Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 403 Putting the Blame on Others [First Update]

Zhuo Bufan seized the soul altar of the demon path. Interestingly, the name of the soul altar this time was not "Seal True Name", but "Martial Alliance".

Zhuo Bufan did not come up with this idea on a whim, but before this plan, he had already had the idea of ​​pitting the Tianwu Alliance.

If you want to take food from the tiger's mouth, don't burn yourself.

If you leave the name of the soul altar "Seal True Name", then the people of the demon path will definitely target him.

Zhuo Bufan must name the soul altar "Martial Alliance", so that the people of the demon path will definitely associate it with the "Tianwu Alliance".

And the Sky Battleship used by Zhuo Bufan is also owned by the Tianwu Alliance.

For Zhuo Bufan, it doesn't matter what the soul altar is called, as long as it is a soul altar under his name.

In this way, he not only seized the soul altar, but also blamed the Tianwu Alliance. This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

As expected, Zhuo Bufan's plan worked.

When Tianmo Shaojun saw the name on the soul altar stele, he was furious.

"Martial Alliance, Martial Alliance, Tianwu Alliance? Damn Tianwu Alliance."

The young master gnashed his teeth and was filled with resentment.

In order to deal with Qianmu Yu, they suffered more than a thousand casualties.

In the end, they made wedding clothes for others.

Hate, hate it so much that his teeth itch.

"Young master, calm down. This Tianwu Alliance has been rampant for more than one or two days."

"That's right, since the Tianwu Alliance doesn't know what's good for them and dares to be the enemy of our demons, then we don't need to be polite to them."

"Young master, immediately contact the Earth Demon Lord, the Human Demon Lord, and the three Lords of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. It's time to teach the Tianwu Alliance a lesson."

At the instigation of several old demons, the Tianmo Young Master contacted the other three demon lords.

After hearing what happened here, several demon lords were also furious.

"Very good, are the hypocrites who claim to be righteous going to officially go to war with us?"

"Tianwu League, the overbearing Tianwu League, must pay the price."

The Earth Demon Lord shouted angrily.

The people of Tianwu League don't know yet that they have been targeted by the people of the Demonic Path.

However, this is not over yet, because Zhuo Bufan has already set his sights on Tianwu League.


On this day, the Red King and the Golden King of Tianwu League drove a sky battleship across the sea of ​​clouds.

On the boundless sea, they saw an island.

The people of Tianwu League already have considerable combat experience.

They first bombarded the island with the sky battleship and lured out the guardian beast on the island.

Then analyze its weaknesses based on the information of the guardian beast.

For this purpose, Tianwu League also specially invited the famous military advisor of Wu League.

Then they deployed their troops in an orderly manner and began to collectively kill monsters.

After another whole day of fighting, Tianwu League struggled to put down the guardian beast.

As a result, at this moment, a sky battleship that had been lurking for a long time came from the air and crashed directly into the battleship of the Tianwu League.

This collision knocked the people on the battleship unconscious.

Not long after, the soul altar on the island was instantly lit up.

Then the voice of Tianzun's announcement came from the sky.

"Announcement, the 'Ten Thousand Demons Paying Homage to the Sect' camp has been established, and 10,000 soul power points will be awarded for the construction of the sect's foundation."

When the people of the Tianwu League came to their senses, they were completely confused.

The guy who seized their soul altar had disappeared long ago.

And the soul altar camp on the island has become "Ten Thousand Demons Paying Homage to the Sect".

The Tianwu League was so angry that it itched its teeth.

Especially the Red King and the Golden King, who were knocked unconscious, and when they came to their senses, the soul altar was occupied.

It took them a whole day to take down that soul altar.

"Ten thousand demons are coming to the ancestor, ten thousand demons are coming to the ancestor, it was the demons who stole our soul altar."

The name of the camp is so ironic.

The people of the Tianwu League were also overwhelmed by hatred and did not think about the traps inside.

Coincidentally, the people of the demons also hated the Tianwu League.

As a result, when the two finally met, the war broke out completely.

No, it should be said that it exploded.

Both sides did not ask or say a word.

When enemies met, they were extremely jealous and started fighting directly.

It was a rare battle in Yunmeng Realm.

The Red King and the Golden King encountered the team of the Human Demon Lord.

Both sides drove the Sky Battleship and collided with each other without saying a word.

The two battleships collided in the air, and then the people of both sides rushed to the other side's battleship like a pirate battle and started fighting.

The result of this battle was that both sides were injured. The demons had a slight advantage because of the Human Demon Lord.

In the end, the people of the Tianwu League fled in panic.

Zhuo Bufan, who personally directed the battle, secretly observed the result of the battle.

Seeing that the two sides ended up in nothing, he felt that the battle was not exciting enough.

"It seems that the conflict between the Demonic Path and the Tianwu League must be stimulated again."

"The Tianwu League is rampant and the Demonic Path is arrogant and arrogant."

"Let's see who is more powerful between the two of you."

After watching the result of the battle secretly, Zhuo Bufan quietly disappeared on the island.

In the next few days, he began to do things secretly again.

Through the hands of the Tianwu League and the Demonic Path, he seized a lot of soul altars.

The conflict between the Tianwu League and the Demonic Path became more and more intense.

The two sides fought dozens of large and small battles.

The Demonic Path is indeed strong and daring. In the end, they drove the Sky Battleship directly to the headquarters of the Tianwu League to fight.

The arrogant Demonic Path attracted the leaders of the Righteous Path to take action.

These Righteous Path leaders did not want to help the Tianwu League.

They just had to teach the Demonic Path a lesson in order to maintain justice in the world and slay demons and monsters.

As for Zhuo Bufan, who stirred up this muddy water and made the Righteous and Demonic Paths lose interest in fighting for the Soul Altar and started a war.

He has completed his body and returned to the Temple of the Mantra.

In just one month, more than 400 Soul Altars in the Inner Sea of ​​the Yunmeng Realm have been occupied.

There is a ranking list of the Inner Sea Soul Altars in the outside world, which lists the forces to which the Soul Altars occupied in the Inner Sea belong.

Demonic Path - 82

Seal True Name - 68

Tianwu League - 58

Ancient Temple - 42


In this ranking list, the Demonic Path has ranked first.

However, in fact, the person with the most Soul Altars is still Zhuo Bufan.

Because this list counts many soul altars under Zhuo Bufan as belonging to the camps of the Demonic Path and the Tianwu League.

For example, the Soul Altars of the Wu League and the Ten Thousand Demons.

The person in charge of the ranking did not know the situation, so he classified these soul altars under the camps of the Demonic Path and the Tianwu League.

But in fact, these soul altars all belong to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has seized a total of five soul altars of the Demonic Path and seven soul altars of the Tianwu League.

In total, Zhuo Bufan has a total of eighty soul altars under his name.

So far, it is the camp that ranks first in the Inner Sea Soul Altar Competition!

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