Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 268: Subdue the Blood Butterfly [Fifth update, please subscribe]

The intoxicating aroma of wine slowly floated up.

Everyone present was fascinated by it.

"What a fragrant wine, I'm greedy."

"Ah, this wine has not been brewed for a long time, and there is a clear fragrance of plum blossoms in the wine. If it is left for one or two hundred years, the aroma of the wine will settle and blend into the wine, it will definitely be endless aftertaste."

"Do you smell it? Sometimes there is a demonic spirit surging in this wine. It is a demon wine!"

The pungent aroma of wine aroused the greed of many old wine jars, and people gathered around and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan kicked his toes and flew into the air, letting the aroma of wine splash in the entire bloodthirsty butterfly cave.

For a while, the aroma of wine was like clouds and fog, covering the whole scene.

Some people couldn't help but breathe heavily, as if they wanted to smell every trace of wine aroma in the air into their noses.

Among them, there was an old man with a red nose, who was even crazy about it.

"Get out of my way, all of you. All this wine smell belongs to me."

The old man was dressed in rags, like a man of great spirits, leaning on a cane with a wine gourd tied to it.

He had a sallow face, was a little thin, had a red nose, two white beards in the shape of eight under his nose, and under the beard, a mouthful of yellow teeth, drooling.

He looked up at Zhuo Bufan in the sky, flying in the sky with the plum wine.

Whether a drop of wine was spilled, the old man stepped on a pair of rotten straw sandals and flew up, catching every drop of wine that fell steadily into his mouth.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, because he was holding a wine gourd, the bursts of wine smell he emitted attracted the attention of all the blood-thirsty butterflies.

This wine smell was extremely lethal to the blood-thirsty butterflies, and a group of blood-thirsty butterflies frantically pounced on Zhuo Bufan.

Just when everyone thought Zhuo Bufan would be eaten to death by the countless blood-thirsty butterflies, they did not expect that all the blood-thirsty butterflies actually danced around Zhuo Bufan and flew up.

"You want it, right?" Zhuo Bufan began to fool the blood-thirsty butterflies again.

Blood-thirsty butterflies danced around Zhuo Bufan.

They shouted one after another.

"I want it, I want it..."

"Well, go to my Black City and slowly smell the fragrance of this plum wine!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took the plum wine back into the black bone ring.

For a moment, countless blood-thirsty butterflies flew towards Zhuo Bufan's black bone ring.

Zhuo Bufan opened the channel of the black bone ring and took all the blood-thirsty butterflies that flew in into the black city.

For a moment, the hundreds of millions of blood-thirsty demon butterflies in the blood-thirsty butterfly cave flew towards Zhuo Bufan's black bone ring like a tornado.

At this moment in the black city, the wine gourd thrown by Zhuo Bufan was inserted into the ground with a bang.

Waves of wine aroma filled the air.

The skeleton army in the Black City was still confused, not knowing what was thrown in.

As a result, at this moment, suddenly a group of bloodthirsty magic butterflies flew in from the sky.

For a time, hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty butterflies began to spread all over the Black City.

"Coward" Xuanxuan and "Silly Brother" Dapeng Golden Eagle hurried back to the Black Tower to hide.

Because it was too shocking, the number of bloodthirsty butterflies was too large, and they grew into the entire Black City, buzzing.

In the end, even Xiaomei, who was practicing, was disturbed.

Xiaomei got up and came to the door of the Black Tower, and saw the bloodthirsty magic butterflies flying all over the sky, flying like a whirlwind over the Black City, spinning around the wine gourd on the ground.

"What is Chou Bufan doing again?"

Xiaomei seemed to see the red cloud of the bloodthirsty magic butterflies, and then saw the black fog of the skeleton army.

The entire Black City was completely occupied by two forces, one black and one red.

Xiaomei and the others could only hide in the Black Tower and dared not come out.

"They are my new recruits. This portable Black City cannot be wasted."

The Black City is different from other rings. There is no air in the space inside the ring, only a vacuum, which is not suitable for living creatures to survive.

But the Black City is an independent space with air, and Zhuo Bufan can put ordinary creatures in it.

Zhuo Bufan can be regarded as carrying a small world with him. He has long had the idea to transform the Black City and not let it go to waste.

Zhuo Bufan's voice came from the air, and Xiaomei and the others did not dare to walk out of the Black Tower.

They could only let the bloodthirsty magic butterflies and the skeleton army occupy the Black City outside.

After the bloodthirsty magic butterflies flew into the Black City, they began to fall down one after another, and then crawled all over the Black City, the eaves of the houses, and even the city walls.

Of course, the most were in the area where the wine gourd landed.

Some magic butterflies even fell on the skeleton warriors. After seeing the beautiful and fiery butterflies, these lifeless skeletons actually stayed together harmoniously.

Whoosh whoosh!

Soon, all the bloodthirsty butterflies in the bloodthirsty butterfly cave entered Zhuo Bufan's black bone ring.

Then Zhuo Bufan closed the space channel in time.

For a moment, the entire bloodthirsty butterfly cave was dead silent and dim.

Before, because there were bloodthirsty magic butterflies that spontaneously emitted red light, no one took out the searchlight crystal.

Now all the blood butterflies in the bloodthirsty butterfly cave have been taken away by Zhuo Bufan. There is no light, so it is extremely dark.

Zhuo Bufan took this dark moment and quickly flew across the bloodthirsty butterfly cave.

He knew that his taking away the bloodthirsty butterflies would definitely attract a lot of attention.

He was afraid that he had been targeted by someone with ulterior motives.

So Zhuo Bufan had to escape from this place immediately.

After Zhuo Bufan escaped, everyone came to their senses and released searchlight crystals.

"What happened?"

"It was the man with the bamboo hat again. He actually took away all the blood-thirsty butterflies in the entire cave."

"Oh my God, it's incredible. How did he do it? Did he use that wine gourd?"

Many people only saw Zhuo Bufan take out a wine gourd, and then all the blood-thirsty butterflies flew towards him, but they were all taken away.

So they all suspected that Zhuo Bufan's wine gourd had a special secret and was an amazing secret treasure.

"It is very likely that the wine gourd may be a secret treasure. He put so many bloodthirsty magic butterflies into the treasure gourd. I am afraid that no one will dare to provoke him in the future."

"That's right. If you dare to provoke him, he only needs to take out the treasure gourd and release the bloodthirsty magic butterflies. Who dares to step forward?"

"It's really wonderful. That treasure gourd is really wonderful."

Some people showed an extremely fiery look in their eyes, including the old wine jar who rushed to drink before, whose eyes were full of desire.

"That kid is gone, chase him!"

Some people have already set their sights on Zhuo Bufan.

Watching the powerful people passing through the bloodthirsty butterfly cave quickly.

Those monks with weaker cultivation were suddenly stunned.

"That man took away all the bloodthirsty magic butterflies, which is tantamount to giving us another chance."

"Yes, the previous stone gate and the current magic cave, we actually relied on him to pass through two levels in peace."

Some people set their sights on Zhuo Bufan, while others were grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan, I believe no one would be able to enter this magic cave now.

"No matter what, don't let the opportunity go. Let's go too!"

For a moment, everyone carried the searchlight crystal and flew to the other end of the magic cave.


Fifth update, the author suddenly had a stomachache in the afternoon, and the update was as slow as a snail, scrambled eggs!

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