Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 468: Awakening from the Frozen

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect to see the frozen Yin beasts of Baidi Palace in the Three Saints Sect.

These frozen Yin beasts were supposed to be in Baidi Palace, but were later divided up and taken away by people from various major sects.

Their origins are a mystery, and perhaps only Baidi, who froze them, knows.

After the major sects divided up the frozen Yin beasts, they hurriedly left the Blood Desert.

It is unknown how many sects obtained these frozen Yin beasts.

Unexpectedly, the Three Saints Sect also joined the fight and got eight ice sculptures.

The Yin beasts in the eight ice sculptures are lifelike!

Some look like wolves, some look like tigers, but without exception, they all have black tentacles growing on their bodies.

Those tentacles are like corals on the seabed, or the tentacles of jellyfish, dense and a bit scary.

"What are they going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

He is still a little confused now, and doesn't know what the leader of the Three Saints Sect is doing.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The next second, the eight ice sculptures flew out of the lava and landed on the platform where they were standing.

"What is this?"

"A miracle, this is a miracle, the miracle of the leader."

The mortals did not understand the purpose of the appropriate, but only saw the power of the leader.

At this moment, the leader standing on the Xuantan suddenly chanted a strange spell.

The next second!

He uttered a spell, which turned into eight blood chains, connecting the eight ice sculptures.

Then, under the eight ice sculptures, a series of spell chains began to be carved.

The chains intertwined to form a huge magic circle.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this.

"No, this guy is weird!"

Zhuo Bufan must be more sensitive than ordinary mortals. He immediately felt that this so-called leader had some ulterior motives.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help shouting.

However, the other party ignored him at all.

"Blood Sacrifice, Command!"

The leader shouted loudly, and the magic circle under his feet took shape instantly.

The talisman picture in the center of the magic circle was like a bloody mouth.

The light flowed, and the next second, the souls of the people in the magic circle began to tremble, and the blood and energy on their bodies began to be stripped away from their bodies.

"Damn, this guy wants to sacrifice all of us."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He didn't expect that this so-called recruitment meeting was actually a scam.

The purpose is to select suitable sacrifices.

He wants to sacrifice all those who passed the selection.

Blood sacrifice, blood sacrifice to whom?

It is obviously very clear, because the blood and energy of all people sacrificed are all poured into the eight ice sculptures.

This guy wants to unfreeze the ice sculptures.

"Stop it!"

Zhuo Bufan is fine, and he will not be affected too much.

After all, he is also a strong man in the Silver Dan realm, and it is not easy to sacrifice him with blood.

But ordinary people obviously don't have his tolerance.

Under the blood sacrifice, the blood and qi of the other people began to be stripped away by the power of sacrifice, and were stripped out of their bodies bit by bit.

Their faces began to become thinner, more hideous, and more terrifying.

One by one, as if they were evil spirits crawling out of hell, they stretched out their hands to Zhuo Bufan and begged for his help.

The pain made them miserable and wailed.

As the sacrifice began, the blood and qi of everyone were poured into the eight ice sculptures.

The indestructible ice began to melt.

"It really works!"

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Three Saints shouted excitedly.

He was just trying it out, and he didn't know whether the blood sacrifice could unblock the ice.

After all, these ice blocks are not afraid of magma. After soaking in magma for more than half a year, there is no reaction at all.

This kind of ice block is obviously not ordinary ice, but a more advanced power.

To open this sealing power, some special means are needed.

The leader of the Three Saints Sect consulted ancient books and found a way to unlock the seal, which was the blood sacrifice method.

So, he held a recruitment meeting, which was actually to select the right sacrifice.

The poor mortals thought that from now on, they would embark on the path of immortality and become immortals.

Who knew that they would not enter the gate of immortality, but hell.

"Help, help!"

Someone grabbed Zhuo Bufan's trouser leg.

Zhuo Bufan turned around and was almost scared.

The man was covered in blood and flesh, and almost only a shriveled skeleton was left.

He lay on the ground, like a ghoul, begging Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt a pain in his heart.

"Unforgivable, you bastard."

Zhuo Bufan was furious.

Mo Qiu was right. The leader of the Three Saints Sect was a cruel and bloody killer. Such a person was not worthy of seeking immortality.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to attack the leader,

The leader suddenly laughed.

"It's too late, kid! The blood sacrifice is irreversible. Just be at peace and be the sacrifice!"

"Didn't you see? My pets have awakened."

The leader of the Three Saints looked around at the huge ice sculptures around him. Most of the ice on the ice sculptures had been unfrozen.

The terrifying monsters in the ice finally revealed their true appearance. They looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

There was a wolf-like monster, and every hair on its body turned into a black tentacle.

On its neck, there was a huge, ferocious mouth.

There was a pair of wings on its back, and the wings were not feathers or hair, but the same black tentacles.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to kill the leader, the terrible wolf-shaped beast suddenly opened its eyes.

The moment its eyes opened, the souls of all the people in the underground palace began to suffer intensely.

The strong pain was like a steel needle piercing Zhuo Bufan's brain.


Even the leader couldn't help but scream.

And the other mortals exploded like bombs on the spot.

Blood instantly filled the entire underground palace.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the beast in disbelief.

Those eyes were probably the most terrifying eyes he had ever seen.

Its eyeballs jumped out of its eye sockets. They were connected one by one by nerve tentacles.

The blood-red eyeballs stared at everything around them without any blind spots.

Then, one, two, three...

More and more Yin beasts woke up from the ice.

All Yin beasts looked terrible and ferocious.

Some Yin beasts had more than one pair of eyes, and eyeballs were flying everywhere on them.

"What is this?"

Zhuo Bufan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"These are my pets. Hahahaha, with them, my Three Saints Sect will..."


Before the leader finished speaking, a black tentacle several meters long suddenly pierced through the back of his head, completely covering his entire face.

Zhuo Bufan looked behind him in amazement, only to see a huge spider-shaped Yin beast piercing the leader's head with its tentacled feet.

The next second, the leader screamed madly!



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