Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 547: Kill Qianhun Yu instantly

Chapter 547: Killing Qianhun Yu instantly

Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword broke through Jingzun's defense.

And sealed Jingzun's soul weapon, that is, the magic mirror.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan saw the right opportunity and used the third sword of life and death in succession.

The third sword of life and death finally flew out with terrifying and invincible power.

For a moment, the sky was dark, ghosts cried and wolves howled, as if there were demons shouting in the abyss of death.

The sword of life and death has the power to kill everything instantly.

It crushed everything along the way, and with a ding, it penetrated the final defense.

It penetrated the soul of Jingzun.

Jingzun, with a bang, disappeared in the sky and on the warship.

Jingzun, who was regarded as a god-like man by Shura Hai, was invincible in divine power, and even Wang Xingbadao was afraid of him.

He was defeated by Zhuo Bufan.

"It succeeded, father."

Bai Zifan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan reached out his hand and patted Bai Zifan on the head.

Then, he smiled.

"Well done, kid. If it weren't for you, we would really have to sigh in despair."


The people of Shura Sea were confused. The invincible leader in their hearts was defeated.

Then, Zhuo Bufan shouted to Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei, what are you waiting for? The next step is up to you."

"Shoot these guys back to Shura Sea."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Lu Fei immediately led the fleet and began to attack the remnants of Shura Sea.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan activated the Thousand Tailed Royal King Fort.

For a moment, all the tails of the Thousand Tailed Royal King Fort began to show their fangs and claws, and countless energy bombs flew out from the mechanisms.

On the other side, Lu Fei cooperated with Zhuo Bufan and drove all the Sky Battleships.

Blast towards the Shura Sea fleet.

Boom boom boom boom...

The sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark.

This battle blew the entire sea surface beyond recognition.

The Qianhun Yu on the island was also alarmed.

It roared at Zhuo Bufan and his men in the air with a deafening roar.

As soon as it opened its mouth, thousands of undead screamed. Everyone was fascinated and began to cry.

On the other hand, after the defense was broken, the Shura Sea had been defeated. Facing Zhuo Bufan's fleet, the Shura Sea was no longer able to fight.

They never expected that they would lose a battle that they were sure to win at the hands of Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword had the power to turn the tide in this battle.

Zhuo Bufan and his men took advantage of the victory and pursued them with unstoppable force.

The people of Shura Sea were completely wiped out, and the howling of ghosts and wolves was not enough to describe the collapse of Shura Sea and their men.

"Brother, you are so awesome."

After learning about Bai Zifan's heroic feat, Bai Zinian hugged Bai Zifan excitedly.

Bai Zifan just smiled faintly.

This honest child, after possessing such powerful strength for a while, was able to maintain such a calm expression, which was really precious.

Zhuo Bufan was proud to have such a son.

"Okay, get ready for the battle. There is another Qianhun Yu. Take care of him and go home for dinner."

Zhuo Bufan finally turned around and looked at Qianhun Yu behind him, and then said embarrassedly.

The attack launched by Qianhun Yu is a soul attack, which can affect the soul of others.

People with weak souls cannot survive Qianhun Yu's soul screams at all.


Qianhun Yu screamed his soul again, and most of the disciples of the Crazy Sect fainted one after another and lost their fighting power.

"Brother Xuanyuan, please take good care of Nian Nian for me. Xiaofan, follow your father to the battle."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he flew out on his sword and handed Bai Zi Nian to Xuanyuan Hao.

Bai Zifan followed closely behind. Under Zhuo Bufan's cover, the soul power shock he received had little impact.

Bai Zifan once again used his own soul weapon, the Fengtian Sword, from the Soul Classic.

The Fengtian Sword flew out of the Soul Classic with an incomparably sacred glow.

The glow was brilliant and dazzling.

At the beginning, Bai Su sealed the Fengtian Sword in Bai Zifan's body.

In this way, not only did it seal the demon seed hidden in Bai Zifan's body, but it also gave Bai Zifan an impeccable fortune.

Bai Zifan's Fengtian Sword once again broke through the air.

This time, his target became Qianhun Yu.

With just one sword, he directly pierced the central core of Qianhun Yu.

In an instant, all kinds of seals were imposed on Qianhun Yu, and Qianhun Yu was sealed instantly.

Then, it immediately lost its ability to resist.

Zhuo Bufan once again saw the right time and cooperated with Bai Zifan to use the Sword of Life and Death.

One sword went west, invincible in the world.

Perhaps, the Sword of Life and Death could not match Bai Zifan's sealing power.

But in terms of lethality, Zhuo Bufan's Sword of Life and Death is now invincible.

The sword went like a meteor, unstoppable, and furiously swept the army.

This time the target became the core of Qianhun Yu.


This sword hit Qianhun Yu effortlessly.

Then, the death energy spread quickly throughout Qianhun Yu's body like lightning.

Qianhun Yu screamed, and then with a puff, it was wiped out.


The father and son once again worked together to kill Qianhun Yu.

The war was finally over.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's journey was over.

For a while, the sea was calm, cloudless, and silent.

Later, Zhuo Bufan led everyone to the center of the island.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took Bai Zinian and stood on the soul altar.

Then, he said to Bai Zinian.

"Girl, this soul altar is yours from now on, give it a name!"

Nian Nian said after hearing this.

"I want to be named Daddy and Brother. It's awesome."

The last soul altar is no longer named after the Red Emperor.

Because Zhuo Bufan left this soul altar specifically for his daughter.

As for the name of the soul altar, as long as Nian Nian likes it, it doesn't matter what it is called.

Ever since, the name of this soul altar was so random.

Bai Zinian, after naming the soul altar, naturally became the master of the soul altar.

As a result, now in the entire Yunmeng Realm, except for the one in the center, all the soul altars have owners.

After Tianzun's announcement sounded, Yunmeng Realm was filled with excitement.

After occupying the Soul Altar, Zhuo Bufan thanked all the brothers who fought with him, including Xuanyuan Hao.

"Brother Xuanyuan, thank you for your help this time. Let's see you later. See you next time in Temple City."

Xuanyuan Hao will definitely go to the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu in the Temple City.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao turned around and left without saying a word. He was always there to help.

Of course, it was voluntary help, so Xuanyuan Hao definitely didn't get anything.

At least he got a soul castle and a soul altar.

"Boss, are we still going to the Central Soul Altar?"

Lu Fei asked.

Now with Mengjian, all that is left is a soul altar, but this soul altar is protected by a hundred-level soul beast.

"No need, let's talk about the last soul altar when we have a chance!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't rush forward. He felt that the time was not mature enough.

Although he now has Bai Zifan as a big help, it is even more difficult to kill the level 100 soul beast in the center, even if it is sealed.

"Everyone has worked hard. Let's go back first. When the time is right, we will attack this last soul altar again."

Zhuo Bufan is only giving up temporarily, and will not give up permanently. As long as the time is right, one day, he will lead his brothers from the Kuang Sect again to take possession of the last soul altar.

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