Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 574 ?Goodbye Bai Su

Chapter 574 Goodbye Bai Su


Looking at the three archive doors deep in his soul, Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly.

"Even my archive door is perfectly copied? Is this fake world too real?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of using the archive to crack the truth of this world. It turned out that it was exactly the same as when he was in the cultivation world, without any changes.

Zhuo Bufan now has no idea whether this world is true or false.

He stood on the top of Meicheng and looked around blankly.

"I heard that in the virtual world, people can do whatever they want, and everything they think of can come true."

"Then now, I want to see Bai Su."

In order to verify the truth of this world, Zhuo Bufan began to make a wish in his heart.

However, things went against his wishes, and Bai Su did not appear.

Obviously, the virtual world cannot be as one wishes. Unless Zhuo Bufan is not in the virtual world.

The person he wanted to see did not appear, and he could only stare at the sky blankly.

At this moment, Yunmeng Realm has already become a mess.

His Kuang Sect was besieged by various forces and was in danger.

Now Kuang Sect has completely become a rat crossing the street, and everyone is shouting for it to be beaten.

If Zhuo Bufan does not take charge of the overall situation, it is very likely that Kuang Sect will be completely exterminated in Yunmeng Realm.

However, Zhuo Bufan was indifferent.

He firmly believed in his guess that this was a false world, and this world was the so-called virtual realm.

"I want to break through this world, I want to return to the real world of cultivation."

Zhuo Bufan kept reminding himself.

However, so far, he has not found a way to leave the virtual realm.

It can be said that he is now completely passive.

"There must be a way. Since so many people can break through the virtual realm, then I, Zhuo Bufan, can also."

Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

For more than a month, Zhuo Bufan kept trying to find ways to break through the virtual realm.

He tried to use the Chaos Bell and the power of faith, and he just needed to read the file and start over.

However, there was no result.

Not only that, his relationship with the two children was getting worse and worse.

Zhuo Bufan's various incompatible ideas made Nian Nian more and more disappointed in him.

In fact, it was not that Zhuo Bufan didn't want to pay attention, but that he couldn't pay attention.

He didn't want to indulge in this false world.

He wanted to leave this world and break the illusion in front of him.

He couldn't indulge in this world, because the real Nian Nian and Zifan were still waiting for him.

Zhuo Bufan thought of this and was annoyed with the fake voices in front of him.

He didn't want to pay attention to these fake people and didn't want to indulge in them.

Because Zhuo Bufan believed that he had always been in the virtual world.

Zhuo Bufan tried hard to believe that this world was fake.

But even so, he couldn't break out of this virtual world and break through the current state.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused.

On this day, a voice came from his soul.

"Let's meet!"

The long-lost and familiar voice came from the soul.

Zhuo Bufan was so excited that he jumped up directly from the ground.

"Susu, is it you?"

That voice was Bai Su.

In this world, the only one who can communicate with Zhuo Bufan through soul is Bai Su, who has practiced together.

Dao couples practice together, and their souls merge with each other.

However, Bai Su had always shielded Zhuo Bufan from her soul before.

So Zhuo Bufan had never communicated with Bai Su.

But now, Bai Su took the initiative to open the soul communication.

Bai Su has opened it, and her soul is no longer shielded by Zhuo Bufan.

Now Zhuo Bufan can clearly sense Bai Su's existence.

"I want to meet you." Bai Su's voice came again.

Zhuo Bufan hurriedly replied after hearing it.

"Okay, okay, wait for me, where are you now? I'll find you."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to see Bai Su.

I'm still in Baihua City, Bai Su replied.

Zhuo Bufan said immediately.

"Okay, I'll go to Baihua City to find you right away, you wait, I'll go right away."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan could no longer hide his excitement.

Bai Su finally met him, and his love letter was finally useful.

However, Zhuo Bufan stopped suddenly when he was halfway there.

"If all this is fake, then Su Su is also fake. What's the point of me going to see her?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of this question. He firmly believed that everything he was facing now was fake, so Bai Su was also fake.

Since everything was fake, then he would only fall into a more fake vicious circle if he went to see Bai Su.

But this was Bai Su's request!

"Even if it's fake, I'll go."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly figured out the problem.

What he cared about was not the truth, but what Bai Su wanted to say to him.

He was looking forward to Bai Su saying something to him in his dreams.

Now, Bai Su has reopened the soul communication for him. Isn't this what Zhuo Bufan has always expected?

Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated and hurried towards Baihua City.

When he arrived in the airspace of Baihua City, he immediately sensed that a familiar soul power was pulling him.

Dual cultivation partners, souls are connected.

Bai Su had blocked Zhuo Bufan before, so Zhuo Bufan could not feel where Bai Su's soul was.

Now, Bai Su has reopened soul communication for Zhuo Bufan. In this way, Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su can easily sense each other's existence.

Zhuo Bufan sensed that Bai Su was on top of a tall building in Baihua City.

He hurriedly flew away.

This time, he did not take his two children with him, but went alone.

He landed, and the flowers landed on the top of the tower, and then looked at the wonderful man in front of him.

Bai Su is as beautiful as ever.

Bai Su now has a more mature charm than she did before.

Perhaps she is already a wife and mother.

The charm of Bai Su made Zhuo Bufan's heart flutter.

He looked at the beauty in front of him with a happy smile on his face.

"Susu, you are finally willing to see me."

"Child, where are they?"

After Bai Su saw Zhuo Bufan, he first asked about his children.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and replied.

"I didn't take them with me. I wanted to talk to you alone."

Bai Su replied after hearing this.

"That's fine, the children are not here, and there are some things I want to say to you alone."

After Bai Su finished speaking, she raised her beautiful eyebrows.

Then, she looked at Zhuo Bufan with her smart eyes.

Zhuo Bufan once said that the most beautiful thing about Bai Su is her eyes.

Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan with those clear and moving eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"I am the daughter of Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan."

Bai Su suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly replied.

"I know these."

Zhuo Bufan already knew Bai Su's identity, so it was not a secret.

Bai Su saw that Zhuo Bufan did not show too much surprise, so he continued.

"Fengjun is the apprentice of my father, Emperor Xuan."

Bai Su suddenly mentioned Feng Jun, which made Zhuo Bufan look serious.

Feng Jun is his love rival that he has never seen before.

Is Bai Su finally going to tell him about this man?

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