Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 348: Extraordinary Bird (I) [Fourth update]

Photon consciousness is obviously not enough to explain the mysterious phenomenon of double-slit interference of photons.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan knew this result.

After all, great earth scientists have already done similar experiments, and they are more advanced.

There are many explanations for this imagination.

For example, quantum entanglement, parallel universe, photon consciousness, self-intention, etc.

However, these statements are just assumptions, and they all sound so unrealistic.

However, because no other explanation can be thought of, these assumptions seem to be the best explanation.

The experiment conducted by Guangzun did not come up with any reasonable explanation in the end.

However, all the venerables were extremely excited, as if they had really found a way to break the wall of sighs.

"Everyone, you can speak freely about the phenomenon just now."

"Photon consciousness is just my guess, and it is definitely not the true meaning of the phenomenon."

"This is also a question derived from the light wave theory. I think that behind this phenomenon, there may be a way to pass through the sighing wall."

After saying this, Guangzun looked around and saw everyone talking to each other.

No one really understood the phenomenon just now.

Even the other six hall masters were at a loss.

But there seemed to be a glimmer of light in the eyes of the great hall master Yuzun.

"Xiao Zhuo, how about you tell us? You are the discoverer of light waves."

"You are also the creator of this experiment. You should be the one with the most say among all of us."

Guangzun could not explain the phenomenon, so he could only pin his hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

After all, it was Zhuo Bufan's double-slit interference experiment that caused such a mysterious phenomenon that no one could explain.

Although Zhuo Bufan's experimental report did not mention any photon double-slit interference.

The double-slit interference of photons was completely invented by the Light Master himself.

The matter could not be explained, so it could only be placed on the youngest little Master in history, Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, all the Masters looked at Zhuo Bufan.

In their eyes, Zhuo Bufan was no longer a child.

He was a genius.

He discovered light waves and created this experiment. It can be said that Zhuo Bufan led them to realize the magic of the world of microscopic particles.

Everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan with expectation.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

"Since it has come to this point, why not take this opportunity to propose quantum theory?"

"To promote the development of spells in this world, quantum theory must exist."

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan walked out and stood in the center of the hall.

For a moment, the Light Master gathered all the light in the entire hall on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan instantly became a dazzling superstar.

Next, it was Zhuo Bufan's turn to perform.

"Everyone, the photon double-slit interference experiment demonstrated by Guang Zun is indeed not mentioned in my previous report."

"But the phenomenon shown is indeed incredible and daunting. Obviously, the world we live in is not as simple as we imagined."

"The great powers of the ancient times once said that everything in this world is composed of countless tiny particles, and they called these particles Yuanzi."

"The smallest particle of light is called light Yuanzi. The smallest particle of water is called water Yuanzi. The smallest particle of thunder is called thunder Yuanzi..."

"In other words, our world is composed of Yuanzi, this is a Yuanzi world."

"I used to be unable to understand it. But now I firmly believe in this statement."

"So everyone, in my opinion, the real way to break the sighing wall may lie in the study of the Yuanzi world."

"The purpose of this Zunren Conference is to break the sighing wall. The study of light waves and spiritual waves is just a starting point. What we really need to study is this Yuanzi world."

Zhuo Bufan opened his arms, and under the illumination of the light, he looked particularly radiant.

The Yuanzi mentioned by Zhuo Bufan is actually quantum.

But in this world, people call it Yuanzi.

In fact, the concept of quantum world has long existed in this world of immortal cultivation.

But it has not been developed to a certain extent.

And Zhuo Bufan's mission is to promote its progress.

Zhuo Bufan is ready to restart the research on the world of Yuanzi, which has caused the surprise of all the venerables present.

"Yuanzi world? But Yuanzi is so tiny that we can't see it. How can we study it?"

"That's right, little venerable. Yuanzi is the smallest particle in this world. It is so tiny that we can't see it. We can't find out the truth."

"Little venerable, don't go off topic. Guangzun asked you to express your opinion on the mysterious phenomenon just now."

The venerables didn't understand Zhuo Bufan's purpose of restarting the research on Yuanzi, because since the development of the Talisman Temple, all the talismans found have nothing to do with Yuanzi.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed and said.

"I completely agree with Guangzun's statement. If we can solve the problem just now, we will most likely be able to break through the wall of sighs. Similarly, we will be able to break through the bottleneck of the development of the world of the atom."

"Everyone thinks that the atom is invisible and cannot be explored, and it is only a theoretical existence."

"Then why don't we imagine that this invisible atom can be infinitely magnified. From the microscopic world, bring it to the macroscopic world for research?"

"I can't explain the two phenomena that occurred when the photons shown by Guang Zun were intervened by the observer."

"However, I can describe the phenomenon just now to you in a different way."

"Change the description form?"

Everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan in confusion.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after seeing the expected expressions of everyone.

"Everyone, I have a small experiment to describe to you now."

"Suppose, I put a lively bird in a sealed box where the internal situation cannot be sensed from the outside."

"Then put a poison gas device in this box."

"This poison gas device is not controlled by humans. It has a 50% chance of opening, and a 50% chance of never opening."

"If the device is opened and the poison gas is released, the bird will die. If the device is not opened, the poison gas cannot be released, and the bird will still survive."

"People outside cannot be sure whether this poison gas device is opened."

"Then I would like to ask everyone, I will put such a box in front of you. Do you think the bird inside is dead or alive?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to promote the development of quantum mechanics, so he uses the double-slit interference experiment of light of Guangzun.

He then introduced the "Schrödinger's cat", a difficult problem of quantum mechanics.

To make these venerables understand the quantum world, they must open their minds and let them have a big explosion of thinking.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan changed Schrödinger's cat to Zhuo Bufan's bird.

As expected, when Zhuo Bufan put forward this difficult question, the minds of all the venerables in the audience began to be highly active.

They speculated whether Zhuo Bufan's bird was dead or not.


Let's stop here today. This volume is harder to write than I thought. I spent the whole afternoon reading various quantum mechanics materials on the Internet. Now my mind is a mess. I dug a hole for myself! What did I think at the beginning? What kind of talisman temple did I write? I dug a hole for myself! ! ! ! After finishing this volume, I may vomit blood!

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