Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 409 Temporary Grand Hall Master [Third update]

The arrival of the Demon Lord obviously caused a huge uproar in the Talisman Temple.

Although the temple has been mentally prepared for a long time, after all, since they accepted the young master Zhuo Bufan, it means that sooner or later they will become the enemy of the demon master.

However, when this day actually arrived, everyone was still a little overwhelmed.

The most important thing is that at this critical moment, the Hall Master, the supreme leader of the Talisman Temple, disappeared.

Once the main hall master disappears, it is like a group of dragons without a leader, and everyone is completely at a loss.

The demon king arrives and the palace master disappears.

The Talisman Temple finally couldn't calm down and quickly held an emergency meeting.

All the venerables rushed to the Great Hall, and obviously there were some venerables who were ignorant of what was going on outside the window and did not know what was going on.

After the honorable people took their seats one by one, everyone looked at the hall master's stage and found that there were only six hall masters on the hall master's stage.

Among them, the main hall master who was supposed to be sitting in the center was nowhere to be seen, leaving only an empty seat.

"Where is the master of the hall?"

"Why don't you see him grow old?"

"He should attend this emergency meeting."

Some venerable people who didn't know what was going on started talking about it.

Because of the absence of the main hall master, many people felt confused and a little panicked.

Da da da!

The heavy hammer hit the base firmly, making a heavy and shocking sound.


The person holding the gavel should be the master of the hall. It’s just that today he was replaced by the Lord of Thunder Palace.

"This emergency meeting was temporarily convened by me. Therefore, this meeting will be presided over by me personally."

Lei Zun held the gavel and looked very serious.

He has such a thunderous face that people dare not get close to him or disobey him.

Before anyone could ask, he spoke first.

"This emergency meeting has nothing to do with the issues of the Honorable Assembly. It mainly involves three things to be announced and to obtain the consent of all the Honorables present."

Zhuo Bufan sat on the honorable seat, folding his hands and looking at Lei Zun very calmly.

He basically already knew that this meeting was most likely held for his sake.

"The first thing I believe everyone here knows is that the Demon Lord of the Southern Demon Realm, Donghuang Taiyi, is already on his way to my Talisman Temple."

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone's eyes turned towards Zhuo Bufan.

Besides Zhuo Bufan, who else could the Demon Lord’s purpose be?

He called out in the Yunmeng Realm, "My dear Lord of the Talisman Temple, my emperor is here."

The purpose of his visit has been explained.

Zhuo Bufan, as the person involved, sat there with his hands folded and said nothing, appearing very calm.

"Let's talk about the second thing."

That Lei Zun also glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and then continued expressionlessly.

"The second thing is that the master of the main hall has been missing for three days."

As soon as these words came out, all the venerable people present exclaimed in surprise.

"What, the main hall master is missing?"

"This is no joke! Is the master of the main hall really missing?"

"It's a little strange to be missing at this juncture!"

"It's just that I haven't seen you for three days, so it can't be defined as missing, right?"

The nobles all speculated on the whereabouts of the master of the hall.

At this time, Lei Zun continued.

"My Talisman Temple has a clear rule that the temple owner is not allowed to leave the temple at will. Even the main hall owner cannot violate this rule."

"We have tried our best to contact the master of the hall, but there is still no trace."

"What I want to explain now is that under the current situation, facing the menacing demon king, I, the Talisman Temple, cannot be leaderless."

"So, the third thing today is to elect the temporary hall master."

Lei Zun finally revealed the final purpose of today's meeting, to elect the temporary hall master.

"I recommend myself to assume the position of temporary master of the hall."

This Lei Zun was not humble, and actually directly stated that he could be the temporary master of the hall.

With his prestige and status, he is indeed qualified to become the temporary hall master.

"I do things vigorously and resolutely, and I won't be verbose with everyone."

"The position of temporary master of the main hall naturally cannot be decided by me alone."

"Your honorable lords are invited to come here, naturally, to conduct a fair election."

"The six hall masters sitting on the hall chair are all qualified to become temporary hall masters. So everyone, please vote!"

As soon as Lei Zun finished speaking, as if prepared in advance, a group of Thunder Temple apprentices wearing blue robes walked out holding a wooden box.

Then he began to hand over the prepared pen and paper to all the distinguished persons.

"Everyone, write down the temporary hall master you support, and we will use the voting results to decide who will be the temporary hall master."

I have to say that this Lei Zun did what he said, resolutely and resolutely.

Many respected people didn't even understand what was going on. They didn't even have room to think, so they hurriedly wrote their names and threw them into the wooden box.

Zhuo Bufan and Zu Jiuling were sitting together. Zu Jiuling saw this and whispered to Zhuo Bufan.

"Xiao Fan, don't vote for that old fox Lei Zun. I heard that he is the only one who opposes your entry into the temple."

As a teacher, Zu Jiuling naturally safeguarded Zhuo Bufan's interests.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just smiled slightly and said.

"It makes no difference whether I vote or not. Hasn't the teacher noticed it yet? This is just a play directed and acted by Lei Zun."

Zhuo Bufan took a quick look and found that most of the venerables voted for Lei Zun without even thinking about it.

These people had obviously discussed with Lei Zun in advance.

In fact, Lei Zun did secretly invite most of the venerables to hold a small meeting before convening the meeting.

At that small meeting, Lei Zun had already become the temporary Grand Hall Master.

So, no matter who Zhuo Bufan finally chose, the temporary Grand Hall Master would definitely be Lei Zun.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know what method Lei Zun used to make so many venerables loyal to him.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that this would definitely not be good for him.

Soon, the voting ended!

Before the venerables came to their senses, someone had already started to preside over the vote counting.

Sure enough, just as Zhuo Bufan guessed, basically most of the venerables voted for Lei Zun.

In the end, Lei Zun won the vote by a large margin.

And he himself naturally became the temporary Grand Hall Master.

"Then finally, I declare that after the unanimous election of the venerables, Lei Zun will become the temporary Grand Hall Master."

"During the absence of the Grand Hall Master, Lei Zun will temporarily take over the Grand Hall Master's position and handle the affairs of the temple."

The host's announcement is meaningless.

Lei Zun becoming the temporary Grand Hall Master seems to have been expected.

The other hall masters, however, have a kind of helplessness that dares to be angry but dares not speak.

When the host's announcement was over, Lei Zun stood up.

Then, he announced.

"Then I will take the responsibility and temporarily take over the position of Grand Hall Master."

"Now, I will preside over the matter of how my Talisman Temple should deal with the arrival of the Demon Lord."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan again.

"Elect the Grand Hall Master first, and then deal with me?"

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

The storm has really come!

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