Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 406 Tianyi Sect [Fourth update]

Hun Zun's speech ended successfully.

This meeting of the venerables became her personal performance stage.

Now the whole world is deeply impressed by the two hypotheses proposed by Hun Zun at the meeting.

This most inconspicuous hall master in the Talisman Temple on weekdays.

He was so powerful that his momentum completely overwhelmed the theory of everything having waves proposed by Zhuo Bufan and others in the previous meeting.

And the theory of immortality and the theory of heaven's will naturally became the hot topics of everyone's discussion.

Interestingly, Hun Zun did not deny Zhuo Bufan's statement, but only improved on the hypothesis proposed by Zhuo Bufan.

Finally, the meeting ended.

All the venerables left with regret.

Zhuo Bufan saw his teacher Zu Jiuling, and actually smiled and took the initiative to walk towards Hun Zun, and then left with Hun Zun.

"These two people, together?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, and they were indeed a talented man and a beautiful woman.

He also smiled slightly.

The impact of Soul Master's viewpoint on Zhuo Bufan was so great that he was completely unaware that the hall was empty.

Just when Zhuo Bufan came to his senses and was about to leave.

Suddenly someone called him from behind.

"Xiao Zhuo, wait a minute."

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw someone he had never expected.

"Grand Hall Master? Are you calling me?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at himself. He couldn't think of what the Grand Hall Master could have called him for.

The Grand Hall Master smiled when he heard it, and then smiled.


Zhuo Bufan quickly replied, "No, no."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt like an ordinary student who was called by the principal of the school.

A principal would definitely not talk to a student for no reason.

"Then how about walking with me?" said the Grand Hall Master.

Yu Zun Feng Wanli, now the Grand Hall Master of the Talisman Temple, the highest authority in the Talisman Temple.

Zhuo Bufan was a little flattered.

But he nodded and responded quickly.

"No problem."

Zhuo Bufan did not refuse to accompany the Grand Hall Master for a walk.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan followed the Grand Hall Master around the Talisman Temple.

Just a simple walk, that was impossible.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about what the Grand Hall Master would ask him, the Grand Hall Master suddenly spoke.

"Xiao Zhuo, what do you think about the theory of heaven's will proposed by Soul Master?"

The Grand Hall Master asked, but Zhuo Bufan really didn't expect the question.

But since the Grand Hall Master asked, Zhuo Bufan would not refuse to answer.

And he did have a lot of ideas about the theory of heaven's will proposed by Soul Master.

"To be honest, it's a bit unexpected."

Zhuo Bufan replied with a smile.

"Oh? I thought you would object." The Grand Hall Master said.

"I don't object to it. After all, anyone's ideas are worthy of respect and deep thought. And what Soul Master said really makes sense."

Zhuo Bufan actually has a limited grasp of quantum mechanics.

Moreover, quantum mechanics also has many unsolved mysteries in the field of modern physics.

Even in modern physics, many physicists have clearly expressed their support for the hypothesis of quantum consciousness.

Among them, quantum entanglement is the most famous hypothesis of consciousness.

Consciousness does not necessarily mean that there must be thoughts to be called consciousness. It is just a phenomenon.

So far, no one has been able to explain what consciousness is.

Whether consciousness is our subjective feeling or whether objective factors determine our judgment is unexplainable.

Therefore, there are a thousand interpretations of Hun Zun's theory of heaven's will for a thousand people.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's answer, the Grand Hall Master looked at Zhuo Bufan and nodded calmly.

"You are calmer than I thought. Have you heard the rumors about you from the outside world? It is said that you are the reincarnation of the first generation of the Hall Master?"

Unexpectedly, the Grand Hall Master suddenly changed the subject and talked about Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled awkwardly and said when he heard it.

"I have heard it, but I should not be the reincarnation of the first generation of the Hall Master."

Zhuo Bufan just laughed it off.

This kind of statement is not the first time he has heard it.

"According to the immortality theory of Soul Venerable, if I am the reincarnation of the first generation hall master, then I should have his memories. At least I know who I am the reincarnation of."

"The so-called immortality is actually a kind of reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan extended the immortality theory of Soul Venerable to a new statement.

"I don't know whether you are the reincarnation of the first generation hall master, but I believe that you are definitely not an ordinary person."

"The immortality theory of Soul Venerable is indeed very interesting, and so is your reincarnation theory."

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand what the hall master said.

But he did not expose it, but changed the topic.

"Have you heard of Tianyi Sect?"

This is the third question the hall master asked Zhuo Bufan.

There is no connection between these three questions, which makes Zhuo Bufan deeply confused.

"Tianyi Sect?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head. He had never heard of this sect.

"Could it be a powerful sect in the world?"

The hall master shook his head, squinted his eyes, sighed, and said.

"Tianyi Sect, the oldest sect in ancient times."

"The four emperors who sealed the heaven and earth known to the world are disciples of Tianyi Sect."

When these words came out, Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows jumped slightly.

"The four emperors are disciples of Tianyi Sect?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

"I only know that the four emperors are from the same sect, but I don't know that these four emperors are actually disciples of Tianyi Sect."

Zhuo Bufan once heard Gao Yangxu say that the four emperors are from the same sect, but Gao Yangxu did not say which sect the four emperors came from.

He only said one sentence.

On the loess, under the sun tree, half hell, half heaven!

So far, Zhuo Bufan is also at a loss, and has no idea what this means.

"Tianyi Sect, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the greatest sect. In ancient times, it created four peerless saints who were arbitrary and determined for eternity."

"And in the era of spiritual energy revival, it created a peerless Tianzun who was in charge of the world. Our first generation hall master Ji Xuanhao was the last generation of the Tianyi Sect before its decline."

At this point, Zhuo Bufan had already opened his eyes and mouth wide, and his hands were making the action of eating a whale.

"No, the first generation hall master is the leader of Tianyi Sect! Then why did he build a talisman temple?"

"Tianyi Sect, talisman temple, four emperors, the first generation hall master?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked today.

"Wait, Tianyi, Tianyi? Soul Master's Tianyi said, my God, could it be Soul Master..."

Zhuo Bufan didn't finish his words, but looked at the hall master.

The hall master showed a half-hearted smile, and then squinted his eyes and said.

"Perhaps, all this is God's will!"

"I'm afraid God's will is coming back."

After the hall master finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan again, and then said.

"Xiao Zhuo, thank you for accompanying me here. The rest of the way, I will walk alone!"

"As for you, just follow your own way and continue to walk!"

After the hall master finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back, held his head high, and walked forward with firm steps.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the great hall master's tall back with a blank face.

At that moment, he inexplicably felt an invisible pressure on his shoulders.

"Tianyi, come back!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the setting sun in the sky, muttering to himself, a little confused...

The fourth update is here, the foreshadowing of Tianyi Sect is not well laid. I can't care so much, just pull it out first!

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