Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 352: Honoring People Conference [Fourth Update]

Da Da!

As the iron hammer struck the base with a firm emphasis, the venue fell silent instantly.

The entire venue was in the shape of a stepped funnel, and 89 venerables appointed by the Talisman Temple sat in the venue.

Every venerable wore a platinum Hanfu that symbolized the glory of the Talisman Temple today!

White clothing symbolizes the sacredness and purity of the Talisman Temple.

The golden rim symbolizes the dignity and glory of the Talisman Temple.

In addition, they all wore a very dramatic conical white tall hat.

The top of the half-meter-high hat has golden hair like corn ears.

It looks quite dramatic, but this tall hat is also very particular, it symbolizes the noble and supreme status of the Talisman Temple.

A superior sentiment.

The Talisman Temple is a wonder and alternative in the world of immortal cultivation.

Immortal cultivators are to seize the creation of heaven and earth and plunder the essence of the sun and the moon.

However, the talisman master is to explore the mysteries of heaven and earth and delve into the truth of all things.

Even though they are very different, talisman masters have a very high status in the world of immortal cultivation.

After all, they hold the power of many truths, and every talisman used by immortal cultivators comes from their hard research.

It can be said that since Emperor Xuan's Jiedi Tiantong, spiritual energy has disappeared from this world for more than 200,000 years.

And talismans have become the only source of power for mankind.

Every immortal cultivator cannot deny the contribution made by talisman masters to this world.

And the Venerable is the most noble existence among countless talisman masters.

It is they who discovered new talismans and continuously promoted the development of talismans.

It can be said that without these successive Venerables, talismans would not have been able to continue in this world for 10,000 years and still be so brilliant.

Venerable, the original meaning is a person who is superior to others and respects the world.

These pioneers who promote the development of talismans are indeed qualified to receive such a title.

Now, 89 Venerables from the entire world of immortal cultivation have gathered together to start a meeting that will change the world.

This day will be recorded in the annals of history.

This day will be remembered by the world.

On this day, all the talisman fortresses around the world started a sacred seminar.

This is a meeting of the Venerable, and also a meeting of the talisman masters in the world.

The Venerable's topic has been sent to hundreds of thousands of talisman fortresses around the world, and all the talisman masters have started the same topic meeting as the Venerable.

It is very exciting. This is definitely a rare and wonderful event in the world of immortal cultivation.

It is hard to imagine what it would be like for 1.3 billion talisman masters to start a seminar.

The distant Huoyun City Talisman Fortress, now this talisman fortress has become the most famous talisman fortress in the world.

Because it gave birth to two Venerables.

The Light Shadow Venerable and the Spirit Wave Venerable, and they are both rookies in the talisman world, and the fresh meat in the Venerable world.

Now, the talisman masters who walked out of the Huoyun City Talisman Fortress are very proud. They can proudly tell others that they are from the Huoyun City Talisman Fortress.

Some people even rely on this background to make a good living.

After all, they came from the same Fubao as the legendary two masters. Who knows if they know the two masters?

Zhuo Bufan's classmates have become guests of honor in many mansions.

They only need to announce to the public that they are students of Lingbo Master and classmates of Guangying Master.

I don't know how many people have come to invite them to their mansions.

As the saying goes, when one person gets the Tao, all the chickens and dogs will rise to heaven.

After Zhuo Bufan and Lan Miaoren became masters, the entire Huoyun City Fubao instantly became high-end and classy.

The Lord of Huoyun City even reallocated a lot of land to the Fubao to expand the scale of this Fubao.

Of course, it's not just Huoyun City Fubao that has risen to heaven. Huoyun City has also become a resort.

The end of September every year is the time for Fubao to recruit new students.

It's only June now, and people from all over the world have come to Huoyun City in an endless stream.

The number of people in Huoyun City is ten times more than in previous years, and it is still increasing, and it is almost exceeding the capacity.

This most remote town in the far west suddenly became a popular place for studying.

All those who want to learn spells want to join Huoyun City Talisman Castle to study and become the next Venerable.

At this moment, in Huoyun City Talisman Castle, the same research topic was started.

It is worth mentioning that this time the Venerable Conference was broadcast live.

In the center of the conference hall of the Talisman Temple, there is a huge crystal ball with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

In addition, a projection crystal was placed in each of the eight corners of the conference hall.

These crystal balls will broadcast all the contents of this Venerable Conference completely and without dead ends to all Talisman Castles, and even many city squares with conditions.

In this way, people all over the world will witness the process of this Venerable Conference with their own eyes.

That feeling is like being there in person.

"Here it comes, look, it's Mr. Miaoren, it's her! It's our Venerable Lingbo."

In the crystal ball in the lobby of Huoyun City Talisman Castle, Lan Miaoren appeared, which immediately caused the excitement of everyone in the audience.

"Goddess, Mr. Miaoren is the goddess of our Huoyun City Fubao."

"Yes, Mr. Miaoren is the pride of us women."

The students sitting below cheered.

But Mengnu, the owner of Fubao, coughed twice.

"Anjing, it's really unreasonable to say that other women are goddesses in front of our family."

Meng Nu took over the position of the lord of the castle after Shang Xingdao died.

Now she has completely ruled the Fu Castle, and no one dares to go against her will.

That being said, she still seemed very excited when she saw Lan Miaoren appear on the screen.

"Wow, I'm so excited, I'm about to pee."

"Your Excellency, these are the treasures of our talisman world. They are gathered together now, it's amazing."

"Suddenly I found that Mr. Miaoren in the picture is so cute!"

"Yes, why is she so cute?"

"This time, your Excellency's topic is light wave and spiritual wave, and Mr. Miaoren is the protagonist. I really look forward to her opening report, how exciting it will be."

After being shocked by Meng Nu, the apprentices off the field still couldn't hold back their inner passion and began to whisper.

"Mr. Miaoren has appeared, so what about the Honored Light and Shadow? I'm looking forward to seeing the Honored Light and Shadow's performance."

"The Honored Light and Shadow is the number one in our Huoyun City Fubao!"

"Maybe he won't come, after all, he is entangled in that incident."

Early before the meeting opened, some people had speculated that Zhuo Bufan might not appear in this meeting.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was caught in the Donghuang Bell incident, and it was not appropriate for him to be high-profile at the moment.

But at this moment, the picture suddenly switched to the picture seen by another crystal ball.

In that picture, a handsome and fair face appeared in front of everyone.

The next second, the entire lobby of Huoyun City Fubao exploded!

"It's the number one, it's the little honored."

"The little honored appeared, my God, he really appeared."

"He also participated in this honored meeting. The hall masters made the most correct choice."

Not only Huoyun City Fubao, but people all over the world exploded.

The little honored Zhuo Bufan attended this honored meeting that attracted the world's attention.

"Does the appearance of the little venerable mean that the Talisman Temple has decided to protect him?"

"It should be. It has been almost three months since the ten thousand dragons in the Blood Desert were buried, but there seems to be no movement in the southern demon world. Do you think that Donghuang Taiyi is also watching the reaction of the Talisman Temple?"

"It is possible, otherwise he would have killed his way to the Talisman Temple. Now that the Talisman Temple is protecting the little venerable, I am afraid that even the demon venerable will think twice."

At this moment, in the square of Yunzhong City, people began to discuss the appearance of Zhuo Bufan.

And in the lively crowd, a figure in a white cloak quietly retreated.


"Did you hear it? He is safe!"


Okay, that's all for today. Thank you for your subscription and follow-up. Good night!

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