Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 506: The Great Beast

On the other side, Lu Fei followed Zhuo Bufan's request and began to notify others.

"Everyone, the meeting place has changed and we are heading to the wild forest eight hundred miles east of Aolai City."

Naturally, Lu Fei would not question Zhuo Bufan's decision. He followed Zhuo Bufan's request and informed everyone.

At this moment, the Human Demon King who was in Aolai City and was preparing to rush to the Western Continent suddenly heard Lu Fei's statement.

"Aolai City, a wild forest eight hundred miles to the east."

"It's quite close to me. Maybe I can kill that brat in advance."

Upon hearing that the target location had been moved, the Human Demon King was obviously a little excited.

He immediately stood up and flew towards the location mentioned by Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan continued to penetrate deeply into the cave of blood and bones.

Not long after leaving, he once again came to the passage of the bloodthirsty demon butterfly.

The inner wall of the passage was once again covered with bloodthirsty demon butterflies.

"Xiaomei, it's up to you."

Facing these bloodthirsty demon butterflies, it is most useful to let Xiaomei come out.

The bloodthirsty demon butterfly likes Xiaomei's plum wine very much, and it is completely unable to resist the temptation.

I saw Xiaomei appearing in the passage with a jar of plum wine. For a moment, all the bloodthirsty demon butterflies flew towards Xiaomei.

Then Zhuo Bufan took this opportunity to collect all the bloodthirsty demon butterflies into the plum garden in Plum City.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan's current army of bloodthirsty demon butterflies has become much more powerful.

After dealing with the bloodthirsty demon butterfly, Zhuo Bufan stood up and started heading deeper into the cave.

After passing through the passage, he came to a huge cave.

This cave is huge, as big as a train cave.

Zhuo Bufan knew that behind the cave was the monster he was looking for.

With a feeling of apprehension, he continued to delve deeper.

With every step he took, he felt his heart beat a little faster and his soul became a little colder.

The heavy breathing that comes from inside from time to time seems to come from ancient times, which makes people tremble.

"To be honest, I really don't want to see that monster again."

Zhuo Bufan only met the monster once, but he was swatted to death like a fly.

Zhuo Bufan still can't forget his fear of that monster.

"By the way, you can use the light and shadow spell."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered that he was still a great spell master.

The light and shadow spell he discovered can create a light and shadow clone.

This light and shadow clone only requires a little bit of his soul to control it.

I saw Zhuo Bufan closing his eyes silently, feeling the light and shadow talisman engraved deep in his soul.

Then activate the spell.

For a moment, a faint light emanated from him.

The light began to get brighter and brighter, and finally formed a faint halo.

Finally, the halo came out of Zhuo Bufan's body and became a clone exactly like Zhuo Bufan.

Then, Zhuo Bufan controlled his clone and headed towards the depths of the Blood and Bone Cave.

As he walked along, he felt his light and shadow clone trembling under the heavy prehistoric breathing.

Zhuo Bufan could only continuously transfer the soul power into the clone body.

Finally, the clone came to the edge of the huge abyss again.

In the center of the abyss, there is a bloody floating platform, and on the floating platform, sitting a bloody skeleton.

The bloody skeleton exudes sacred and powerful power.

"Saw it again."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but exclaimed, he saw this bloody skeleton again.

"Is it the Red Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

Because seeing this bloody skeleton reminded him of all the adventures in the bloody desert.

Under the bloody desert, it is rumored that a terrifying ancient beast is sealed.

The bloody obelisk that sealed it was made by the Red Emperor.

The floating platform and bloody skeleton in front of him also suppressed and sealed a terrifying ancient beast. That's why Zhuo Bufan made such an association.

Red Emperor, one of the four ancient emperors.

It is rumored that he is the elder brother of the other three great emperors.

Unlike Emperor Xuan who sealed the sky and sealed the earth, Emperor Qing was at ease with the world.

The Red Emperor seemed to be doing a very great thing from beginning to end, which was to suppress and seal the great beasts of the ancient times.

If the Red Emperor hadn't sealed these monsters, maybe the entire world of immortality would have been destroyed by these monsters.

Zhuo Bufan said, driving his light and shadow clone to float towards the bloody skeleton in the center of the abyss.

The bloody skeleton is covered with a faint layer of bloody light.

Under the bloody light, it can be clearly seen that these bones have begun to crack.

"No, this bloody skeleton won't last long."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, he could feel that the power of the bloody skeleton had been exhausted.

After all, more than two hundred thousand years have passed, and the power of the seal has long been worn away.

Now it is just barely maintaining this seal.

But who knows how long this seal can last.

"If the seal is broken, does that mean the monsters under the abyss will wake up?"

"Oh my god, that's okay. By then, the entire world of immortality will be in chaos and blood, won't it?"

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about ancient times.

But he also often heard that a single giant beast from ancient times could disrupt the world and even a saint could not defeat it.

The Red Emperor was one of the most powerful saints of that era, and in the end, he could only seal them.

It can be seen how powerful this prehistoric beast is.

"Let's take a look at that monster first, what the hell is it."

Zhuo Bufan said, his body emitting golden light, and flew down to the bottom of the abyss.

Because it was a clone, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of death at all.

Then he continued to sink along the blood-colored chains, and he found that even the blood-colored chains used for the seal had cracks.

"I'm afraid this seal won't last long."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

And at this moment, suddenly the surroundings began to become darker and darker.

In the darkness, it seemed that there was a voice whispering in his ear, with cold and indifferent language.

"Soul Awareness Talisman, start!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to hear what the figure was, so he used the Soul Awareness Talisman through the clone.

Soul Awareness Talisman, as long as the creature has a soul, Zhuo Bufan can hear the voice in their hearts.

However, when the Soul Awareness Talisman was turned on.

Zhuo Bufan heard the sound of fear that he didn't want to hear the most.

"Chidi, you can't trap me. When these shackles are broken, I will return to the earth and turn the world into scorched fire and purgatory."

He heard it, heard the voice from the prehistoric beast.

"Two hundred thousand years, I've been waiting and waiting! I've finally waited for this era."

"Chidi, after two hundred thousand years, can you still stop me?"

The prehistoric beast's voice, with a gloomy and dreadful voice as if it came from hell, made Zhuo Bufan feel creepy.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes as bright as the sun appeared in the dark abyss.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan came to his senses, he was greeted by a gluttonous mouth full of countless sharp teeth.


The prehistoric beast once again mistook Zhuo Bufan for a bug, or perhaps a glowing firefly, and ate him in one bite.


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