Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 422 The so-called will of heaven

Tianyi Sect is the most mysterious sect.

The four emperors who made decisions for eternity in the legend were all disciples of Tianyi Sect.

Ji Xuanhao, the first master of the Talisman Temple and the first generation of genius who pioneered the talisman, also came from Tianyi Sect.

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to know what the origin of this sect was.

“Who preached it in the beginning of ancient times?”

“As early as the primitive age of prehistoric times, human ancestors had already begun to explore the truth of the world.”

“Why does the sun shine, why do the stars hang in the sky. Why are there wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the sky, and why is the climate warm in winter and cool in summer.”

“They asked the sky, the earth, the gods, and the sages. They asked a hundred questions but could not get an answer.”

“At this time, Xihe, a great patriarch of the human tribe, came to the center of the world and found a talking tree!”

“This tree was born before the birth of heaven and earth. It knows everything about the world.”

“It told Xihe that it could answer all her questions. It only had one request, that Xihe give it a name.”

“Xihe named it after himself and called it Xishu…”

Su Yao told Zhuo Bufan the origin of Tianyi Sect indifferently, and Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he heard the word ‘Xishu’.

Xishu, he had heard of this tree.

Above the loess, under the Xishu, half hell and half heaven.

Gao Yangxu told Zhuo Bufan that the four emperors once discussed the Dao under the Xi tree.

"After Xihe named the Xi tree, she guarded under the Xi tree and asked the Xi tree all the questions in the world."

"It was under that Xi tree that Xihe named all the creatures in the world. She named the sun, moon, stars, the sky and the earth, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas."

"Since then, Xihe has been called the mother of the sun, moon, stars, and the sky and the earth! She is also the mother of mankind!"

Zhuo Bufan has been listening attentively. He seems to be in the primitive age, accompanying the legendary mother of the sun, moon, stars, and the sky and the earth, Xihe, sitting cross-legged under the Xi tree, listening to the voices of the world and the creatures. Feeling the true meaning of all things in the world.

"Xihe sat under the Xi tree for tens of millions of years, comprehending the mysteries of heaven and earth on every leaf of the Xi tree."

"In the end, she finally understood that the reason why the world can function and the reason why Changsheng can live in order is because there is a will of heaven behind it to maintain the order."

"The will of heaven is a power above the gods."

"The will of heaven is also the order and rules of the universe."

"So, Xihe established a sect under the Xi tree, named Tianyi Sect."

"The purpose of Xihe establishing Tianyi Sect is to maintain the will of heaven and protect the order of heaven and earth."

"Later, she accepted four more disciples. And these four people were the four holy emperors who later dominated the world."


Su Yao told Zhuo Bufan the origin of Tianyi Sect slowly.

However, Zhuo Bufan was shocked and speechless for a long time.

Sitting under the Xi tree for tens of millions of years.

Xihe, the mother queen who gave the world a name, was actually the founder of Tianyi Sect.

The legendary Xuandi, Chidi, Qingdi, and Baidi were just her four disciples.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He didn't expect the origin of Tianyi Sect to be so great.

"What happened to Xihe later?"

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan heard about Xihe.

Xihe is the mother of mankind, the mother of the sun, moon, stars, sky and earth.

However, there are very few legends about her in the world.

After hearing this, Su Yao shook her head slightly.

"I don't know. Xihe's history in my Tianyi Sect came to an abrupt end after accepting the four emperors as disciples."

"It's as if she had never appeared in this world."

"And everything in this world has left her name."

Su Yao said to Zhuo Bufan calmly.

Obviously, she knew what Zhuo Bufan was going to ask, and she had already thought of the words.

"Someone told me that Ji Xuanhao, the first master of the Talisman Temple, was the last master of the Tianyi Sect?"

"What kind of person is Ji Xuanhao?"

For Zhuo Bufan, perhaps the most mysterious person, besides Emperor Xuan, is the first master Ji Xuanhao.

After hearing this, Su Yao smiled slightly and then said.

"Maybe you misunderstood something. Ji Xuanhao is the first master of the Talisman Temple, but he is not the master of the Tianyi Sect."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

This is a little different from the version he heard from the Grand Master Feng Wanli.

Su Yao then continued.

"To be precise, Ji Xuanhao is nothing but a traitor of my Tianyi Sect."

"He learned the Tianyi technique of Tianyi Sect, then left Tianyi Sect and renamed Tianyi technique to some kind of talisman technique."

"Later, he also built a talisman temple."

"The so-called talisman technique is nothing but a side branch of my Tianyi technique. But he used it to deceive the world and believed it as the truth!"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were wide open at this moment, looking at Su Yao with some confusion.

It was the first time he heard someone evaluate the talisman technique as so insignificant.

"Little Venerable, do you know what the sighing wall in your talisman master's mouth is?"

Su Yao saw Zhuo Bufan's doubts, so she asked.

"Sighing wall? Do you know the sighing wall?"

Su Yao smiled slightly when she heard it.

"Sighing wall is actually faith, it is the will of heaven!"

After these words, Zhuo Bufan looked at Su Yao in a daze.

He didn't understand what Su Yao meant. The sighing wall was a belief and a will of heaven. This was the first time he heard such a statement.

"Ji Xuanhao's spell art violated the belief in the will of heaven."

"Perhaps, the original intention of the spell art has violated the will of heaven."

"I, a disciple of the will of heaven, am just a user of rules."

"However, the spell master wants to be the maker of rules."

"The maker of rules can only be the will of heaven. This is the sighing wall that you spell masters can never climb over."

"What's interesting is that many spell masters, when they are in vain and ready to compromise, suddenly realize new spells."

"Their compromise is not a compromise with themselves, nor a compromise with spells, but a compromise with the will of heaven."

"Believe in the will of heaven and have awe for the will of heaven, the soul can be recognized by the will of heaven, and can open the door to the way of heaven."

The door to the way of heaven, this is what the will of heaven says. In fact, it is the Gate of Wonders in the mouth of the spell masters.

Whether it is the Gate of Heaven or the Gate of Wonders, these are not important.

What is important is the so-called spells, the so-called truth, and the so-called rules of heaven behind the door.

"Do you know what the rules of heaven behind the Gate of Heaven are?"

Su Yao asked at last.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, he didn't know.

The spell master called the gate behind the Gate of Wonders the world of spells, which contained countless spells.

And the Tianyi Sect called the gate behind the Gate of Heaven the world of heaven, which was full of the rules of heaven.

"That world is actually the Xishu. The Xishu is the so-called world of heaven."

"Each of its leaves represents a rule of heaven, which is what the spell master calls a spell."


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