Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 321 The Return of the Venerable [Second update, please subscribe]

"My lord, I'm sorry!"

"Forget it, I didn't stand firm."

After Zhuo Bufan stood up from the ground, a group of people rushed to apologize to him.

When these people saw Zhuo Bufan's little black master, they immediately understood that Zhuo Bufan was the little black master who was popular all over the world recently.

After all, who else could such a young venerable person be besides that young venerable person?

"My dear sir, please wait, I will send someone immediately to ask Lord Ni to pick you up."

The status of respecting people is extraordinary.

He had been treated as an intruder before and was ready to be tied up in front of City Lord Ni to be punished.

But now, City Lord Ni is invited to listen to Zhuo Bufan's instructions.

"City Lord Ni? The City Lord of Temple City?"

"No, no, there are eleven city lords in Temple City, and each city district is under the jurisdiction of a city lord. We are city district No. 11, under the management of City Lord Ni."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, probably understanding what was going on.

"Haha, it's my first time to come to Temple City, and I'm still a little unclear about the situation. There's no need to invite the city lord, keep a low profile, keep a low profile!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

When he came back this time, he didn't intend to cause a sensation.

"Is it really unnecessary?" the team leader asked again.

"It's really not necessary. You have to keep my coming back a secret. Do you understand?"


"It's nothing, low-key, low-key! Let me ask you, what is that thing?"

Zhuo Bufan's attention was on the fort that knocked it down.

After hearing this, the squad leader quickly replied.

"Back to my dear Master, those are trumpet cannons. They are musical note charms and are specially used to monitor the airspace. With them, not even a fly can fly in the Temple City."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he grinned.

"Haha, awesome, really awesome."

Because he has personally experienced the power of this thing, Zhuo Bufan completely believes that even a fly cannot fly into the sky above the Temple City.

"Is it a musical note charm? It's really amazing! It seems that I really don't understand the meaning and function of the charm."

It was only after Zhuo Bufan saw the trumpet cannon that he realized that the spell he had learned was really very simple.

The power of the talisman is taken from heaven and earth, and naturally it must be used by heaven and earth.

Human wisdom is infinite.

From the realm of sound, the spells of ultrasonic and infrasonic waves were discovered. Then use it on the talisman to make a fort.

Zhuo Bufan underestimated the people of this world.

"Actually, there are more than just trumpet cannons. There are fierce cannons on the seventh and eighth walled towers."

"There are Aurora Cannons on the fifth and sixth walled towers."

"There are thunder cannons on the third and fourth walled towers."

"There are soul-killing cannons on the first and second walled towers on the ground."

"Because of the existence of these Talisman Forts, our holy land, the Talisman Temple, will be absolutely safe."

The squad leader said proudly.

Zhuo Bufan listened to these talisman forts of different shapes and finally understood why the Talisman Temple dared to claim to be the best casual cultivator organization in the world.

Just hearing these names, Zhuo Bufan felt a sense of security.

"You have worked hard."

Zhuo Bufan patted the squad leader on the shoulder.

These forts were actually built spontaneously by believers. Talisman Temple was not involved.

The purpose of their doing this is to protect the holy place and the venerable people in the Talisman Temple.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he needed to say a word of gratitude.

When the guards heard this, they burst into tears of gratitude.

This was the first time that they received praise from an honorable person.

"Haha, you are too polite. That's it. I have to report back to the temple. Can I leave now?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that although he was a respecter, he still had to abide by the rules of the Temple City.

Since flying was clearly prohibited, he would go to the temple honestly.

Naturally, the guards did not dare to stop him.

However, going to the temple is not as simple as Zhuo Bufan thought.

The outermost wall where Zhuo Bufan is located is nearly two hundred miles away from the central temple.

Just horse racing takes more than two hours.

Moreover, all the walls along the way are equipped with checkpoints and require repeated questioning.

Among them, the innermost walls require special passes to pass.

The squad leader told Zhuo Bufan about this situation, and Zhuo Bufan sighed after hearing this.

"Hey, it's so troublesome! Is there a way to unblock it?"

"Yes, as long as the little lord declares his identity and is personally escorted by the major city lords, the journey will be smooth."

The squad leader replied.

"Um, is there any way to keep a low profile?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

"Be low-key?"

Everyone shook their heads, they couldn't figure it out, why should they keep a low profile despite their status as a respected person?

Play pig eat tiger?

"If you keep a low profile, you need to apply for the pass one by one. If everything goes well, it will take more than a month."

The squad leader said.

"Forget it, let's invite your City Lord Ni here and let him take me into the city."

When he arrived at Temple City, there was no need for Zhuo Bufan to conceal his identity.

And he needs to enter the temple as soon as possible. He has several important things to do.

The most important thing is to let the temple cancel the pursuit of Bai Su.

For Bai Su, I feel an inexplicable debt in my heart. Since you can't compensate, then don't bother.

When the captain heard this, he hurried down the tower and went to invite the city lord Ni.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he was invited by the guards to the guard camp, where he ate and drank to his heart's content.

A group of people served him well.

These people found that the rumored little venerable was just an ordinary young man, not as weird as the outside world said.

Soon, the captain arrived at the city lord's mansion and invited the city lord of District 11.

"City lord, look, that's the little venerable."

"Are you sure he's the little venerable?"

"I'm sure, he personally took out the black venerable to show us."

Ni Min, the city lord of District 11, is an excellent spell master who has lived for more than 400 years.

He wore a dark gold and silver robe, with black hair draped over his body like a waterfall, looking meticulous and very stylish.

He followed the city guard captain to the guard camp and saw the little venerable eating and drinking with his back to him.

After confirming Zhuo Bufan's identity, he hurried forward and called softly.

"Little Venerable?"

Zhuo Bufan was wolfing down his food. To be honest, he hadn't eaten like this for a long time.

Because of the mysterious body of life and death, his stomach became very small, and he could basically be full even if he drank the northwest wind.

But after he really started eating, it was like opening the seal of his stomach.

The whole stomach instantly turned into a black hole, which could hold anything.

Suddenly, a strange voice came from his ears. Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw an old man whose face did not look old, but felt like he had lived for hundreds of years.

These two chapters advance the plot, two consecutive pictures!

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