Zhuo Bufan finally arrived.

When he saw the Yin beasts merge, he was also shocked.

I didn't expect that the Yin beasts would merge. Millions of Yin beasts merged into one, just like a large number of ants huddled together and turned into a giant.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan acted decisively. He pinched the life and death double move in his hand, and then threw it out without hesitation.

For a moment, the world was completely gone, and the Yin beast monster was blown to ashes.

Under the illumination of the light of life, the mysterious tentacles in all the Yin beasts began to wither and then die.

Zhuo Bufan killed almost 90% of the Yin beasts with a big move, and the remaining 10% began to crawl again at the foot of the mountain.

"Rain of Life, Fall!"

Zhuo Bufan condensed all the life force in his body into a huge white ball of light and threw it into the sky.

The ball of light exploded in the air, and for a moment, the rain of life began to fall.

Where the raindrops fell, the Yin beasts began to howl.

For the Yin beasts, this rain of life was like a corrosive rain, and wherever it fell, it was corroded.

In the end, all the Yin beasts were corroded into black water.

The vast army of Yin beasts was destroyed by one person.

The people of Gaoshan City stood up and looked up at the man riding a big roc from the end of the sky.

"We are saved, the real immortal, the real immortal!"

"Great, the real immortal has come, the real immortal has come."

Everyone shouted and cheered for Zhuo Bufan.

It was not until Zhuo Bufan came to Gaoshan City that everyone saw the true face of the immortal they were talking about.

"So familiar, where have I seen him before."

"Oh my God, is he, is he the little venerable?"

It was the people of Fubao who recognized Zhuo Bufan first.

"Yes, it is the little venerable, the little venerable at the venerable meeting."

When Zhuo Bufan attended the venerable meeting, the whole world saw his true face.

So it was not easy for Zhuo Bufan to conceal his identity.

"It was really the little venerable. I didn't expect him to save us."

"The little venerable came to save us. The pride of our talisman masters."

When the talisman masters saw Zhuo Bufan, they cried with excitement.

They fought for a long time, with countless casualties. Everyone was exhausted, and even the castle lord died in the battle.

Just when everyone was in despair, they didn't expect the savior to come.

The little venerable Zhuo Bufan appeared out of nowhere and saved the Gaoshan City that was about to be destroyed.

Watching Zhuo Bufan fall from the sky.

For a moment, tens of thousands of people in the city stood up from the ground.

Even if they were exhausted and powerless, they stood up and looked at Zhuo Bufan who came like a god.

And the first sentence Zhuo Bufan said after landing on the top of the city was.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Zhuo Bufan could see that the people of Gaoshan City really experienced a life-and-death battle.

Just as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the city lord Du Cheng walked up to Zhuo Bufan, and then knelt down in front of all the citizens of the city.

"My dear little lord, I am Du Cheng, the city lord of Gaoshan City. I am grateful for your timely appearance and the destruction of the Yin Beast. This kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Gaoshan City."

"You are the benefactor of all the citizens of Gaoshan City, and we will always remember your kindness."

"From now on, Gaoshan City will build a statue and a temple for the benefactor to remember the benefactor's kindness."

After Du Cheng finished speaking, he bowed his head to Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, all the citizens of Gaoshan City knelt down one after another, kneeling towards Zhuo Bufan on the top of the city.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked.

In the dark, he felt that there was a power in the depths of his soul.

A power from the faith of the citizens of Gaoshan City.

Zhuo Bufan looked around the city, then slowly said: "Everyone, please stand up first!"

"I accept your gratitude."

"Now that the evil beasts have invaded the world, the world needs heroes. I, Zhuo Bufan, am willing to take on the title of hero."

"Remember my name, I am Zhuo Bufan, I am the hero of this era."

Zhuo Bufan was really not polite.

When he took on the title of hero, everyone in the city worshiped him, and tens of thousands of people shouted in unison.

"Hero, hero, hero..."

Hero, another hero.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that one day he would be worshipped by so many people and called a hero by so many people.

The power of faith from tens of thousands of people seemed to be even stronger.

"Everyone, there are other people who need the help of heroes, goodbye."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and turned to fly out of the sky.

Watching Zhuo Bufan fly away, everyone had tears in their eyes.

This era needs heroes.

Although they are heroes, they have to bear unimaginable responsibilities.

Zhuo Bufan is going to fight again, in the name of a hero.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's deeds in Gaoshan City spread all over the world through Yunmeng Realm.

Zhuo Bufan's name as a hero caused heated discussions throughout the entire Yunmeng Realm.

"This era needs heroes! The young master said it very well."

"What a great responsibility, I am a hero. The young master is worthy of being the pride of this era. No, it seems that he is no longer just any pride, he is going to be a hero."

"He saved Gaoshan City from crisis, he deserves the name of a hero."

"Everyone, cheer for our hero!"

At this moment, the whole world began to cheer for Zhuo Bufan.

This legendary young man who has stirred up the world in the past two years will stir up the world again.

"Everyone, this era needs heroes. Don't you want to achieve something at this time?"

"For the name of heroes, for the people of the world, fight!"

Zhuo Bufan's "I am a hero" caused a lot of restlessness in Yunmeng Realm.

Everyone wants to be a hero, a great hero admired and praised by the world.

For a time, more and more people fought against Yin beasts.

Fighting against Yin beasts has become a national movement.


Zhuo Bufan, who proposed the name of a hero of this era, is now following the trajectory of the invasion of Yin beasts.

Zhuo Bufan is a black technology to fight against Yin beasts.

He can completely remove and purify Yin beasts.

The mysterious energy of life and death played a huge role at this time.

The power of life can destroy Yin beasts, which is undoubtedly the biggest killer.

After flying away from Gaoshan City for a day, Zhuo Bufan saw another city surrounded by Yin beasts.

The terrain of this city was not as easy to defend as Gaoshan City.

It was in the plains.

Fortunately, there were not many Yin beasts invading this city, less than 10,000.

At that time, they had been struggling for a day and a night under the invasion of Yin beasts, and they were about to collapse.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan appeared out of nowhere, and his hand of life and death hit the earth.


The hero is coming again!

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