Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 400 The Yellow Bird is Behind (Part 1) [Second Update]

The Sky Battleship is the most powerful soul weapon that can be exchanged for soul power in the current soul altar of Yunmeng Realm.

200 million soul power is required to exchange for one. So far, there are less than ten Sky Battleships in Yunmeng Realm.

Among them, Tianwu League owns two.

In the battle for the soul altar in the inner sea, Tianwu League must win, so it started the Sky Battleship to fight for the soul altar.

The black battleship passed through the sky, leaving a cloud river.

In the battleship, the Black King and the Green King told the Red King and the Golden King about the results of their pursuit of Bai Su during this period.

"Bai Su hid in the Su Nu Sect. She thought we didn't know and underestimated us."

The Black King and the Green King were invited to Yunmeng Realm.

In fact, their true bodies are now in the town of Russell under the Su Nu Sect.

They are waiting, waiting for the day when Bai Su is about to give birth.

"Su Nu Sect? You said that woman Bai Su is in the Su Nu Sect?"

After hearing this, the Red King was a little surprised.

"What's wrong? Do you also know about this Su Nu Sect?" The Black King asked.

"Of course I know. A few days ago, a Su Nu Sect suddenly appeared in Yunmeng Realm and seized the Soul Altar from the Evil Ghost Forest. Zi Wang was defeated by this Su Nu Sect."

"So that woman is Bai Su?"

Chi Wang was shocked.

"Damn it, let's go find that woman to settle accounts now."

Zi Wang was defeated by Bai Su, which made Chi Wang a little angry.

"Wait a minute, don't get too excited."

Black King and Green King stopped the impulsive Chi Wang.

"What are you waiting for?" Chi Wang said puzzledly.

"Wait a little longer, you won't get any advantage if you go to Bai Su to settle accounts now. That woman's cultivation has improved rapidly."

"That's right, the two of us are no match for her together."

Green King and Black King said that they had other plans.

"If we can't beat her, what should we do? We can't alarm His Majesty, right?"

"His Majesty said a few days ago that he would go into seclusion and go to the Holy Land. He has not returned yet."

The current Tianwu League can be said to be leaderless because the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao is not here.

"Don't worry, we have another plan. Perhaps you don't know yet, that woman Bai Su is pregnant."

The Black King and the Green King told this secret to the Red King and the Golden King.

When the two heard it, they were stunned.

"What? That woman Bai Su is pregnant?"

"Yes, I can confirm that she is indeed pregnant."

The Green King is now sure that Bai Su is pregnant.

"Hahaha, interesting, this woman, I don't know where she went to have a romantic affair, but she is pregnant."

"It's really ridiculous."

The Red King and the Golden King laughed.

"Hush, don't make this public in advance. Bai Su's pregnancy is our best chance."

The Green King and the Black King whispered.

"I calculated that in about three months, the woman will give birth. At that time, she will be the weakest. It is also the best time for us to defeat her."

"So you two, please be patient for another three months. After three months, it will be our chance to avenge our previous shame."

After hearing this, the Red King and the Golden King understood what the Black King and the Green King meant.

"Okay, then we will be patient for another three months. When the time comes, we must cut this bitch into pieces."

"No, not only this woman, but also the adulterer behind her, we must find them all together."

"And their children, we must root them out and not leave any of them alive."

The four kings of Tianwu League discussed how to catch Bai Su in the sky battleship.


On the other side, Bai Su, who was in Su Nu Sect, had no idea that the people of Tianwu League were secretly plotting.

She was indeed about to give birth.

Now her belly was completely swollen, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

At this time, she naturally couldn't go out casually, and even stopped entering Yunmeng Realm.

In the next three months, she had to start recuperating and preparing for the arrival of this child.

In Su Nu Sect, the elders and the head of the sect, Lingyu, were also secretly arranging Bai Su's delivery.

For them, the birth of a child was undoubtedly a happy event.

The elders did not ask who the father of the child was, after all, this was Bai Su's private secret.

As for the child's father, he is now in the inner sea of ​​Yunmeng Realm, stalking people everywhere in order to snatch the soul altar.

Guardian beasts began to appear in the soul altars in the inner layer of Yunmeng Realm.

In the inner sea, every soul altar has a guardian beast.

The closer to the center of the inner sea, the higher the level of the guardian beast.

Zhuo Bufan has now upgraded his life and death sword, his life and death sword, to level 92. It takes 30 million soul power to use it once.

Zhuo Bufan earns more than 30 million soul power a day, and he can only use the life and death sword once a day.

The life and death sword is his trump card, so he dare not mess around.

In order to save the number of times he uses it, he began to change his strategy, no longer being the leader, but starting to stalk people.

Now more and more forces have entered the inner sea, among which the magic path and the Tianwu League are the most.

The Demon King, the leader of the magic path, is worthy of being comparable to Qiu Daoyou, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect.

He can be said to be sweeping all the way in the inner sea, and soul beasts below level 90 are not his opponents at all.

In less than ten days, the number of soul altars occupied by the Demonic Path has reached thirty.

The ranking of the Inner Sea Soul Altars has also changed.

Sealed True Name - 40

Demonic Path - 30

Tianwu League - 25

Ancient Temple - 18

Currently, Zhuo Bufan is far ahead with 40 soul altars.

Mainly because he entered early.

But after all, he is alone and weak, and his stamina is obviously insufficient. The demons are chasing him viciously.

So, Zhuo Bufan changed his strategy.

He quietly followed the demon team and began to ambush people.

The Mo Da was divided into four large forces, from the east, west, south and north of the inner sea, heading towards the center at the same time, occupying the soul altar in a siege.

Among them, the east was led by the Earth Demon King himself, and he almost swept all the way.

And the south was led by the Human Demon King, who was the third demon island among the 72 islands of the Demon Dao.

The strength of the Human Demon King is second only to the Earth Demon King.

As for the northern team, it is the three demon islands of Sun, Moon and Star, which are ranked fourth, fifth and sixth.

Sun Demon Island, Moon Demon Island, Star Demon Island.

Although the island masters of the three demon islands are not as good as the Earth Demon King and the Human Demon King, they are also real people.

Of course, the demons do not call real people, but demon masters.

The three demon lords, starting from the north of the inner sea, want to occupy all the soul altars along the way.

The remaining west is led by the young master of Tianmo Island.

The young master of Tianmo Island is a person who has never been heard of before.

After all, Tianmo Island is the only one of the seventy-two islands without an island master.

The Heavenly Demon King is the legendary West Sea Heavenly Demon.

Since the battle with the Evil Emperor, he has been seriously injured and sleeping, and has not woken up until now.

But not long ago, a major event happened in the Demon Dao. Tianmo Island ushered in a young master, and it was a young master appointed by Tianmo himself.

This young master gained extremely high prestige in a short period of time.

With a wave of his arm, thousands of demons responded.

Now he leads the elites of the Demon Dao to occupy the soul altar from the west.

They are the weakest among the four teams of the Demon Dao.

After all, although there are many people, their cultivation is uneven.

In the inner sea, it does not mean that the more people, the more advantages.

For example, if they encounter a soul beast like Qianwei Yu, even if there are hundreds of thousands of people, they will be wiped out in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan targeted this team from the west of the Demonic Path.

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