Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 284 Communicating with the Palace Spirit [First update, please subscribe]

The incident of "Destiny" shocked Zhuo Bufan greatly.

Every wrongdoer has his own owner, and if what Chu Mubai said is true, then his enemy is obviously not only Bai Su, but also the domineering Beidi behind her.

"Is there really no solution?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Chu Mubai.

"There is no way, either she dies and you live, or you live her life."

"Wait, there is a way."

Nothing is absolute. Just when Zhuo Bufan thought there was nothing he could do, Chu Mubai seemed to remember something.

"any solution?"

Chu Mubai touched his chin, then shook his head and said.

"This method is just my guess. It's not mature enough and I can't say yet."

This Chu Mubai was so nervous that he denied himself again.

Zhuo Bufan saw that he was hesitant to speak and rolled his eyes at him.

"Forget it, let's look for the Yin Yang Book of Acacia immediately!"

Zhuo Bufan is now even more desperate for power and wants to strengthen himself.

Xuanyuan Hao was able to obtain the "Qingxian Pu" from this bronze temple, so it is obvious that what is hidden in this bronze temple is not a piece of ruins and dust.

As long as you use the right method, you will definitely get what you want.

However, Chu Mubai said after hearing this.

"Brother, I don't want to follow you anymore!"


"I have no future with you. I'm going to rob you. Otherwise, what kind of spiritual stone will I be able to pay you back in two days?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"Okay then! As long as you don't come to harm me, it's up to you."

Zhuo Bufan never forced others to do anything, and if Chu Mubai wanted to leave, he would never stop him.

"Okay, brother, I'm leaving! But here's a reminder, you can go to the bottom of this temple and have a look."

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he turned around, covered his face, and shouted at the group of people outside.

"Robbery, robbery, robbery!"

Watching Chu Mubai leave, Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

"Go and take a look at the bottom of the temple? What are you looking at?"

Zhuo Bufan looked down at the temple and then flew down.

Chu Mubai would not say this to him for no reason. Since he said it, there must be some purpose.

After landing on the first floor of the Bronze Temple, Zhuo Bufan made a save first.

Then walked in.

There is no one on this first floor, or it has been looted.

There are rows of bronze bookshelves in the hall, and there are some books on the bookshelves.

The books on the bookshelf seem to be arranged neatly and neatly, but if they are blown gently, they will all turn into dust.

"It's been too long. Two hundred thousand years, these ordinary books have long since turned into dust."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Wouldn't "The Book of Yin and Yang Acacia" have also turned into dust?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little worried about the fate of Yin Yang Hehuan Shu.

Then he shook his head and said.

"Probably not. The Book of Yin Yang and Huan Huan was written and painted by the Qing Emperor himself. Every stroke carries the mighty power of the Qing Emperor. It can be passed down for thousands of years without being destroyed."

"But in this case, it shouldn't be possible for the Yin Yang Acacia Book to be placed together with these ordinary books, right?"

Zhuo Bufan carefully analyzed the existence of the Yin Yang Hehuan Book.

However, he searched for a long time but found nothing.

Since it is a relic of the Qing Emperor, it is naturally extraordinary and cannot be placed on an ordinary bookshelf.

Then, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand, and a stream of wind swept towards all the bronze bookshelves.

For a moment, dust exploded with a loud bang.

Wherever the wind passed, all the books were turned into ashes and spread throughout the palace.

"The dust has settled!"

Goodbye Zhuo Bufan pressed his right hand into the air, and all the dust from the palace that was originally shrouded in dust instantly fell down and covered the ground.

When all the dust fell to the ground and there was dust on the floor under his feet, Zhuo Bufan looked around and found that all the bookshelves were empty.

Logically speaking, the flowing wind he released was like a big wave washing over the sand.

It can turn all ordinary books into dust, and the treasures left by Qingdi will appear in front of him.

"It seems that I thought too simply. Does the old profiteer want me to eat ashes at the bottom?"

Zhuo Bufan listened to Chu Mubai's words and came to the bottom of the temple. However, after arriving here, there was nothing except the miserable appearance of being looted.

The entire hall was empty!

"The bottom, the bottom, the bottom..."

As Zhuo Bufan walked, he repeatedly recalled what Chu Mubai said to him.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and lowered his head.

"At the bottom, is there another layer below this?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood. He raised his heels and stepped on the ground.

The feet are also made of mysterious bronze, and it is impossible to detect the depth.

"There must be a secret passage. Chu Mubai would never say those words out of thin air. He must have felt that there is something underground."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his finger and then passed it in front of his eyes.

A pair of black and white demonic eyes of life and death reappeared in the world.

Zhuo Bufan used the Demon Eye of Life and Death to spy on the Bronze Temple, but luckily he could figure it out.

Looking at it, Zhuo Bufan was suddenly shocked. There was really life under the bronze temple.

"There is indeed something down there, but how do we get down there?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around, trying to find the mechanism.

But there was nothing around except bare walls and bookshelves.

"Will this Bronze Temple be able to communicate with souls like the Red Emperor's Gate?"

Zhuo Bufan has now brought the power of the Soul Awareness Spell to an extreme. He will try anything that is possible.

When he raised his hand and placed it on the wall, he activated the Soul Awareness Spell.

What surprised him was that this bronze temple really had a soul, just like the Gate of the Red Emperor and the Gate of the Blue Emperor.

"Who woke me up from my sleep?"

A sudden explosion came from the depths of the soul.

Zhuo Bufan quickly stabilized the rapidly shaking soul and asked.

"I, the successor of the Xuan Emperor, give me your name."

Zhuo Bufan, who had already dealt with the Gate of the Red Emperor, was obviously already familiar with the tricks of deceiving.

He believed that this bronze temple must have been formed from a drop of blood of the Blue Emperor, just like the gates of the four emperors.

"The successor of the Xuan Emperor?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, the soul behind the bronze temple really felt a little trembling.

"I am the temple transformed from the finger bones of the Green Emperor! The successor of the Xuan Emperor, what do you want from me?"

The four emperors knew each other, and they were also brothers.

So after Zhuo Bufan reported that he was the successor of the Xuan Emperor, the Bronze Temple obviously respected Zhuo Bufan a lot more.

"Can I enter the lowest level of the temple?"

Zhuo Bufan did not threaten, but asked for instructions.

He could feel that the soul of the Bronze Temple was a kind thought.

The kind of protection that everyone felt after entering the temple came from this kind thought.

Since it was a kind thought, it should be easy to talk to.

"Prove that you are the successor of the Xuan Emperor, and I will let you in." The Bronze Temple replied.

"How to prove it?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"The Xuan Emperor's life and death body is the proof. I need a drop of your blood."

When Zhuo Bufan heard it, he bit his finger without hesitation, squeezed out a drop of blood, and dripped it on the ground.

After a while!


The bronze ground under Zhuo Bufan's feet suddenly collapsed into a hole, and then swallowed Zhuo Bufan in.

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