Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 263 Robbery [Additional chapter 1 for the leader

Zhuo Bufan successfully recruited nearly 200 ghost soldiers through coercion and inducement.

His black tower can accommodate these ghost soldiers.

These ghost soldiers do not need to eat or sleep, and can be used as a fighting force at critical moments. For Zhuo Bufan, why not do it?

After accepting the power of the ghost soldiers, Zhuo Bufan continued to drive the bronze chariot and rushed through the tunnel.

A group of ghost soldiers followed behind him, mighty and fierce, extremely crazy.

The ghost soldiers passed through the border, making the monks passing by avoid them and feel terrified.

"Am I seeing right? There seems to be a person in the black fog just now."

"It seems that there is, how could there be a person?"

"Aren't there only those terrible ghost soldiers in the black fog?"

"You are not seeing wrong, it is a living person, he may be being chased by those skeletons."

"He is laughing so wildly, do you think he is being chased? Why does he look like he is leading those ghost soldiers to be domineering!"


Zhuo Bufan drove wildly in the tunnel, and became a topic of concern for a group of people.

No wonder!

These monks avoided the skeleton army in the black fog.

However, Zhuo Bufan, this guy, actually brought a group of ghost soldiers across the border and started robbing everywhere.

That's right, he was robbing, and he brought a group of ghost soldiers to rob the treasures that the monks got from the underground palace.

"Robbery, robbery, robbery!"

Zhuo Bufan pulled a piece of rag to cover his face, and then led the group of ghost soldiers behind him and rushed to the three monks who were groping forward in the tunnel.

The three monks were scared to death when they saw the black fog coming.

They had seen many people die in this terrible black fog, and many of them had much higher cultivation than them.

As a result, after being swallowed by the black fog, only a mass of mud and blood plasma was left.

So when they saw the black fog coming, they thought they were dead.

But unexpectedly, they saw a hazy figure in the black fog.

The man was standing on a bronze chariot. In the black fog, there were ghosts everywhere, which scared the three people so much that their hair stood on end.

"Didn't you hear? Robbery! Take off everything on your body. I want everything except underwear."

"Otherwise, I will crush you."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pulled the reins, and the eight ghost horses raised their front hooves high, making terrible neighs.

The surrounding black fog also surrounded the three people.

In the black fog, skeletons holding bone knives rustled at the three people, and their white teeth were shaking with a clacking sound, which was chilling.

"Take it off!"

When the three heard it, they were too scared to resist and quickly took off all their clothes.

"Go away!"

After the three people took off their clothes, Zhuo Bufan no longer chased them and let them go.

Then Zhuo Bufan asked the three skeleton warriors to pick up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

And he took the rings taken off by the three people.

"If you follow the big brother, you must have a set of clothes."

The three skeleton warriors who put on clothes nodded proudly.

The surrounding skeleton warriors were envious, looking down at their dry skeletons, they said they wanted them too.

"You want it too, right? Follow me, big brother, and I promise you will have colorful clothes to wear in the future."

After hearing this, a group of ghost soldiers began to follow Zhuo Bufan wholeheartedly.

Not for anything else, just to have colorful clothes to wear.

Zhuo Bufan relied on his deception to deceive a group of simple-minded ghost soldiers to join his command.

A small soul-awareness spell played a big role at this moment.

This reminded Zhuo Bufan of his other little brother, the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

The Dapeng Golden Eagle also had low IQ and was easily fooled by Zhuo Bufan with a chicken leg.

He Zhuo Bufan could only fool these creatures with incomplete intelligence now.

However, although these ghost soldiers had incomplete intelligence, they were of great combat power.

This army of nearly two hundred skeletons could fight against no less than ten Jindan realm masters.

After all, the leading skeleton general was in front of a great Jindan master.

Although he has become a skeleton warrior now, it is no problem to deal with one or two Jindan strongmen.

Next, Zhuo Bufan led this group of ghost soldiers and started his robbery life as usual.

On the way to find Xuantan, he kept plundering the rings and clothes of the surrounding monks.

"Xuanxuan, have you reached the Xuantan?"

Xuanxuan is now Zhuo Bufan's little lucky star, although this little lucky star likes to scream.

"Almost there, at the end of the tunnel."

The tunnel is very long, Zhuo Bufan feels that he has been circling down, running for nearly an hour.

Just when he was about to reach the entrance of the tunnel, Zhuo Bufan saw a white light flashing at the end of the tunnel from a distance.

"Is there anyone?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that it was the light emitted by the exploration crystal.

"Get ready to work."

Zhuo Bufan pulled the inverted triangle scarf in front of his neck to his nose again, covering half of his face.

Then he pulled the reins and shouted.

"Robbery, robbery, robbery!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo Bufan's ghost horse chariot had already rushed behind those people.

Under the light of the search crystal, three men immediately turned around.

Holding talisman swords, they saw the mysterious black fog coming and were ready to fight.

However, they found that the black fog did not engulf them immediately, but surrounded them.


Zhuo Bufan's second "robbery" word had not yet been shouted out, and suddenly stopped.

Because he found that the three guys in front of him were actually acquaintances.

The three people in front of him, two old and one young.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw them, his mind suddenly recalled the scene that happened in Xingchen Mountain a few months ago.

That's right, the three people in front of him were from the "Xingchen Palace" in the Western Xiuxian World.

And these three people are all acquaintances.

The two older ones are Qiu Wuhen, the master of Tianshu Peak, and Ye Yongdong, the master of Tianquan Peak.

Zhuo Bufan still remembers the battle in Yunmeng Realm, where he severely injured Ye Yongdong and eliminated Tianquan Peak, causing quite a stir.

In addition to these two people, Zhuo Bufan looked at the young man standing between them.

Wasn't he He Chen, who threatened to kill Zhuo Bufan and others on Xingchen Mountain?

As soon as Zhuo Bufan saw this guy, he immediately thought of Duan Xinghe.

Duan Xinghe and his father Duan Yuefeng were forced into a desperate situation by He Ruhai and He Chen.

One became a demon, and the other still doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

Although He Chen's father He Ruhai also lost his life in that storm.

But it was his own fault.

Since leaving Xingchen Mountain, Zhuo Bufan has no good feelings for this sect.

Now that he sees the people from Xingchen Mountain again, he is even more angry.

"Damn it, what kind of robbery! Crush them for me."

Zhuo Bufan didn't agree with anything and started fighting!


Add more chapters for the leader! I didn't prepare anything today, so I'll add one more chapter!

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