Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 286 City Building Plan [3rd update, please subscribe]

The Bronze Temple has disappeared!

Everyone looked at the bronze temple that was supposed to stand in the center with bewildered expressions.

"What happened? Why did the temple disappear?"

"I don't know! Why did this Bronze Temple suddenly disappear on its own?"

"It's so weird. Is it something evil?"

Everyone looked at the bronze temple that suddenly disappeared in front of them inexplicably. No one knew what happened.

"Forget it, there are no treasures in this bronze temple. All the scriptures were turned into ashes."

"Although it's a bit regretful, there is really nothing to gain."

"It seems that this opportunity in the Bronze Temple is just for Xuanyuan Hao to get a copy of "Qingxian Pu"!"

"Let's go to the other two caves! There is really nothing to gain from the central cave."

Some people saw the mysterious disappearance of the Bronze Temple and no longer cherished it.

After all, in addition to this water curtain cave, Qingdi also has two other water curtain caves.

They don't want to waste time here, otherwise the other treasures will be snatched away by others.

No one noticed that where the Bronze Temple disappeared, a small bone ring fell into the tunnel.

Not only the Bronze Temple disappeared, but Zhuo Bufan also disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan entered the black city of the Xuan Bone Ring.

Of course, it was impossible for him to enter with the Mysterious Bone Ring.

Therefore, the mysterious bone ring can only be left outside.

Zhuo Bufan and the Bronze Temple fell into the Black City.

Zhuo Bufan placed it on the east side closer to Tianxuan Tower.

After entering the Black City, the Bronze Temple finally showed its complete tenth level.

A bronze temple emitting endless cyan light was suddenly located in the Black City, causing all the bloodthirsty butterflies in the Black City to dance gracefully.

Seeing this, Xiaomei, who was hiding in Tianxuan Tower, also rushed over to see what was going on at the door.

"This is my city, what do you think?"

Zhuo Bufan is still in the Bronze Temple.

"Okay, great, it feels like seeing the light of day again."

The soul of the Bronze Temple replied.

"Then I'll take this green fairy lantern first."

Zhuo Bufan then put the Qingxian Lantern into his own ring.

Zhuo Bufan's Na Ring and Xuan Gu Ring are used separately, and he puts ordinary items in the Na Ring.

Living creatures or large objects are placed in the mysterious bone ring.

"By the way, there is a book of Yin Yang and Acacia written by Qing Emperor. Do you know where it is?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found nothing except the green lantern.

The palace soul replied after hearing this.

"This book is not in the temple. It must be in the Qingxian Palace of Qingdi Yaochi."

"Qingxian Palace? Where is it?"

"Inside the Water Curtain Cave on the far right."

There was no treasure that Zhuo Bufan was looking for in the Scripture Pavilion, but she unexpectedly obtained the Green Immortal Lamp and the Bronze Temple, and the gains were equally considerable.

"In that case, let's go to Qingxian Palace and have a look!"

Zhuo Bufan will not give up the "Book of Yin and Yang". He has obtained two of the three scriptures, so he cannot give up easily.

"Open the door!"

Zhuo Bufan walked to the door and shouted!


The door on the first floor of the Bronze Temple, which had been closed for two hundred thousand years, suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan was seen walking out of the temple with his hands behind his back.

At this time, Xiaomei, Xuanxuan, Dapeng Golden Eagle and the skeleton warriors who were looking around the temple saw this and came forward one after another.

"Smelly, how did you get such a big building?"

Xiaomei raised her head and looked at the bronze temple that was taller than the Xuantian Tower and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched Xiaomei's head, and then said.

"Starting today, I will transform this city. In the future, more palaces will be built in this city."

"Where is General Yinbing?"

Zhuo Bufan used the Soul Awareness Talisman to call out the Yin soldiers.

Suddenly, a group of black mist rushed towards Zhuo Bufan and surrounded them.

Then General Yin Bing walked out of the black mist and knelt on one knee in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Your task now is to help me bulldoze the ruins in this city. I want to rebuild this black city, and I want to become the city lord of this black city."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan had already had this idea to rebuild the Black City.

Now that he has put the Bronze Temple in, he is even more determined to achieve this goal.

Zhuo Bufan was worried that he didn't know what to do with these Yin soldiers, so he asked them to do hard labor first.

When Xiaomei heard this, she clapped her hands and applauded.

"Okay, okay, smelly, I'm bored! Let me build the city, I'll build the city."

"Are you coming?" Zhuo Bufan said with a smile, "Are you too busy to come here alone?"

"Who said I'm alone? I'm a demon! And I have so many cuties!"

Xiaomei stretched out her hand and called, and hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty butterflies in the city flew up, and then formed a huge humanoid giant around Xiaomei.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Can you control these bloodthirsty butterflies?"

"Hey, I didn't expect them to like my aunt's plum wine. They also like every drop of my aunt's spit."

"They are all my slaves now, and they can do whatever my aunt tells them to do."

Xiaomei said quite proudly.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xiaomei would subdue all these terrifying bloodthirsty butterflies while he was away.

"Those are not slaves, they are your companions!"

Zhuo Bufan touched Xiaomei's head and continued.

"Since you are so capable, I will leave the construction of the new city to you! I will send some buildings in from time to time, and you will be responsible for building the new city."

Zhuo Bufan saw that Xiaomei was eager to try, so he decided to give her the position of general commander of the construction of the new city.

Anyway, Xiaomei would be bored staying in the Black City, so it would be a good idea to let her build a new city.

"Don't worry, Chou Bufan, I will definitely build the most beautiful royal city in the world."

"I will plant plum trees everywhere in this city, and this city will be called Plum City in the future."

Xiaomei became more and more excited as she spoke, and she couldn't wait to start working immediately.

Zhuo Bufan could already imagine what the Plum City built by Xiaomei would look like!

"Then I'll leave it to you, I'm going out."

After Zhuo Bufan finished explaining the matter, he left the Xuan Gu Ring space.

Returning to the Qingdi Cave, he found that there were no people in the cave, and everyone had left in disappointment.

The Bronze Temple disappeared, and it was obviously unnecessary to stay.

The disappeared Bronze Temple left only a deep pit underground.

Zhuo Bufan appeared in the deep pit, picked up the Mysterious Bone Ring from the ground, and put it on his hand again.

"The Water Curtain Cave on the far right? Go and look for it!"

Zhuo Bufan learned the whereabouts of the Yin-Yang Hehuan Book from the Bronze Temple's Palace Spirit.

So he didn't think much about it, and after saving the file, he flew out of the cave and headed towards Qingxian Yaochi.


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