Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 383: Prince of Silver [Seventh Update]

The person who said this was Lingyu, the leader of the Su Nu Sect.

Lingyu entered the Yunmeng Realm before Bai Su, and heard the rumors from the sky.

A group of inexplicable guys threatened to kill Bai Su.

However, Lingyu's words instantly silenced these guys.

"Mr. Baiyin? Who is that?"

After Bai Su was teleported to the Su Nu Sect Soul Altar, she looked at Lingyu.

It was also the first time she saw Lingyu's appearance. She was wearing a white long dress, and she was graceful and charming.

"Sister Bai, you don't know yet!"

"When you were being hunted by those people with ulterior motives, suddenly one day, a young man in silver armor appeared in Yunmeng Realm."

"He drove the Sky Battleship in Yunmeng Realm and flattened all the sects that were hunting you."

"And he also warned the world that if anyone dared to hunt you, he would crush that sect."

"During that time, the entire Yunmeng Realm was in a panic. That silver young man didn't even take the Tianwu League seriously."

"Since then, no one dared to issue a hunting order against you in Yunmeng Realm."

"The warning of the silver young man became a decree that no one dared to violate."

"You don't know how majestic the silver young man was when he warned the world."

Lingyu told Bai Su about the big event that happened in Yunmeng Realm some time ago.

Zhuo Bufan used the Sky Battleship to flatten the major sects, which still makes everyone feel scared.

After hearing this, Bai Su frowned slightly.

There was a hint of doubt in her lively eyes.

When she was escaping, she did feel that she was being hunted less and less.

In the end, basically only the people from the Tianwu League were harassing her.

She thought these people were afraid of being killed by her, so they didn't dare to continue to hunt.

Unexpectedly, it was because there was a silver prince in Yunmeng Realm who secretly helped her remove these obstacles.

Who could this silver prince be?

"Sister Bai, who is that silver prince?"

"Why does he protect you so much that he is not afraid of being an enemy of the whole world?"

Lingyu grabbed Bai Su's hand and laughed.

Bai Su shook her head after hearing this.

How could she know who that silver prince would be?

But when she heard Lingyu say that he was an enemy of the whole world for her, Bai Su's calm soul was still slightly moved.

"Sister, could it be the baby's father?"

Lingyu, the girl, obviously let the cat out of the bag in a hurry, so she quickly covered her mouth and looked at Bai Su with wide eyes.

"You know?"

Bai Su narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Ling Yu.

She obviously couldn't hide her pregnancy from this clever ghost.

"I'm sorry, Sister Bai, I, I..."

"It's okay, sooner or later it will be known."

Bai Su was relieved. After all, as her belly grew bigger day by day, her pregnancy would be exposed sooner or later.

However, Ling Yu's words made Bai Su think of Zhuo Bufan immediately.

Who in this world would go against the world for her?

She had no friends or relatives, and she couldn't think of anyone who would act as the Silver Prince for her.

The only person she thought of was one person.

The father of the child, Zhuo Bufan.

Could the Silver Prince really be him?

Bai Su suddenly felt a trace of warmth coming from the depths of her soul.

She once said in front of the world that her man dared to go against the world for her.

Unexpectedly, this sentence came true so soon.

"What happened to that Silver Prince?"

Bai Su suddenly wanted to know who this Silver Prince was.

After all, she didn't see him in person, so she didn't dare to guess casually.

Ling Yu shook her head after hearing this.

"I don't know. After he eliminated most of the forces that were chasing you, he suddenly disappeared."

"As for his identity, it has been locked on three people."

"Three people? Who?" Bai Su asked.

Ling Yu didn't expect Bai Su to be so concerned about this matter, and quickly answered.

"Because the Sky Battleship driven by the Silver Prince is extremely expensive. Some people have made a calculation based on this clue."

"In the Yunmeng Realm today, there are only a few people who can afford to buy this thing alone. Among them, three people are the most likely."

"The first one is the master of the Ancient Temple, Xuanyuan Hao."

"It is rumored that Xuanyuan Hao protected you in the Blood Desert, so there are the most speculations about him. And he himself has never come out to deny it."

Bai Su frowned when she heard Xuanyuan Hao's name.

She felt that it would not be that Xuanyuan Hao, she was not familiar with Xuanyuan Hao.

He is related to his sister Xuanyuan Mo. Even if it is possible, it will be Xuanyuan Mo.

"The second one is the chief altar master of our 'Seal True Name' camp."

"Sister, you should know that the 'Seal True Name' camp is the first camp in Yunmeng Realm and the largest camp."

"However, the identity of its altar master is still a secret. No one knows who the chief altar master of the Sealed True Name is."

"But he is the most likely person to buy the Sky Battleship."

"I just don't know if Sister Bai knows our chief altar master."

Lingyu calls herself "us".

Obviously, it is because their Su Nu Sect camp also belongs to the huge camp of the Sealed True Name.

The disciples of the Su Nu Sect were very grateful to the chief master behind the "Seal True Name" for giving them a place to settle down in the Yunmeng Realm.

So the Silver Prince that Lingyu hoped for the most in her heart was their chief master.

"The chief master of the Sealed True Name?"

A picture of a person flashed through Bai Su's mind.

She vaguely remembered that Zhuo Bufan seemed to be the chief master of the Sealed True Name.

After the dual cultivation, the memories merged, so she also knew Zhuo Bufan's secret.

"Could it be him?"

Bai Su thought.

"What about the other one?"

Ling Yu shrugged and said after hearing this.

"The last person is completely impossible."

"Although he has the ability to buy the Sky Battleship, he is definitely not the Silver Prince."

Ling Yu said.

"Who is it?" Bai Su did not ask anything, but directly asked about the identity of that person.

Ling Yu was stunned when she heard it.

"It's the little venerable! The little venerable of the Talisman Temple. He has seized more than half of the soul altars of the Tianwu League, and he is also able to buy the Sky Battleship."

"But sister, you and that little venerable are not..."

Lingyu didn't finish, Bai Su naturally knew what she wanted to say.

But Bai Su was happy after hearing it.

The chief altar master of the Sealed True Name, the little venerable of the Talisman Temple.

All these clues point to one person, Zhuo Bufan.

"Is it really him?"

Bai Su was not sure, but she sincerely hoped that it was Zhuo Bufan.

Indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, the little venerable Zhuo Bufan is the least likely to be the Silver Prince.

But Bai Su is willing to believe that Zhuo Bufan is the man who helped her eliminate her worries in the Yunmeng Realm.

Some feelings, once they grow, cannot be cut off.

No matter how much Bai Su didn't want to see Zhuo Bufan.

But when she heard that Zhuo Bufan might be the Silver Prince, her soul was still warm.

She could feel Zhuo Bufan silently protecting her from behind.

Because she was pregnant, Bai Su was increasingly looking forward to the care of her child's father.

It was a natural emotion that she could not control.


This chapter has been changed!

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