Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 368: Su Nu Zong [Fourth update]

At this moment, the Su Nu Sect is preparing for the marriage of the Sect Master.

The elders of the Su Nu Sect are doing their best to arrange this marriage.

After all, this is related to the inheritance of the Su Nu Sect. If the Su Nu Sect can really regain the inheritance of the White Emperor, then what's the harm in letting the Sect Master make sacrifices?

The Su Nu Sect is now completely in decline and can no longer continue.

If no way is found to save it, perhaps before long, this once greatest sect may disappear completely.

This cannot be blamed on the selfishness of the elders of the Su Nu Sect, just because this is an opportunity to save the decline of the Su Nu Sect.

If this opportunity is not seized, perhaps the Su Nu Sect will really be finished.

"Ling Yu, don't feel wronged. This is all for the sect."

In the Su Nu Sect, several elders comforted the Sect Master Ling Yu with earnest words.

Ling Yu is a very beautiful woman, who looks very pure and moving, and pitiful.

She is one of the few talented disciples of the Su Nu Sect, and now she has successfully formed a pill.

To be honest, the leader of the Jindan realm is indeed very shabby.

After all, even the leader of a third-rate sect is in the Yindan realm.

Lingyu is young and very talented, but she does not have the ability to take on the position of the leader of the Su Nu Sect.

She is indecisive and has no ability to make her own decisions.

For this marriage, she completely obeyed the arrangements of the elders.

After all, her master told her before his death that she must revitalize the Su Nu Sect.

In order to fulfill her master's last wish, Lingyu agreed and agreed to marry the Tomb King!

"Lingyu, once you become a Taoist partner with the Tomb King, practice together, and obtain the inheritance of the White Emperor. Then you will be the greatest contributor to the continuation of my Su Nu Sect!"

"That's right, you have completed the glorious deeds that our leaders of all generations have failed to complete. You have to sacrifice, in exchange for glory and eternal fame."

The elders believe that this marriage will be a crucial decision to change the Su Nu Sect, and it is also the most correct decision.

"And Lingyu, you have also seen the Tomb King. He looks handsome and elegant. I heard that he is less than 500 years old, which is considered a young talent."

"Although he is not as good as the contemporary genius, he is also a well-known figure in our Russell Eighteen Mountains."

"That's right. There are 56 sects in Russell Eighteen Mountains, and his Tomb God Sect has developed for less than a hundred years and has become a famous sect in Russell Eighteen Mountains."

"This boy is young and promising, but he is a rare candidate for a Taoist partner! If I were a few hundred years younger, I would be eager to climb such a high branch."

The elders knew that Lingyu was unwilling in her heart, so they were trying to persuade her earnestly.

After hearing their persuasion, Lingyu sighed and said.

"Elders, Lingyu understands!"

"Master's greatest wish before his death was that I could revive the Su Nu Sect. If this is really an opportunity to revive the Su Nu Sect, I am willing."

Lingyu's willingness was just verbal willingness. Who could understand the voice in her heart?

When the elders heard this, they all laughed.

"That's good, that's good! Lingyu, don't worry, the Su Nu Sect will not forget your sacrifice today."

"You are a great contributor to our Su Nu Sect."

The elders now have only one wish, which is to quickly marry Lingyu, so that she can quickly become a Taoist partner with the leader of the Tomb God Sect and inherit the dual cultivation.

"Sect Master, elders, I have something to report."

Just at this time, the voice of a female disciple came from outside the hall.


The elder shouted, and a female disciple in white walked into the hall quickly.

"Meet the sect master, meet the elders."

"What's the matter?" One of the elders said.

"Outside the mountain gate, there is a girl asking to see me. She said she has some connection with our Su Nu Sect."

When this was said, several elders frowned.

"Has a connection with our Su Nu Sect?"

"Who could it be?"

"Please come in!"

As the sect master, Lingyu finally spoke.

The female disciple walked backwards out of the hall.

Not long after, a woman in a cloak and holding a black umbrella slowly walked into the hall.

No one understood why she was holding an umbrella, as it was not raining outside and there was no scorching sun.

Even after entering the hall, she still held the black umbrella.

The reason why Bai Su held an umbrella might be the same as the blind man holding a lantern.

Of course, no one cared why Bai Su held a strange black umbrella.

What they cared about was who this person was? Why did they say that she had a connection with the Su Nu Sect?

"Girl, should we ask you to answer? Or do you explain your purpose yourself?"

The elder was a white-haired old woman, sitting on the left side of the sect master's seat, holding a wooden stick, and asked Bai Su in the hall.

After hearing this, Bai Su was silent.

She did not answer the elder's question.

Instead, she expressed her purpose with practical actions.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Suddenly, a buzzing sound was heard in the main hall of the Su Nu Sect.

All the people present suddenly felt a great pressure coming from all around them.

The air seemed to become dozens of times heavier, making them breathless.

Bai Su raised her right hand, and white light began to condense in her palm.

The light became brighter and brighter, and hundreds of silk-like rays began to spiral up and swirl.

The light intertwined, entangled, extended, and grew.

In the end, a white long sword with holy light all over its body appeared in the air.

For a moment, the light in the hall was instantly converged, and only lingered around the sword.

When everyone in the hall saw the white sword, their souls were trembling.

Looking at the white sword, they felt the incomparably pure energy from the sword, and their hearts began to tend towards a kind of peace and tranquility.

When the sword appeared, Bai Su could feel that there was some power in the mountain thousands of meters below her feet that responded to its call.

Speaking of which, Bai Su had to thank Zhuo Bufan.

If she hadn't practiced dual cultivation with Zhuo Bufan, she would not have known what the soul-awareness spell was, let alone communicate with this innate artifact.

She also mastered the soul-awareness spell that Zhuo Bufan mastered because of a dual cultivation.

In fact, the benefits she gained from that dual cultivation were far greater than Zhuo Bufan.

Not to mention that she had obtained 70% of the power of the Chaos Bell. The knowledge that Zhuo Bufan mastered alone was enough to change her worldview.

All of Zhuo Bufan's memories were integrated into her mind, and she knew exactly what kind of person Zhuo Bufan was.

This naturally included Zhuo Bufan's memories about the earth.

Because of a double cultivation, Bai Su mastered the soul-awareness spell that other spell masters could not master in their entire lives.

Because of this soul-awareness spell, Bai Su and the White Emperor Sword had a soul resonance and successfully contracted.

"Su Su, there is indeed a breath left by the White Emperor in this mountain."

Bai Su heard the voice of the White Emperor Sword from the depths of her soul.

The voice of the White Emperor Sword was very warm and kind. Not as funny as the Chaos Bell.

"Then let's go and see it later."

Bai Su used the soul-awareness spell to communicate with the White Emperor Sword.

At this moment, the other people in the hall were dumbfounded and shocked by the appearance of the White Emperor Sword.

They didn't know the White Emperor Sword, but they could feel how terrifying the energy emanating from it was.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

Several elders said to Bai Su in awe.

After hearing this, Bai Su responded calmly.

"Don't worry, this is the White Emperor Sword!"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was in an uproar!

"White Emperor Sword?"


No more today, thank you all for watching. Friends who don't like it can choose to leave quietly, there is no need to spray! After all, during the recommendation period, leave some good things for the author and leave some food to eat, thank you!

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