Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 336 Extraordinary Value [Second update, please subscribe]

"Little Venerable? Is this kid the Little Venerable?"

"Wow, it's really small, small and cute."

"I really want to pinch this baby's little face."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the great figures of the ancestors around him with a frown on his face. It was the first time that he was called cute.

Is he so cute?

Zhuo Bufan's glorious deeds this year made many Venerables want to see this legendary Light and Shadow Venerable.

"Little Zhuo, right? Did you really take the Donghuang Bell away?"

"Awesome, you really made our Venerables proud. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, we Venerables are a group of nerds who only know how to study."

"Your light wave theory is very interesting. Before this, everyone in the world thought that light was only composed of photons."

"Little baby, tell me, how did you discover light waves?"

Faced with the questions of a group of Venerables, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a headache.

Fortunately, her teacher Zu Jiuling rescued her in time, dispersed the crowd, and took Zhuo Bufan away from the Fubao Pavilion.

"We are going to reminisce about the past, no one is allowed to follow us."

Zu Jiuling stared at the crowd with cold eyes, and a group of people took two steps back.

He then left with Zhuo Bufan, leaving behind a group of regretful venerables, shouting one after another.

"This Lao Jiu, didn't he say that the boy was not his disciple?"

"Forget it, forget it, let's go and see the little girl, the little girl's Lingbo theory is also shocking."

"Little girl, tell me, how did you find Yu Guangbo, little girl, you are very powerful!"

"As expected of the granddaughter of the Lord of Guangzun Hall, you are not inferior to your grandfather at all."

After letting Zhuo Bufan go, these venerables began to entangle Lan Miaoren again.

The distressed Lan Miaoren could only squeeze through the crowd and leave in a panic.


Speaking of Zhuo Bufan, after he was taken away by Zu Jiuling, he came to Zu Jiuling's residence.

In the Zunrenfang, each venerable has a magnificent residence.

"Teacher, thank you very much."

After entering the room, Zhuo Bufan immediately thanked Zu Jiuling for his help.

Zu Jiuling looked good, no longer as haggard as before, but full of energy.

His hair was no longer as dry as dead grass, but very smooth and smooth.

Zu Jiuling smiled and said, "Don't worry, those old guys are just like that."

"They are locked up in their own research rooms every day, studying the art of spells. After being locked up for a long time, they all turned into a group of weirdos."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, and he naturally understood that these venerables had no ill will towards him.

"Teacher? You look much better! It seems that the new silver pill has no rejection reaction."

Zu Jiuling was dying.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan appeared and saved him and reshaped his body for him.

Zu Jiuling is now a silver pill master.

Zu Jiuling nodded and said, "I still have to thank you, Xiao Zhuo."

"If you hadn't appeared, I would have died in Aolai City."

"Maybe this is God's will. God's will made you appear in front of me, and God's will made you save my meager life."

"Teacher, don't say that. I just did a little favor. Besides, no one's life is meager."

After the master and the apprentice exchanged some polite words, it was finally time to talk about business.

Zu Jiuling sat down, poured two cups of tea, and then frowned.

"Xiao Zhuo, I know something about your affairs. What are your plans next?"

Zhuo Bufan took a sip of tea, then looked up at the beam above his head and said.

"Someone told me to let it go, but I don't like the feeling of sitting and waiting for death."

"Now the demon lord has not made any move, and the attitude of the temple is unclear. Instead of waiting for their judgment, I want to try to do something."

"What to do?" Zu Jiuling asked: "Xiao Zhuo, if you have any requests, just tell me, I will do my best to help you."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly.

"In fact, there is nothing that needs teacher's help. I understand the feelings of the current hall masters."

"They must have high hopes for me, but they didn't expect me to be so troublesome. They must be very worried about me now."

"In fact, since I became a venerable, I have no contribution and progress in talismans."

"So I want to settle down for a while and let the hall masters of the temple know my value. Let them know that I, Zhuo Bufan, is worth the risk to save."

Zhuo Bufan's tone was very serious.

He wanted to seek the protection of the Talisman Temple, but he had to let the Talisman Temple see his value.

The identity of a venerable is far from enough. A light and shadow talisman alone can't say much.

Zhuo Bufan had actually made up his mind long ago. This time he came back to promote the development of talismans in this era, instead of continuing to make jokes.

Zu Jiuling saw an extremely serious look in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"Very good, your talent is the strongest I have ever seen. If you are really willing to do something for the talisman world, I believe the temple will not turn a blind eye to your safety."

A person's value determines the position of this person in the eyes of others.

If Zhuo Bufan showed all his value, then the talisman temple would surely do its best to protect Zhuo Bufan.

"By the way, teacher, I have something to ask you."

Seeing Zu Jiuling, Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of something.

"Xiao Zhuo, you say."

"Teacher, do you know who in the world of spells today has learned your Soul Awareness Talisman?"

Zu Jiuling's Soul Awareness Talisman can be said to be the most valuable type of talisman in this era.

It was with this spell that Zhuo Bufan was able to obtain the Chaos Bell.

When Zu Jiuling heard this, he frowned slightly.

"People who master the Soul Awareness Talisman? As far as I know, there are no more than five."

"Of course, this is just what I know. If someone secretly obtained this charm but didn't show it, then I don't know."

"Well, is there a woman who masters this talisman? Her cultivation level is probably at the level of the Great Wuluo Golden Pill!"

Zhuo Bufan still remembers the mysterious killer he met in the Blood Desert.

Zhuo Bufan was almost certain that the other party was definitely an old man pretending to be a woman.

I thought I could get some news from Zu Jiuling, but after hearing this, Zu Jiuling shook his head slightly.

"No, there is indeed a woman who masters the Soul Awareness Talisman, but her cultivation is not high."

"Who is she?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"It's the Mengmai you just guessed. She is almost three hundred years old and is currently in the Golden Core realm. She has been immersed in the field of soul talismans for more than two hundred years, and she is still my first teacher."

Even though Zu Jiuling is old-fashioned, he has only lived for a hundred years.

"Generally, the cultivation level of respected people is not high. They spend their time studying spells every day and rarely practice. If their cultivation level is not high, their life span will not be long, at most four to five hundred years."

"I see!"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes. He still didn't have any clues about the mysterious killer.

"Then what are you going to do next? Do you need my help?"

Zu Jiuling asked again.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"It's time to show my extraordinary value. Teacher, I am going to retreat for a few days. There is a brand new spell that may allow me to step into the door of the Talisman Temple."

"A new spell? Have you discovered it again?" Zu Jiuling asked in surprise.

Zhuo Bufan just smiled faintly and didn't answer.

The new talisman he was talking about was the petrifying talisman he realized on the way back to the Talisman Temple.

He wants to use the petrification spell to knock on the door of the Talisman Temple.

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