Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 303 Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing

After leaving the abyss, Zhuo Bufan overwrote the previous save file.

Without the Chaos Bell's confinement, he found that the save file could be used.

It is obvious that the Chaos Bell does have the ability to suppress space and confine time.

I won't say more this time!

After Zhuo Bufan flew out of the abyss, he still didn't see anyone.

Miraculously, the White Emperor's Gate had been opened by someone at some point.

Obviously, everyone else had entered the White Emperor's Gate.

However, it was indeed a bit suspicious that no one stayed in the abyss.

After all, it was the Chaos Bell. Even if it couldn't be obtained, there wouldn't be no audience.

"Has there been a fight here?"

There was not only no one above the abyss, but also pits everywhere on the surrounding cliffs.

There were some internal organs hanging everywhere, as well as bloodstains and bodies that had already cooled down.

Not only had a fight taken place here, but it was also quite miserable.

"What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan asked puzzledly.

Then he flew to the other side of the abyss and came to the White Emperor's Gate.

Then he put his hand on the door and communicated with the soul of the Gate of the White Emperor.

The soul of the Gate of the White Emperor was very easy to talk to and responded to Zhuo Bufan's question.

"What happened here?"

Zhuo Bufan asked after obtaining the consent of the Gate of the White Emperor.

"It was Qinghou, the Qinghou raised by the Green Emperor broke through the seal and began to ravage the earth."

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard it.

He didn't expect that Qinghou was still born, and no one could suppress it.

"Then who opened you?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the Gate of the Four Emperors could not be opened by everyone unless approved.

"It was a girl, she had the breath of the White Emperor. Just now, she ordered me to open the door."

"Just now? Bai Su!"

Zhuo Bufan thought of Bai Su first.

Except Bai Su, he couldn't think of anyone who had the breath of the White Emperor.

"Everyone go in. The appearance of Qinghou may cause a catastrophe."

The Gate of the White Emperor opened its door under Bai Su's order, but behind the door was a horrible battlefield.

Zhuo Bufan escaped the disaster because he came out of the Chaos Bell late.

"Gate of the White Emperor, are you willing to follow me out of here? Can I take you away?"

Zhuo Bufan began to invite the Gate of the White Emperor, just like he invited the Bronze Temple.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to rebuild the Black City, and the Gate of the White Emperor could obviously be used as a city gate.

"Take me away from here? Whatever! I'm just a door, I don't have any use."

The Gate of the White Emperor responded.

"Who said you are useless? You are the gate of my Black City, the most important gate in the world."

After Zhuo Bufan agreed to the Gate of the White Emperor, he took it into the Black City and handed it to Xiaomei and the others.

After putting away the Gate of the White Emperor, Zhuo Bufan looked at the huge doorway in front of him.

Behind the doorway, bursts of miserable cries came.

The gate of Baidi was opened, and inside there were not only the relics of Baidi, but also a mad Qinghou.

Qinghou, the bronze dragon made by Qingdi, was comparable to the prehistoric beast.

Zhuo Bufan walked into the doorway, and there were bones and corpses everywhere, which was shocking.

In front of him was a jade-step corridor, and the white jade floor was covered with blood and corpses.

"Old Zhong, do you know Qinghou?"

After becoming the owner of Chaos Bell, Zhuo Bufan now called it Old Zhong.

After hearing this, Chaos Bell replied lazily.

"Of course I know, it's a snake made by Qingdi. Xiao Zhuozi, when are we going to leave this dark place? I want to see the sun."

Chaos Bell was liberated, but Zhuo Bufan didn't plan to answer the ground yet, he had other tasks.

"Wait a little longer! I'm going to look for the relics of Emperor Xuan."

"Emperor Xuan? Come to think of it, I did find out that what you are practicing is Emperor Xuan's body of life and death, right?"

Chaos Bell said casually.

"Do you know the body of life and death?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"How could I not know that Qingdi would fight with Emperor Xuan every time he met him. As a result, Qingdi would be beaten into a pig's head every time."

"It's all because Emperor Xuan's body of life and death suppressed his Qingxian spirit body."

Hearing what Chaos Bell said, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that he might be able to learn what kind of person Emperor Xuan is from Chaos Bell.

"Who is Emperor Xuan?"

Zhuo Bufan asked directly.

As a result, Chaos Bell was silent when asked this question.

After a long silence, he answered.

"After I became the artifact of Emperor Qingdi, I only met Emperor Xuan three times."

"The first time, Emperor Qingdi took me to duel with him."

"Duel?" Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

"That's right, a life-and-death duel for the White Emperor. That battle was so intense that the sky and the earth went dark, and the entire East China Sea was set on fire."

"As a result, the Green Emperor was killed, and the Black Emperor was barely alive and almost died together."

"But both of them are the pride of the world since ancient times. Unexpectedly, in the duel, the Black Emperor took a step ahead of the Green Emperor and became a saint. And mastered the saint's rule 'reincarnation'."

"The Green Emperor was defeated by 'reincarnation'. I was also sealed by 'reincarnation' for a full three thousand years. After this battle, the Green Emperor was defeated, and the Black Emperor took the White Emperor away."

The words of the Chaos Bell made Zhuo Bufan secretly shocked.

He didn't expect that the Green Emperor and the Black Emperor would actually fight a life-and-death duel for the White Emperor.

"Qingdi was originally a love-struck man, Baidi was his true love. But after that battle, the woman followed Xuandi. Qingdi was stimulated and became a promiscuous man."

"He indulged himself in the world and married anyone. He was free for three thousand years. Three thousand years later, he met Xuandi for the second time, and found out that Baidi was dead."

"Baidi, dead?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Baidi, the most mysterious of the four ancient emperors. People know very little about her.

"The kid Qingdi fought another battle with Xuandi without saying a word. In the second battle, Qingdi had become a saint and mastered the saint's rule 'Di Ming'."

"In that battle, half of the holy land was destroyed by them. Three of the five pillars of heaven, Jianmu, Futu and Sangyu, were interrupted by them. The entire cultivation world was almost destroyed."

"That battle can be said to be a disaster for the entire holy land and even the cultivation world."

"What was the result?"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to know the result. It was hard for him to imagine what kind of destruction would happen if the two emperors went to war.

"The result? Qingdi was beaten into a pig's head again. Xuandi's strength was already above the rules. Qingdi suspected that it was that guy who killed Baidi to prove the Tao."

"Killing his wife to prove the Tao?"

Zhuo Bufan was horrified. He couldn't imagine that Xuandi would kill Baidi and achieve a realm above the saints?

"What about the third time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked, he was more and more curious about Xuandi now.

Xuandi was simply an eternal mystery.

"The third battle was even more exaggerated. It was five thousand years after the second battle."

"One day, Qingdi suddenly learned that Xuandi was preparing to ascend. Qingdi decided to challenge him again before he ascended."

"At that time, Qingdi was above the rules. He was the king of all saints and the strongest man in the Holy Land. He could basically exert all my strength."

"Above the rules? Has Qingdi reached that point?" Zhuo Bufan said fascinatedly.

"Yes, in that battle, both sides did not fight for any personal grudges, but just for a simple battle."

"But because their previous two battles were too exaggerated, they aroused opposition from all the saints in the Holy Land. They were forbidden to fight."

"Forbidden?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Of course it's impossible. The two also felt that if they really started a war, they might collapse the entire world of immortal cultivation. So they made an appointment in Yunmeng Realm. A battle of souls and spirits was launched."

"Souls and spirits?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, that battle of souls directly destroyed the Yunmeng Realm."

"The Yunmeng Realm was created by the innate artifact of the White Emperor - the Creation Pearl."

"The Creation Pearl was born before me, but it was destroyed by those two lunatics."

Hearing what the Chaos Bell said, Zhuo Bufan was inexplicably relieved.

Fortunately, the two emperors did not fight in the Xiuxian Realm at that time, otherwise, the Xiuxian Realm might have been really destroyed.

However, Zhuo Bufan clarified one thing for the Xuan Emperor.

The Yunmeng Realm was not destroyed by the Xuan Emperor alone, but was destroyed by the battle between the Qing Emperor and the Xuan Emperor.

"In general, Emperor Xuan is the strongest man I have ever seen. If I hadn't met Emperor Qing first, maybe I would rather become Emperor Xuan's artifact."

"That man has been suppressing Emperor Qing all his life. After that battle, Emperor Qing completely accepted his fate."

"He told me that man was a peak he could never climb and the most respected opponent in his life."

"In fact, without Emperor Xuan, Emperor Qing might not be Emperor Qing, but just a monster. It is because of Emperor Xuan's existence that Emperor Qing constantly surpasses his limits."

"Emperor Qing has only one wish in his life, which is to surpass Emperor Xuan. As a result, he did not fulfill this wish until he ascended."

Hearing the sigh of Chaos Bell, Zhuo Bufan finally had a deeper understanding of the mysterious Emperor Xuan.

"Then do you know why Emperor Xuan established the rules of the Jedi Tiantong? Imprisoning all the ascenders in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan finally asked the question he wanted to know the answer to the most.

Not only did he want to know, the whole world wanted to know why Emperor Xuan sealed this world.

However, after hearing Chaos Bell, he was puzzled.

"The sky is connected to the earth? Imprisoned the world?"

"I don't know. In fact, the Green Emperor ascended to heaven before the Black Emperor. After that battle, the Green Emperor suddenly decided to ascend to heaven, so he sealed me here."

"I don't know what happened afterwards. What? Did the kid the Black Emperor seal the world?"

Obviously, Chaos Bell didn't know either.

"You don't know? The Black Emperor sealed the entire world of immortal cultivation, destroyed the Buzhou Mountain leading to the Holy Land, and cut off the immortal fate of all immortal cultivators in the world. He is not judged very well in the hearts of the world."

Zhuo Bufan told Chaos Bell what the Black Emperor did later.

After listening, Chaos Bell sighed and said.

"Then I don't know. But no one really understands why the Black Emperor acts. He is a complete mystery and no one can see through him."

"The Green Emperor once said that there is only one person in this world who understands the Black Emperor."

"Who?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"That person is the White Emperor, Bai Shu!"


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