Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 354 White Emperor Sword [Second Update]

A word of disagreement and the battle begins!

The Black King and the Green King are both strong men of the Great Perfect Golden Elixir. Together, they can fight against those with lower cultivation levels.

Facing Bai Su, who has just been promoted to the realm of seeing the truth, the two of them are capable of fighting.

Boom boom boom!

The Black King and the Green King didn't care, all kinds of skills and spells bombarded Bai Su like flowers falling from the sky.

Bai Su sensed the murderous intention coming, and immediately used the Xuanji Umbrella as a shield, easily absorbing the opponent's spell bombardment.

"The wind is coming!"

The Feng Yuan Dao cultivated by Qing Wang can control the spiritual wind and go anywhere.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person slowly flew up from the ground, and tornadoes spun around him.

Immediately afterwards, his entire figure became more and more blurred in the storm, and finally, he completely disappeared in the wind.

Qing Wang, transformed into the wind!

This scene is the same as when Bai Su turned into rain when he fought against the Golden Snake Taoist Master.

Transforming into a Taoist spirit is an ability only possessed by those who are powerful in the Great Perfect Golden Pill.

You can transform yourself into the spirit of the Tao you practice.

Become a wisp of wind, a drop of water, a grain of sand.

Let everything within a few miles become his domain and his main battlefield.

However, this ability extremely consumes the power of the soul. In less than half a stick of incense, the power of the soul will be overdrawn.

This move is usually used against opponents who are more powerful than oneself.

Use it as a trump card.

After all, this is the main battlefield, and all your abilities have reached their limits.

However, if you still can't kill the opponent after the incarnation of the Taoist spirit is over, you can only sit back and wait for punishment.

This King Qing is obviously serious.

Without thinking much, he directly transformed into a Taoist spirit and became a wisp of wind.

Hoo ho ho ho!

Suddenly, a ferocious wind began to sweep across the entire square.

The area within a radius of one mile was completely enveloped in the storm.

Straits of cold wind swirled in the air like icy knives, completely enveloping Bai Su in the field of the storm.

Ding ding ding ding!

Suddenly, murderous intent came.

Bai Su stood still, but the black umbrella in his hand had already turned into combat mode.

She held a black umbrella in her hand and waved it in the air, creating bursts of sparks like shooting stars for no reason.

In the strong wind, King Qing, who transformed into a wind spirit, held two sickles tightly in his hands, attacking Bai Su crazily like a life-threatening assassin.

He is the wind spirit, and any ray of wind is him.

In just a short period of time, he fought with Bai Su tens of thousands of times.

The entire central square of Yunzhong City was filled with a burst of crazy sword lights and shadows.

Everything that comes close will be instantly destroyed.

Even the Black King didn't know how to intervene after seeing this scene.

Hidden in the wind, King Qing could not be seen at all, but the sickle in his hand was a ruthless blade.

Several times, I almost cut Bai Su's throat.

However, Bai Su showed her powerful combat power as a powerful person in the realm of seeing the truth.

Even against Qing Wang who transformed into a wind spirit, she could handle it with ease.

"It's not good. Prince Qing, this idiot, turned into a Taoist spirit and didn't say anything first."

"I can only do it hard."

When the Black King saw Bai Su completely suppressing the Qing King and fighting, he finally stopped holding back.

"Wait until I come and destroy her!"

The Black King fell from the sky with a bang, and a terrifying black aura rose from him.

The black air was so thick that the sky above his head suddenly turned into darkness.

And his whole body suddenly turned white and sprouted, with a black face and fangs.

On his skin, black ghost lines appeared.

What the Black King cultivates is the evil ghost path!

It belongs to the category of magic, and it is also a very domineering type of magic.

Normally, he wouldn't do anything easily, but today, in order to kill Bai Su, he couldn't care so much.

He watched as a two-meter-tall man turned into an evil giant that was over ten meters tall.

I don’t know how many people watching the battle were scared to death after seeing this scene.

"I am here to help you!"

The evil giant jumped up, and then slammed down where Bai Su was.

He looks very tall and bulky, but his speed is amazingly fast.

Not only the speed, but also the power is terrifying.


That punch!

Immediately, the earth trembled, and dozens of ravines appeared in all directions.

The entire square was destroyed in an instant and razed to the ground.

Faced with the furious appearance of the Black King who transformed into a ghost, Bai Su finally stopped holding back.

The moment the evil giant's fist came down, a white light suddenly appeared from under his fist.

The evil giant felt as if it had hit something indestructible.

When it lowered its head and took a closer look, it was shocked to discover.

Under his huge fist, there was an eggshell-shaped white light shield covering Bai Su.

The mysterious umbrella in Bai Su's hand was no longer there, replaced by a divine sword that exuded holy white light.

The sword was completely white, and its energy was like a rainbow.

The moment it appeared, the originally dark sky suddenly became bright and clear, and endless white light filled the entire heaven on earth in an instant.

Everything in the world is like a spring breeze.

The entire people in Yunzhong City were suddenly affected by a peaceful thought that affected their souls.

At that moment, human nature is good!

It comes from the most primitive temperament of human nature, filling the soul.

Everyone felt a beautiful, peaceful, comfortable and comfortable power.

It was as if they felt the desirelessness and powerlessness in the mother's womb.

Of course, not all creatures were influenced.

The evil ghost giant incarnated by the Black King was still full of malice.

This kind of power has less impact on people with stronger souls.

Especially when the evil ghost giant saw the sword, the overwhelming hatred surged in his heart.

"That is my White Emperor Sword, I want to kill you."

He originally got the White Emperor Sword first, but he didn't expect it to be taken away by Bai Su.

The hatred of taking the sword, the Black King naturally would not easily bypass Bai Su.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The evil ghost giant suddenly went crazy and bombarded the white shield crazily.

The whole Yunzhong City was trembling. If it continued like this, the city would probably be destroyed by him.

The city lord of Yunzhong City could only hide aside and tremble at this moment.

The Black King was obviously incomparable to him in terms of strength.

However, could they still defeat Bai Su who had taken out the White Emperor Sword?

The sword energy shield released by the White Emperor Sword was unmoved by the continuous bombing of the evil ghost giant.

And the Green King's sickle in the wind was like an egg hitting a stone, unable to break this supreme defense.

But Bai Su, holding the White Emperor Sword, gently raised it, and then slashed it with a sword.

"Not good!"

The Green King, hiding in the wind, felt the destructive power at the first time.

He wanted to escape, but Bai Su's soul had already locked him and the Black King.

This sword would kill them both together.

At that critical moment, the Green King turned into a tornado, wrapped up the evil ghost giant and dodged to the side.

However, can the person locked by Bai Su's soul escape?

The sword was slashed in the air.


At that moment, there was only a sound and a ray of light left between heaven and earth.


The clouds and mist covering nearly a hundred miles of Yunzhong City were instantly cleared away.

Boom boom boom!

Then, a small half of the mountaintop of Yunzhong City was cut off diagonally and slid down from the cut surface. It fell to the foot of the thousand-meter-high mountain, stirring up a hundred feet of dust.

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