Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 503: Cannibalization of the Soul

Watching Zhuo Bufan fall from the holy light, watching everyone shouting in unison to Zhuo Bufan, regarding him as a belief.

At that moment, the Human Demon Lord unexpectedly began to worship Zhuo Bufan.

Although he was the Human Demon Lord, the Lord of the Human Demon Island, and had tens of thousands of demon armies under his command.

However, he had never felt the slightest bit of happiness.

But now, he envied Zhuo Bufan.

In comparison, Zhuo Bufan's status was far from being comparable to that of the Human Demon Lord, but he envied Zhuo Bufan very much.

The only difference was Zhuo Bufan's identity.

He was a genius boy, a generation of prodigy, a peerless hero, a young supreme, and a little talisman.

All that Zhuo Bufan had now was what he did not have as the Human Demon Lord.

Speaking of which, the Human Demon Lord did not want to be a demon from the beginning to the end.

In fact, three thousand years ago, he was still a famous person in the righteous way.

However, because of the death of his beloved and his companion, he became a demon on the spot and became the great demon he is today.

But when he saw Zhuo Bufan, his heart was moved.

He remembered thousands of years ago when he was still a young man with a sword in his hand.

The reason why demons are demons is that they can magnify all negative emotions in an instant.

For example, his envy of Zhuo Bufan instantly turned into jealousy, and then jealousy turned into greed.

"Take possession of him, I want to take possession of him."

The human demon lord had a fanatical greed in his heart.

He wanted to take possession of Zhuo Bufan and get everything from him. Become Zhuo Bufan and become a new hero.


Zhuo Bufan had not yet discovered that a terrible demon had appeared among them and was staring at them covetously.

"Everyone, welcome to my world."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the huge floating city behind him. This floating city was his world.

"Take possession of him, take possession of him, take possession of him..."

The demon king began to whisper and chatter non-stop.

The people on the side began to notice the abnormality of "Wu Zhi" and asked hurriedly.

"Hey, White Tiger Hall Master, what's wrong with you?"

"White Tiger Hall Master, are you okay?"

The commotion in the crowd quickly attracted the attention of Zhuo Bufan and Lu Fei.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the "Wu Zhi" and frowned.

He also found the weirdness of "Wu Zhi".

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned. He felt a strong desire in Wu Zhi.

"No, he is not Wu Zhi."

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan shouted.

"You just found out now? It's too late."

The "Wu Zhi" suddenly smiled slightly, with a ferocious look on his face.

The next second, his whole body exploded with a bang, turning into a bloody storm.

Then, a powerful soul power burst out from his body, transformed into hundreds of black crows, and drilled into the souls of everyone present, and one of them drilled directly into Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan only felt that the depths of his soul were invaded by a dark and terrible force.


Zhuo Bufan howled, it was the first time he was possessed by someone.

After drilling into the depths of his soul, the crow directly began to devour his soul.

In the world of soul, Zhuo Bufan's opponent is a person like a crow.

Its eyes are like the eyes of the god of death, and its feathers are indestructible steel blades. Its claws can easily tear gold and stone. Its sharp beak can bite through all souls.

It is a terrible soul from the Six-Pass Realm, and its level far exceeds Zhuo Bufan's peak of the Possession Realm.

One crow turned into ten, ten turned into a hundred, and a hundred turned into thousands.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan was surrounded by countless crows.

Obviously, the crows were much more powerful than Zhuo Bufan's previous opponent, the thousand-year-old turtle.

And how much more powerful they were.

Zhuo Bufan had no power to fight back in front of it.

He could only let the crows use their sharp claws and beaks to peck at his soul.

"Get out of here!"

Zhuo Bufan tried his best to get rid of them, but the more he struggled, the more ferocious the crows became.

"Boy, I am the Lord of the Human Demon, become a captive of my soul! Otherwise you will die in pain."

The advice from the Lord of the Human Demon warned Zhuo Bufan to give up resistance.

But giving up resistance means death.

How could Zhuo Bufan just let himself be killed like this?

"Get out of here!"

Zhuo Bufan dragged his scarred body and ran out of the crows.

"I'll fight you."

Different from the fighting methods of the Xiuxian Realm and Yunmeng Realm, taking over a body is the simplest tearing of two souls.

Just like Zhuo Bufan wanted to take over the soul of the thousand-year-old turtle before.

The opponent had no powerful means, so he could only transform into countless black crows and peck at Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan had no power to resist and could only let himself be slaughtered.

Quack, quack, quack...

Suddenly, a crow opened its mouth and bit towards Zhuo Bufan's ferocious mouth.

At that moment, it actually opened its mouth as well.

You bite me, then I bite you too.

With his limbs imprisoned by countless crows, Zhuo Bufan's only weapon was his sharp teeth.

He opened his gluttonous mouth and bit towards the crow.

With one bite, the crow instantly got into his belly and turned into a ball of energy.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan quickly increased his strength.

"I see, that's it. Seizing someone's body is the ability to cannibalize each other. So, I can also seize his body."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt hope and his eyes burned with fire.

He began to open his mouth wide and kept eating the crows.

The crows eat him, and he eats the crows.

The two kept gnawing at each other to see who fell first.

"That's it, I'll eat you up."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan burst out with strong willpower and began to bite the crows on his body crazily.

"Bite you to death, bite you to death."

Zhuo Bufan went crazy, his mind went blank, and he just wanted to eat everything in sight.

In this desperate state, he realized the true meaning of seizing one's body.

"You brat, are you crazy?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan frantically biting the crow that was his clone, the Human-Demon King was also dumbfounded.

"You brat, don't get too carried away."

The Demon King, after all, is also a domineering and unparalleled demon. How could he be overtaken by a small golden elixir?

He withdrew the one hundred crows that had been divided before. The one hundred crows flew out from the bodies of the other one hundred hall masters, and then all of them got into Zhuo Bufan's body.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul world was completely dark.

Countless crows swooped towards him again.

The countless crows could not eat them all.

In the end, his whole body was completely cannibalized by the crow, and his soul was only left with a trace of remnants.

As his eyes went dark, Zhuo Bufan could only accept his fate, although he was unwilling to do so.

"The King of Human Demons, I remember you."

After Zhuo Bufan said his last words, he disappeared into the soul world...

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