Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 437: Battle in the Sky

Bai Su's appearance once again saved the Su Nu Sect.

Although no one expected that their Grand Elder was pregnant.

It was unknown whether Bai Su, who was pregnant, could beat the old ghost of the Blood Eye Clan in front of her.

"Hmph, I am the current patriarch of the Blood Eye Clan, Cha Wuliang!"

"Little girl, because you are pregnant, I can spare your life. Hurry up and hand over that bastard to me."

Cha Wuliang, the current patriarch of the Blood Eye Clan.

This time, he came for the bastard he mentioned, Bai Zifan.

After seeing him, Bai Zifan couldn't help but hide behind Bai Su.

After hearing Cha Wuliang's intimidation, Bai Su was not shaken at all, but said expressionlessly.

"There is no one you are looking for here. He is my child, Bai Zifan."

When Cha Wuliang heard it, he laughed.

"Your child? Ridiculous, little girl, do you know who this bastard is?"

"This bastard is the descendant of the sinner of my Blood Eye Clan. His biological parents were killed by me three years ago."

"I advise you not to interfere in this matter. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying your Su Nu Sect."

Bai Su obviously didn't want to know about the origin of the fool Bai Zifan.

Bai Su only knew that the fool now was her child, Bai Zifan.

No one could take her child away from her.

"Today, no one can touch my child."

Bai Su said, and the mysterious umbrella in her hand slowly floated up.

And the White Emperor Sword also returned to her side, quietly waiting for her call.

A pure white holy light began to surge from Bai Su.

After hearing this, Cha Wuliang smiled slightly and said.

"If you have courage, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As soon as the voice fell, boom!

A rolling blood storm entangled Cha Wuliang.



In an instant, Cha Wuliang turned into a bloody light, carrying a terrifying energy like a tsunami, and rushed over.

At the same time, Bai Su turned into a white light and also fought back.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The two lights intertwined between heaven and earth. Every time they collided, the space was torn apart, shocking the universe, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

Boom boom boom boom!

The two lights were incredibly fast, and the whole world became their battlefield.

The attic of the Su Nu Sect was destroyed and turned into ruins almost in an instant.

In order to avoid causing greater damage to the Su Nu Sect.

Bai Su moved the battlefield and flew to the sky ten thousand meters high. Above the clouds, he started a life-and-death battle with Cha Wuliang.

Chi Chi Chi!

Thunder and lightning, sword light in the clouds.

The sky was full of blood, and dragons roared and tigers roared.

The entire battlefield in the sky was instantly covered with a huge layer of dark clouds.

And Bai Su and Cha Wuliang shuttled back and forth between the thunderclouds.

There was no fear of thunder and lightning.

People on the ground could only see two rays of light flowing continuously above the endless sea of ​​thunder.

Every collision would blow a huge hole with a diameter of one kilometer in the thundercloud.

Then the hole began to heal rapidly.

The sky seemed to be angry.

A huge thunderbolt roared, and the earth was covered with flowers and bombed the fields.

This was the battle of the realm of real people. Only heaven and earth were worthy of being their battlefield.

The sky collapsed and the earth split, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

No one could see clearly how they fought, because every collision would produce a suffocating and soul-frightening force.

"Is this the battle between real people?"

The Black King and the Green King, who were hiding on another hill and watching the tiger fight, were deeply shocked by this scene.

Although they were the Eight Kings of Tianwu, they had never seen a battle above the real people.

The real people were people who had comprehended the great way of truth. There were very few of them in the current world of immortal cultivation.

True people will not start a war easily, because once a war starts, it will definitely be earth-shaking.

The battle between Bai Su and Cha Wuliang was simply dazzling.

The most terrifying thing is that Bai Su, as a little true person in the realm of seeing the truth.

She is actually on par with Cha Wuliang, who has been immersed in the realm of returning to the truth for a thousand years.

Cha Wuliang was indeed shocked by the fighting power displayed by Bai Su.

You know, Bai Su is a pregnant woman.

In the end, Cha Wuliang even showed signs of weakness.

"Is this woman really a pregnant woman?"

Cha Wuliang was shocked.

Bai Su's offensive did not decrease, but became more and more courageous.

Of course, the most important reason why Bai Su could be on par with Cha Wuliang was the Baidi Sword in her hand.

The Baidi Sword is the sword of the sky, which can seal part of the opponent's power during the battle.

So Cha Wuliang was pulled to fight on the same level with Bai Su.

He could not exert his full strength, because that part of his strength had been sealed by the White Emperor Sword.

This is why Bai Su, with the realm of Little True Man, made the True Man of the True Realm complain bitterly.

"Damn it, what kind of Tao is this woman practicing? Her Tao power has begun to erode me."

As Cha Wuliang was powerless, his Tao power could no longer resist Bai Su's Tao power.

And Bai Su's Tao power began to surpass him and began to erode his body and soul.

Tao power is a kind of ability that can only be mastered by the realm of True Man.

The so-called cultivation of the truth is to cultivate the truth!

When the cultivators break free from the virtual realm, they reach the realm of seeing the truth and understand the great way of cultivation they are practicing.

At that time, they will be able to sense a kind of divine power of the Dao of the Dao they are practicing.

The divine power of the Dao can be used as a powerful means of destruction to destroy the enemy.

The divine power of the Dao is a kind of ability similar to aura and barrier.

Every collision between the two masters of the real realm is actually a collision of the divine power of the Dao.

That is why it produces energy that makes the heaven and earth tremble and the time and space chaotic.

However, once one of them is weak, the divine power of the Dao will take advantage of the opportunity to enter.

As Bai Su fought more and more bravely, her divine power of the Dao began to crush the opponent.

"We can't let this woman do whatever she wants. I am the patriarch of the Blood Eye Clan. How can I let you be presumptuous."

That Cha Wuliang shouted and killed Bai Su again.

Above the sky, only a white light and a red light began to collide.

The light cut through the cloud river and formed a rolling storm.

The people on the ground were terrified. Pray in secret.

"Sister Bai, you will definitely win."

"Grand Elder, you will definitely win."


Bai Zifan clenched his fists tightly, and saw his mother fighting for him, and his heart was in great torment.

In the sky, two rays of light were about to collide.


The Blood Eye Clan leader Cha Wuliang was about to collide with Bai Su again.

He opened his eyes, and blood flowed from his eyes.


Cha Wuliang opened his firepower and fully activated his Blood Eye Technique, wanting to make Bai Su's inner demon explode.

However, when he collided with Bai Su.

He was shocked to see that Bai Su had been fighting him with her eyes closed from beginning to end.

"Blind man?"

Cha Wuliang was shocked.

The fatal weakness of the Blood Eye Technique is that it must look at the other party in the eye in order to activate its terrifying power against the sky.

However, Bai Su had already been blind.

The Blood Eye Technique of the Blood Eye Clan was ineffective against her.

"Damn it!"

Cha Wuliang couldn't help cursing.

However, the next second, Bai Su's Baidi Sword had already pierced his chest heavily.


A white light tens of thousands of meters long pierced through Cha Wuliang's chest.

The dark clouds were instantly blown away.

The dark sky suddenly turned into a clear sky with brilliant light!


My little sister is about to be born, and I have already thought of a name. Thank you all for your enthusiastic nominations! Regarding Bai Zifan, he is really not the protagonist! Hahaha, but he is one of the most important characters in the later period.

Someone guessed it right, he is indeed a sister-con maniac.

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