Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 293: Su and Fan (Part 2)

Donghuang Bell, awakened!

The awakening mentioned by Zhuo Bufan is naturally the soul of Donghuang Bell.

It is also commonly known as the spirit of the instrument!

All ancient artifacts and natural secret treasures have their own souls.

It's just that ordinary people can't communicate with them at all.

After all, the spirits of the instruments don't know human language, they only have souls.

If you want to communicate with them, you can only communicate with the soul.

It's a long process for ordinary cultivators to communicate with the spirit of the artifact.

First, you have to use your blood and soul to nourish the artifact and let the artifact get familiar with your breath.

Then, get along with the artifact day and night, eat and sleep together, often accompany the body, build feelings, and reach a tacit understanding of the soul.

Finally, the soul is unified and a contract is established with the spirit of the artifact.

In fact, this method is the same as the way to comprehend the soul-aware spell.

It's just that many people have not been able to study this aspect in depth, and don't know what soul resonance and quantum entanglement are.

For Zhuo Bufan, who has mastered the soul-aware spell, he doesn't need to be so troublesome.

He doesn't need to spend time with the artifact day and night, build feelings, and establish tacit understanding.

Because he can communicate directly with the artifact spirit.

Seeing the reaction of the Donghuang Bell just now, Zhuo Bufan knew that the artifact spirit had awakened.

Otherwise, it would not take the initiative to fight back against the Black King.

After seeing this situation, Zhuo Bufan immediately activated the Soul Awareness Talisman, allowing his soul to communicate with the artifact spirit of the Donghuang Bell.

Soon, his soul and the soul of the Donghuang Bell reached the same frequency and started a dialogue.

Zhuo Bufan did not speak first, but listened to the heart of the Donghuang Bell.

Only to hear that the Donghuang Bell was laughing loudly at this moment.

"Hahahaha, these stupid humans, I just let out a little light and scared him like a dog!"

"Let me scare him again."

As a result, at this time, I saw that the Donghuang Bell began to glow again.

There was a faint gathering of energy.

The Black King was frightened and his legs went weak.

"Grandpa Donghuang, please show mercy, please show mercy!"

The Black King was indeed a very arrogant person in front of others, but after failing to show off and being taught a lesson by Donghuang Zhong, he instantly became timid.

"Hahahahaha! I'm so happy! I'm so happy."

"I haven't been so happy for a long, long time. That little bastard Qingdi sealed me on this altar and then went to ascend alone."

"Who can understand my loneliness?"

"Forget it, luckily I'm smart and hid someone. From now on, you will accompany me to relieve my boredom!"

"Hehe, I stole someone, and no one should find out, right?"


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's head was full of black lines.

He thought he had heard it wrong!

"Why do I sound like the voice of a bandit?"

Zhuo Bufan thought he would hear the old and heavy heart that came from the ancient times of Xiantian and had accumulated for countless years.

Unexpectedly, what he heard was a voice full of swearing, like an arrogant little bandit.

Zhuo Bufan, who couldn't believe it, listened to it again.

"It's boring to just steal a woman! Human life is limited. Who will play with me when she dies? How about stealing another man!"

"One woman, plus one man, then it equals countless people!"

"Hahaha, I'm simply a genius. In this way, I won't be lonely anymore."

"After hundreds of thousands of years, I will have tens of thousands of people. By then, I will be their heaven."


Zhuo Bufan was confused again!

He didn't hear it wrong, that was the heart of the Donghuang Bell.

The spirit of the Donghuang Bell made Zhuo Bufan not know how to evaluate it.

He felt embarrassed to evaluate it.

If he had to make an evaluation, it would be "funny"!

Qiankun Wuji Chaos Bell, the innate artifact Donghuang Bell, an artifact that existed before the birth of the sky.

It's funny!

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a bold idea.

The spirit of the Donghuang Bell is a fool with a low IQ!

Can I fool it?

Zhuo Bufan is proficient in fooling people, and he is confident that he can fool such a fool into becoming his younger brother.

At first, Zhuo Bufan thought that the spirit of the Donghuang Bell had accumulated countless years and was a wise soul.

However, after hearing its childish thoughts, Zhuo Bufan changed his mind.

At the same time, he had a bold idea to get the Donghuang Bell.

Once an idea is born, it spreads just like saying it!

Zhuo Bufan listened to the thoughts of the Donghuang Bell spirit again.

"Which man should I find?"

"There are so many men around, I have to find a strong young man!"

"He will give me countless offspring in the future, and the task is arduous! Which guy is suitable?"

Just when Donghuang Bell was looking for a stallion, Zhuo Bufan's voice suddenly sounded in his soul.


Zhuo Bufan asked.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan's voice suddenly startled Donghuang Bell.

"Who, who is talking to me?"

Donghuang Zhong was more shocked than Zhuo Bufan had imagined.

"Hey, it's me, the one in black clothes in the east, waving."

Donghuang Zhong looked towards the east and saw Zhuo Bufan waving.

"You kid, can you talk to me?"

Obviously, Donghuang Bell never expected that a human would talk to him.

Since its birth, it has never communicated with anyone or life except Qingdi.

Unexpectedly, today, a human would actually communicate with him.

"You must be the Donghuang spirit! Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhuo Bufan."

Zhuo Bufan's soul talked to Donghuang Bell.

Obviously, Donghuang Bell's reaction was beyond Zhuo Bufan's expectation.

This guy screamed as if he had discovered a new continent.

"You can actually communicate with me, great, great."

"Human, you are awesome! I haven't talked to anyone for a long time. I'm so excited, so excited!"

The soul of Donghuang Bell began to get excited.

As soon as it got excited, the whole Donghuang Bell began to tremble.

The divine power vibrated from Donghuang Bell.

Boom boom boom boom!

The sound of the bells echoed in the abyss, and everyone fell from the sky with their heads in their arms.

The soul was howling in agony.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, my soul is about to collapse."

Zhuo Bufan naturally couldn't bear the waves of magic sound from the Donghuang Bell, and his soul shouted quickly.

Donghuang Bell immediately quieted down when he heard it.

"Okay, okay, I'm not excited. You can't die!"

"You're the best, my little darling, you can't die!"

Donghuang Bell was so excited that it was talking nonsense. It was like it had got its beloved treasure, and it was afraid of hurting Zhuo Bufan at this moment.

Zhuo Bufan was full of black lines at this moment, he knew that he was being treated as a toy.

"By the way, I just need a man, it's you, it's you."

Donghuang Bell suddenly laughed.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.


Before he could react, suddenly, Donghuang Bell made a sound with a thump, making a sound that was more firm and heavy than before.


For a moment, chaos was agitated, and the universe was sending out feedback.

Everyone in the abyss had not recovered from the shock just now.

The next second, everyone's soul seemed to have suffered a thunder tribulation.

With a loud bang, they fell to the ground and fainted.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul was hit hard by a soul hammer.

Then, he lost his consciousness.

Thanks to the four book friends "Dream Soul, Me Yo Yo Yo Me, Dream Flying, Cloudy Day Wants to Sleep" for their rewards, and thank you all for your support.

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