Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 270: Temple of Slaughter [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Pull out a nose hair, kill a pair of silver pills!

Zhuo Bufan was surprised by the strength of the old drunkard.

This is another hidden master. If he forces it, he will not get the upper hand.

"Brother, I killed the man for you. Can you give the old man a sip of wine?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly when he heard it.

Being asked for wine by such a hidden boss, Zhuo Bufan seemed to have no choice to refuse.

"One sip? Well, I'll give you one."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking.

He gently slapped the bottom of the wine gourd with his right palm, and the plum wine in the gourd gushed out, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

Seeing this, the old drunkard immediately slid to the place where the wine fell, opened his mouth, and swallowed the wine into his throat without bias, not a drop missing.

Zhuo Bufan controlled the strength of this slap very well, just a full mouthful, making the old drunkard smile happily.

He narrowed his eyes and swallowed the plum wine with satisfaction.

Then he smiled, and a blush appeared on his old face.

"The old man tasted the taste of a young girl's saliva and the rich fragrance of plum blossoms. Is this a pot of plum wine?"

The old drunkard is worthy of being an old drunkard. After just one sip, he guessed the name of Zhuo Bufan's pot of plum wine.

"Senior is amazing. This pot of fine wine is called plum wine."

Zhuo Bufan said with a bow.

"This plum saliva wine belongs to the category of saliva wine. The best saliva wine is called 'Su Nu Bai Hua Saliva'. It is a unique secret of Su Nu Sect."

"A virgin who has reached the Golden Elixir Realm chews hundreds of flowers, chews each flower ten times, gathers spirits every time, and then melts the saliva and seals it in a cold ice jade jar. After fermenting for a hundred years, it can be drunk when opened, which can make people have endless aftertaste."

"Drinking it in the dog days of summer is like being in an ice cellar, feeling refreshed, appreciating a hundred-year-old glacier, and tasting the dust of history."

"And for your saliva wine, among the hundreds of flowers, only plum blossoms are selected. Plums have proud bones, bloom in the cold, and are naturally more beautiful than other flowers."

"A person who chews flowers, no, to be precise, it should be a demon who chews flowers, shining brightly, and the demon power is at least more than 800 years."

"This demon is simple-minded and childlike. Every plum blossom, every bite, brings its own Precious emotions. Joy, discomfort, pain, excitement, and love! "

"Different emotions release different tastes of saliva."

"Just one sip made the old man feel a naive and romantic little girl, her loneliness, her excitement, her happiness, her entanglement, her pride, and her fun."

"That deep friendship makes me feel happy."

"Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful. This sip of wine makes the old man very happy, very happy!"

"It's a pity that your plum saliva wine has not been brewed for a long time. If it can be fermented for a hundred years, it will not be inferior to the Su Nu Baihua saliva. It is simply wonderful, wonderful!"

After drinking a sip of plum saliva wine brewed by Xiaomei, the old drunkard actually said so many exclamations in one breath.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan even more was that the old drunkard even guessed Xiaomei's demon power and Xiaomei's identity exactly, which was simply amazing.

And what the old drunkard said, every time Xiaomei chewed a mouthful, she stagnated her emotions, and the taste of the saliva secreted by each emotion was different.

She spoke so convincingly and mysteriously that Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but drink a mouthful himself.

A mouthful of plum saliva wine went down his throat.

Sweet and delicious, refreshing, and full of fragrance.

Before, Zhuo Bufan always drank in big gulps, drank it all in one go, without too much aftertaste, and practiced directly.

And this time, after hearing the old drunkard's deep feelings, Zhuo Bufan began to taste every drop of wine carefully.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan seemed to really feel the various emotions that Xiaomei brewed when brewing this plum saliva wine.

Brewing emotions!

Zhuo Bufan finally knew that emotions can really be brewed.

This mouthful of wine made Zhuo Bufan understand Xiaomei's thoughts and feelings more, and understand Xiaomei's mood when brewing wine.

From the bitterness at the beginning, to the gradual sweetness, and then to the happiness later.


The emotion Zhuo Bufan felt most was joy.

Xiaomei brewed plum wine for Zhuo Bufan.

Perhaps she was forced at first, so the wine she brewed carried her own emotions.

But later, Xiaomei volunteered to brew wine for Zhuo Bufan, and brewed it with a happy mood.

Tasting it carefully, Zhuo Bufan could better understand what the old drunkard meant by full of affection and happiness.

"Brother, can you let me, an old man, have a sip?"

"I, an old man, am greedy, so greedy."

The old drunkard was completely conquered by Xiaomei's plum wine.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes moved, then he smiled slightly and said.

"Senior, take it."

Zhuo Bufan gently tapped the bottom of the gourd again, and then a stream of wine flew out from the gourd mouth, drawing an arc in the air.

Then it fell into the mouth of the old drunkard.

"Senior, I want to go to the Killing Hall. Are you willing to go with me?"

"Of course I am willing, of course I am willing. Can I have a drink?"

"Of course."

Zhuo Bufan tricked the old drunkard into his trap with a sip of plum wine.

Zhuo Bufan could see that the old drunkard was not a bad guy.

Otherwise, with his ability, he would have snatched the wine gourd from his hand long ago.

But the old drunkard was begging Zhuo Bufan to reward him with a sip of wine.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to use the old drunkard too much, so he pulled him on his boat to give himself some protection.

"Well, let's go."

Zhuo Bufan put the wine gourd in his pocket, then climbed the white jade steps and came to the outside of the Killing Temple.

The old drunkard followed closely behind him, and his eyes were basically always on the wine gourd in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

He has become a captive of Mei Yanjiu.

"Such a strong murderous aura, what do you think of this temple, senior?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old drunkard behind him.

The old drunkard was stunned for a moment, then his eyes moved from the wine gourd in Zhuo Bufan's hand to the Killing Temple in front of him, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If I am not wrong, this temple should be the place where the Red Emperor stayed before he became a Taoist."

The old drunkard is a master, and naturally knows a lot of things.

Zhuo Bufan also took the opportunity to ask him for advice.

"How do you know, senior, that this is the temple where the Red Emperor stayed? And why was it before he became a Taoist? And not after he became a Taoist?"

The old drunkard smiled with narrowed eyes.

"It is said that before the Red Emperor became a Taoist, he practiced the Way of Killing. He proved his Dao by killing, and he killed so many people that the world turned upside down and the sun and moon lost their light. He killed his way to the Ninth Heaven."

"At that time, everyone was terrified of him, thinking that he was a murderous demon and a peerless Shura."

"But later, when the Red Emperor became a Taoist, he completely changed his appearance. He never killed again. After he became a Taoist, the Red Emperor only killed one person, and that was himself."

When these words came out, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Only killed himself?"

"That's right. When the Red Emperor became a Taoist, he split into nine evil clones. These nine clones were all transformed by his killing energy."

"In order to prevent these killing clones from causing trouble to the world, the Red Emperor embarked on a path to kill himself."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he heard this.

He didn't think about the story of the Red Emperor, which was not as plain as the Xuan Emperor.

Obviously, the Red Emperor was also a man with a story. To be precise, the four emperors all had their own stories.

"This temple has been more than 200,000 years old, and it is still full of murderous aura. I think it should be the temple where the Red Emperor lived before he became a Taoist."

"If you want to go in, be careful!"

The old drunkard narrowed his eyes and smiled at Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you for your reminder, senior. Senior, have another sip of plum wine."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he gently tapped the bottom of the gourd again, and a stream of wine flew out.

The old drunkard hurriedly caught it, feeling very happy.

He was going to enter the Killing Temple, and Zhuo Bufan's sip of wine was naturally to please the old drunkard.

In this way, after entering the temple, the old drunkard could also keep him safe.

After seeing the old drunkard drink the wine, Zhuo Bufan smiled, and then stepped into the temple without hesitation.


The normal update is over, and there will be more updates for the leader later!

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