring.

As soon as the little skeleton fell to the ground, the bones on his body shattered all over the ground, leaving Zhuo Bufan stunned.

"Are you OK?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly pieced Xuanxuan's bones together.

"Xuanxuan, no, it's okay!"

After Xuanxuan was spliced ​​together by Zhuo Bufan, his legs trembled and he raised his head to look at Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you really transformed by Emperor Xuan's blood?"

"You are as timid as a mouse, does Emperor Xuan know?"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely speechless.

It doesn't matter that Xuanxuan is timid, this guy is still too fragile and feels weak.

And its voice is also soft and weak, like a three-year-old child.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear to summon it, let alone put it on the ground.

If there is another burst of black fog, I am afraid that this little skeleton will be trampled into ashes by the Yinma's iron hoof.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Xuanxuan, held him in his arms, and asked.

"Where to go now?"

Xuanxuan can sense where the Xuantan is, and Zhuo Bufan can only rely on it to choose his direction.

He shook his head and pointed to the left.

"Master, go this way."

Then Zhuo Bufan took Xuanxuan and headed towards the left side of the tunnel.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan took a step, the heavy sound of drums sounded from deep in the underground palace, dull and firm, which made people frightened.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan felt the howling and roaring sounds of dark soldiers and ghosts coming from everywhere in the entire tunnel.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think too much, and quickly grabbed Xuanxuan and went deeper to the left.


Clang, clang, clang, clang...

Just when Zhuo Bufan had just walked not far away.

Suddenly, there was a burst of armored horses and swords coming from the front.

Immediately afterwards, a black mist surged in, carrying an iron-blooded murderous intent, and crashed into Zhuo Bufan.

This black fog is extremely huge.

Zhuo Bufan clearly saw that in the black mist, the iron clothes were flashing and the swords were shining.

A group of skeletal warriors, holding bone knives and riding white bone ghost horses, attacked and killed them crazily.

In the black mist, they roared and hissed, opened their ferocious mouths crazily, and bombarded Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn, so many!"

At a glance, Zhuo Bufan saw that there were at least hundreds of skeleton knights in the black mist. They came like a wave, making Zhuo Bufan feel overwhelmed.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan raised the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand and prepared to fight.

The next second, black mist rushed toward him.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to fight, Mu Ran...

The black mist was coming, but the dark soldiers and horses in the black mist all ran around Zhuo Bufan.

All the evil soldiers completely ignored Zhuo Bufan, and the sound of those guys' bones colliding could be heard in their ears.

"What the hell? Ignoring me?"

A few breaths later, the dark soldiers of the black mist carrier passed through Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan stood blankly on the ground, holding the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand, inexplicably.

"Uuuuuuu, Master, Xuanxuan is scared to death."

The little skeleton in his arms was shaking all over, and Zhuo Bufan could feel its fear.

He believed that if the guy could pee, he would have peed all over him by now.

"They ignored me, could it be because of you?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanxuan in his arms.

Xuanxuan shook his head blankly.

"I don't know, but it scares me to death."

Looking at Xuan Xuan's ignorant look, Zhuo Bufan sighed.

"Khan! You guy, if I were Emperor Xuan, I would definitely be ashamed of myself."

"The most powerful Emperor Xuan in the world, a drop of his blood actually created such a coward."

Zhuo Bufan was unable to complain, but he had a vague feeling that those shady soldiers just now might really have not attacked Zhuo Bufan because of Xuanxuan.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that he was cheating again.

What is this?

Stay out of the wild!

The sixth update, please subscribe and reward!

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