Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 442 Becoming a Father

This battle between false saints really made the world understand the true strength of the most powerful false saint in the world.

After three days and three nights of fighting, I don't know how many people there were, for fear that the two false saints would break the sky.

Fortunately, the fighting stopped after three days.

For a moment, everyone speculated on who would lose and who would win the battle.

Various gossips began to spread wildly in Yunmeng Realm.

Some people say that it was the Northern Emperor's domineering battle with the Tianyi Sect Master, which resulted in both sides losing, and both sides fell into seclusion.

Some people say that it was the Northern Emperor's domineering battle with the unborn ancestors of the ancient temple.

Others said that it was the battle between Wang Xingdao and the master of the Talisman Temple.

In short, there are various speculations and opinions.

Now we can only confirm that one of the two false saints must be the Northern Emperor.

For this emperor of the northern immortal world, the people of the world finally saw his true strength.

However, after that battle, there was no news about the Northern Emperor's domineering behavior.

There is no reliable news coming out from the Tianwu Alliance.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world.

There were many witnesses to this battle.

Among them, the Black King and the Qing King of the Tianwu Alliance are the ones who know this battle best.

After the battle between Bai Su and Wang Xingba ended, neither of them returned to the Su Nu Sect.

They seemed to have disappeared between heaven and earth, without any news.

No one knows what the outcome will be.

The Black King and the Qing King wanted to take away Bai Su's two children and use them to blackmail Bai Su in the future.

However, they were severely wounded and unable to continue fighting.

Coupled with the desperate resistance of the Su Nu sect, their plot failed to succeed.

The two had no choice but to escape back to the Tianwu League and told the other kings about the incident.

The people of Su Nu Sect are fully aware of the seriousness of the matter.

The Black King and the Blue King were unable to continue fighting just because they were seriously injured. Once they recover, they will definitely come back.

The Su Nu Sect did not have the strength to resist the Tianwu Alliance, so the head Lingyu ran to Yunmeng Realm, and then tried his best to contact Zhuo Bufan's younger brother Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is a follower of Zhuo Bufan. This is known to everyone in the world, and it is not surprising that Lingyu knows it.

Lingyu told Lu Fei what happened, and then asked Lu Fei to convey it to Zhuo Bufan.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan came to Yunmeng Realm as usual.

As a result, Lu Fei contacted him as soon as he appeared in Yunmeng Realm.

"Boss, big news, big news."

Lu Fei hurriedly found Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw Lu Fei panicking.

"Calm down, what's the big news?"

After Lu Fei calmed down for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan, and still said excitedly.

"Boss, your child, your child is born."

Zhuo Bufan looked confused after hearing what Lu Fei said.

"My child? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Zhuo Bufan said speechlessly.

"Boss, you and Bai Su's children are in the Su Nu Sect, go quickly!"

Lu Fei explained to Zhuo Bufan out of breath.

Zhuo Bufan heard this again. This time, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Lu Fei in disbelief.


His two hands suddenly grabbed Lu Fei's shoulders, and then he said with ups and downs of heart.

"What did you say? My and Bai Su's child?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe it, but there was no need for Lu Fei to lie to him.

"Boss, don't get excited. I also heard what the girl from the Su Nu Sect said."

"She said that the pseudo-holy war in the sanctuary two days ago was the battle between Bai Su and Bei Di Wangxing."

"She also said that she wants you to go to the Su Nu Sect as soon as possible. People from the Tianwu Alliance have been eyeing your child, and now the Su Nu Sect needs your help."

Lu Fei conveyed everything Lingyu told him to Zhuo Bufan.

To be honest, Lu Fei didn't believe these words either.

However, Zhuo Bufan had helped Bai Su several times before, and Lu Fei, as his younger brother, was not stupid. He could obviously tell that there was something fishy between the two.

So Lu Fei felt that the situation was urgent, so he contacted Zhuo Bufan immediately and told him about the matter.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously at a loss after hearing these words.

After a while, he recovered and said.

"What else did she say? Where is she?"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Lu Fei's shoulders and shouted.

Lu Fei shook his head blankly and said, "That girl left Yunmeng Realm and seems to have returned to the sect."

"She said that people from the Tianwu Alliance will attack the Su Nu Sect at any time, and she must guard the sect."

"She had no choice but to ask you for help. I hope you can go there quickly to protect your child."

Zhuo Bufan was unable to contact Lingyu for personal verification.

But he had a vague feeling that all of this was true.

"My child, my child!"

Zhuo Bufan murmured to himself, and then a firm look flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it, Tianwu Alliance, if you dare to touch my child Zhuo Bufan, I want your entire Tianwu Alliance to be buried with you."

There is the Tianwu Alliance, which once again aroused Zhuo Bufan's anger.

"Boss, I have contacted the brothers from the Kuang Sect. Now they are all rushing towards the direction of the Su Nu Sect."

"This time, we will truly develop the Tianwu Alliance."

Lu Fei was so decisive that he had already contacted Kuangmen's brothers in advance.

He knew very well that it was impossible for Zhuo Bufan alone to fight against the Tianwu Alliance.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and said.

"Good brother, let's meet at the Su Nu Sect."

"I will take action immediately and go to the Su Nu Sect."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he couldn't wait to leave Yunmeng Realm.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to Tianyi Sect.

Zhuo Bufan quickly resigned from Su Yao, the deputy leader of Tianyi Sect.

He did not explain where he was going, but Zhuo Bufan had already decided to go, and no one could stop him from going to the Su Nu Sect.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan summoned Black City, which is now Meicheng.

Then he drove Meicheng with full firepower and rushed towards the Su Nu Sect.

"My child, my child."

"Bai Su, you idiot, why didn't you say anything? Do you want to hide it from me forever?"

If it weren't for Lingyu's request for help, Zhuo Bufan might not have known that he and Bai Su had a child.

"Bai Su, where are you? Where are you now?"

Zhuo Bufan sat in the plum city, trying hard to sense Bai Su's state of mind.

As a result of this reaction, he was shocked to find that Bai Su's soul was extremely weak.

Her soul was very weak, but at least it proved one thing, nothing happened to her yet, she was still alive, but she didn't know where.

"Xuanxuan, rush to Su Nu Sect as quickly as possible."

Zhuo Bufan said commandingly to Xuanxuan, the driver of Black City.

Xuanxuan didn't know why Zhuo Bufan was so excited.

But it didn't dare to disobey Zhuo Bufan's order.

So Xuanxuan drove at full speed and rushed towards the direction designated by Zhuo Bufan.

Xiaomei ran over, looked at Zhuo Bufan's excited look, and frowned.

"Smelly, what's wrong with you?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he grabbed Xiaomei, and then showed a face that didn't know whether he was crying or laughing. It was extremely ugly, but he said to Xiaomei ecstatically.

"Xiaomei, I'm a father, I want to be a father."

When Xiaomei heard this, she was stunned for a moment.

"What? Are you going to be a father? When did you secretly do bad things behind my back?"

Zhuo Bufan was too excited and did not explain, he just said.

"Yes, I have a child, my extraordinary child."

"Xiao Zhuo Bufan? That's great. Where is Xiao Zhuo Bufan? Can I bully him?"

Although Xiaomei felt a little baffled, she was sincerely happy for Zhuo Bufan.

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