Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 346 Photon Consciousness (Part 2) [Second update]

Guangzun took out the double-slit interference device for water waves written by Zhuo Bufan in the report.

This device is very interesting. It is not much different from the ordinary double-slit interference device.

The only difference is that this device is placed in a square pool.

In the center of the pool, there is a baffle with a one-centimeter-wide gap, which divides the entire rectangular pool into two halves.

And about half a meter behind the baffle, there is a white imaging board.

In addition, the water is dyed red, and there is no reflective device.

Because this time the research is not about light waves, but water waves.

So what they need is a device that can create water waves.

And the device that creates water waves is a metal ball.

The experiment began, when Zhuo Bufan threw the metal ball vertically from this end.

Suddenly, the red water in the small pool produced waves.

The water waves began to spread to the central baffle, and when the water waves reached the central baffle.

Everyone thought that the water waves would be blocked, but they saw that the water waves actually passed through the gap in the center and continued to spread, and finally reached the white imaging board.

For a moment, a red wave crest formed in the center of the white imaging board.

The lords looked at this result and were relatively calm.

"Everyone, what we just showed was the water wave transmission of a single slit."

"Because of the characteristics of waves, even if it is blocked by the wooden board, it can continue to propagate through the central slit. Then there will be a peak-shaped wave crest on the white board."

"And now, what I want to show you is the water wave transmission of a double slit. Guangzun, have you prepared a double slit baffle?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Guangzun on the side.

Guangzun was naturally prepared and replaced the previous single slit baffle with a double slit baffle.

He even replaced the white imaging board.

After resetting the device, Zhuo Bufan picked up the metal ball again, then smiled with a slight smile.

"Everyone, the next moment is to witness a miracle. Watch it!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he threw the metal ball vertically from this side of the pool again.

The ball fell into the pool and immediately produced waves, pushing towards the central double slit baffle.

When the wave reaches the double-slit baffle, the water wave is transmitted from the other side, and water wave interference begins.

Two water waves are generated from the two slits.

Their crests overlap, and troughs overlap, and finally they are transmitted to the white imaging plate.

A miracle happened.

On the white imaging plate, four or five red crests are clearly shown.

The crest in the center is the highest and the darkest. The crests on the left and right sides gradually decrease and the color weakens.

This phenomenon is exactly the same as the double-slit experiment phenomenon of light just now.

After seeing this result, the esteemed people suddenly realized it.

And Zhuo Bufan, who took the responsibility to be a lecturer, continued to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the double-slit interference of water waves. You will find that it is the same as the result of the double-slit interference experiment of light."

"Of course, this does not mean that light is a wave."

"So in my report, there are two more experiments, called round bead bright spots and pinhole diffraction."

"You can try these two experiments. They can almost prove the wave nature of light."

Zhuo Bufan demonstrated two double-slit interferences in one breath, and also proposed two other experiments.

Almost every experiment is to verify his conjecture that light is a wave.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's endless narration, all the venerables looked at the young man in astonishment.

Many of them now have an idea in their minds, that is, to pry open Zhuo Bufan's head to see what is in his head.

How did he know about this experiment and how did he discover this phenomenon?

"Incredible, incredible."

"I didn't expect that a simple beam of light would have so much knowledge."

The venerables underestimated Zhuo Bufan. At first, they thought Zhuo Bufan was talking nonsense, but they didn't expect that he really had his own real talents and knowledge.

"Everyone, please be patient, please be patient."

"In fact, I have also done all of Xiao Zhuo's experiments and have tried them according to his instructions."

"I can tell you very clearly that light is very likely to be a wave."

"But it is also very likely that it is not simply a wave."

At this moment, the Light Master Lan Shi suddenly stood up and calmed everyone's excitement.

"Not simply a wave?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Could it be that light has other forms?"

The words of the Light Master made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

After all, he knew what Lan Shi was up to.

"Everyone, what I am going to show you next is the magic I just mentioned."

"I want to prove to you that photons are not only particles, but they are also very likely to be a self-conscious existence."

"I will call it photon consciousness."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, including Zhuo Bufan who proposed the light wave theory.

"Photon consciousness?"

"Light Lord, are you saying that photons have self-awareness?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Self-awareness is a capability that only living things have. Is light a living thing?"

Light Lord Lan Shi, the Lord of the Light Temple, represents a serious and noble status.

Is he kidding?

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He could see that Guang Zun was not joking. Instead, he showed an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Photon consciousness, isn't that it?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized something.

"Everyone, let me show you what I mean by photon consciousness."

Zhuo Bufan's performance was over, and the next performance belonged to Guang Zun Lan Shi.

"This is a mysterious phenomenon that I discovered when I was studying the double-slit interference experiment of light, which I cannot explain."

"And it is this phenomenon that makes me think that it may be the key factor in breaking the sigh wall."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience focused their attention on Guang Zun Lan Shi.

"Break the sighing wall, has the Light Master actually gotten close to the truth of the sighing wall?"

"I really want to see what photon consciousness is. Can photons really have consciousness?"

"If photons have consciousness, doesn't that mean that stubborn stones are also life?"

The lords all don't believe it, but seeing that the Light Master said it in a very convincing way, they really want to see what the photon consciousness that the Light Master said is.


The Light Master shouted lightly, and all the experimental devices in front of him were collected.

Then, he waved his sleeves again, and another set of new experimental devices appeared in front of everyone.

This time the experimental device is obviously high-end and classy.

In terms of appearance, it is similar to the previous double-slit interference device of light.

But this time the light-emitting device has become more sophisticated.

"The previous luminous device used the Aurora spell, and this time the luminous device uses the photon spell that I discovered."

"This device can release photons one by one."

"Don't you want to see what the result will be when photons pass through the double slits one by one?"

After listening to what Guangzun said, Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded and shocked.

He already knew what Guangzun meant by photon consciousness.

That is the secret hidden behind double-slit interference.

Book friends who think these chapters are nonsense can skip them! Because they are indeed a bit nonsense! But the fantasy world is omnipotent! You can go to Baidu to find out the magical phenomenon behind double-slit interference. I haven't actually done any experiments, so I don't know if it's so mysterious! Photon consciousness is not something I proposed, nor is the parallel universe! You will know when you go and see it. A very magical double-slit experiment, I suspect that I have learned physics in vain!

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