Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 356: Extraordinary【Fourth update】

The child's mother is being hunted by the world.

The child's father is attending the Zunren Conference.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know that Bai Su was pregnant.

Otherwise, how could he have the heart to attend this grand event?

He would definitely travel thousands of miles to find them.

As for Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan still didn't know how to deal with their relationship.

Before parting, Bai Su said that they owed nothing to each other and would never meet again.

However, now that they have a common bond and crystallization, can they really owe nothing to each other?

The Zunren Conference is still going on, and Zhuo Bufan appeared in front of the world for the first time.

This time, the Fuzhao Temple solemnly introduced Zhuo Bufan's identity.

Let the world know what the legendary little Zunren looks like.

This is Zhuo Bufan's glory, and it is also the honor of those who know him.

In the Fubao of Huoyun City, Zhuo Bufan's title is shouted at this moment.

The title of Guangying Zunren resounds over Huoyun City.

Who would have thought that a young man who was still unknown a year ago would now become the focus of the world's attention.

Speaking of which, Zhuo Bufan has been in this world for almost two years.

In two years, he has come to this extraordinary level, which is simply unimaginable.

"Now, please invite the Venerable Soul Awareness and the Venerable Light and Shadow to present their opening reports."

After the Grand Hall Master announced the end, Zhuo Bufan walked onto the podium under the attention of the world.

After standing on the podium, Zu Jiuling deliberately took a step back.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's status was completely highlighted.

This era is the era of young people and the era of the new generation.

Nowadays, there are already four great geniuses in the world.

Dong Xuanyuan, Xi Daoxian, Bei Shenxiu, Nan Haotian, only one is missing, but he can be the representative of the genius of their central world.

Think back to the era of Yu Zun Feng Wanli thousands of years ago.

In that era, there were the East Evil and the West Demon, the South Demon and the North Emperor. The only thing missing was a Central God.

Their Talisman Temple is the number one force in the world, but it has no representative.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has appeared, the older generation of the Talisman Temple seem to have tacitly wanted to elect Zhuo Bufan as the representative of the new generation of the Talisman Temple.

They did not discuss, nor did they receive any notice. It was completely tacit, giving Zhuo Bufan the opportunity to show himself.

From now on, there will be one more of the four great geniuses today.

At that time, the world will talk about -

Dong Xuanyuan, Xi Daoxian, Bei Shenxiu, Nan Haotian, Zhong Bufan!

Zhuo Bufan will also officially represent the Central World and compete with the great geniuses for the world.

Zhuo Bufan could feel his teacher's intention to retreat, and he seemed very calm.

He just picked up the report and started to speak calmly.

"Dear venerables, hall masters, regarding the topic of this venerable meeting: light waves and spiritual waves."

"I, Venerable Guangying and Venerable Hunjue, jointly drafted the manuscript and chose a brand new entry point as the opening report of this topic."

"Our opening report is that everything has a wave theory!"

"We believe that all atoms have wave-particle duality, and all matter is experiencing energy fluctuations all the time."


Zhuo Bufan stood on the podium and calmly opened his opening report.

For a moment, all the venerables in the audience picked up paper and pen and began to carefully record every word Zhuo Bufan said.

The venerables could only vaguely understand what Zhuo Bufan said.

As for ordinary people, they could not understand what Zhuo Bufan was saying at all.

Although he didn't understand, he seemed very powerful.

"Hey, look at the little venerable, he seems to have a very rare style."

"Yes, I have a feeling that the Talisman Temple is going to vigorously cultivate the little venerable. Look at the position of the Soul Awareness Venerable."

"From now on, the four great geniuses will probably have one more little venerable."

"Although his cultivation is not as good as the other four great geniuses, the talent and potential he has shown are probably unmatched."


The people who are watching the live broadcast have also discovered Zhuo Bufan's status in the Talisman Temple.

The hall masters are even more looking forward to his speech.

This is a genius who is watched by people all over the world. Zhuo Bufan's future path can be said to be a step to heaven.


After the opening report, all the venerables in the audience stood up and applauded.

Even the hall masters did not hesitate to applaud. Everyone is full of expectations for Zhuo Bufan's opening report.

"What do you think?"

The hall master also looked at all the hall masters and venerables present.

"Well, please raise your hands if you agree. If more than half of the votes are in favor, this topic will be included in the discussion of this meeting."

As soon as the hall master finished speaking, almost everyone present raised their hands.

The opening report is actually a research plan for the main topic.

Only the approved discussion plan will be included in this ten-year-long meeting of the respected people.

The result is obvious. Zhuo Bufan's opening report was almost unanimously approved.

When Zhuo Bufan's opening report was approved, the apprentices and lecturers of Huoyun City Fubao shouted excitedly.

"It's approved. You are worthy of being our Huoyun's number one brother. The opening report just now is amazing."

"Although I didn't understand what was said, such as the wave theory of everything and the wave nature of the atom light, I felt it was very powerful."

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, the next one will be Sister Huoyun."

"That's right, Mr. Miaoren's opening report is about to begin."

After Zhuo Bufan's opening report was successfully passed, the scene changed, and only Lan Miaoren took her topic report and walked onto the podium.

Zhuo Bufan was the first to open the topic, and Lan Miaoren was the second.

It can be seen that the Temple of the Mantra values ​​the two of them.

Although Zhuo Bufan almost stole the limelight, it is undeniable that Lan Miaoren is a talented girl.

She is the young venerable who discovered Lingbo after Zhuo Bufan's broadcast.

The venerables of the Temple of the Mantra have no less expectations for her than Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan walked down the podium, he passed by Lan Miaoren and gave her a smile.

"Keep going."

Zhuo Bufan was also full of expectations for Lan Miaoren.

"Then please let Lingbo give her opening report."

As soon as the Grand Hall Master finished speaking, Lan Miaoren stood on the podium confidently and said.

"Dear lords, hall masters, my opening report this time is about the heat generation of Lingbo!"

"After my research, I found that Lingbo has the property of transferring heat. Perhaps I can start the research topic of waves and heat."


Lan Miaoren talked about her opening report on the stage.

In the end, her opening report was completely passed with a pass rate of nearly 80%.

The next lords began to show their talents, their imaginations exploded, and they released all kinds of strange opening reports.

Many reports even aroused Zhuo Bufan's interest.

For example, the theory of Yuanzi consciousness, the theory of light wave relativity, and Zhuo Bufan's theory that the bird is dead...

As expected of lords, the imaginations of these smart people are really beyond Zhuo Bufan's imagination.

In the end, there were a total of 52 opening reports throughout the day, and 38 of them were passed.

In the following long period of time, the venerable people will conduct exploration and research based on these 38 opening reports.

They have only one goal, to break the wall of sighs!

End today! Thank you to all readers who support the genuine version, thank you! Good night everyone!

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