The heavy snow has passed, and the winter solstice has arrived!

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su's wedding was held on the winter solstice.

On this day, the sky was covered with white snow, making the world covered in white.

Only Meicheng was full of flowers and azaleas.

Red silk, red silk, red carpet, red door, red table, and red lanterns.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su's wedding became a major event in Meicheng.

All the people in Meicheng were mobilized to make careful preparations for this grand wedding.

Fireworks and firecrackers were set off for thirty miles.

Gongs, drums, and flutes resounded through the sky.

"Sister Bai, congratulations, from now on, you are the real Mrs. Zhuo."

For this wedding, the Su Nu Sect in the south of the city was regarded as Bai Su's mother's home.

Lingyu accompanied her and helped Bai Su with her makeup.

Today, Lingyu also wore a light red long dress on purpose.

The cuffs were embroidered with light blue peonies, silver threads outlined a few auspicious clouds, the hem was densely packed with a row of blue sea and cloud patterns, and the chest was wrapped in a wide piece of light yellow brocade.

The long skirt spread out as she gently turned her body, and her every move was as graceful as the wind blowing over the willows.

The wedding of Bai Su and Zhuo Bufan was a major event in Meicheng, and she also dressed up for it.

Zhuo Bufan was served by a group of big men in the city lord's mansion.

After teasing for a long time, he was dressed up properly.

He walked out of the city lord's mansion in a red and dark gold cloud pattern groom's suit.

"Boss, congratulations, you are really in high spirits today!"

Lu Fei and his brothers from the Kuangmen had already prepared a horse and asked Zhuo Bufan to go to the south of the city to marry the bride.

The carriage for the wedding today was a handsome white horse.

He combed his hair beautifully, which matched Zhuo Bufan's groom's outfit unexpectedly.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "You did a good job, boy."

Zhuo Bufan said so, but he was actually very grateful to Lu Fei in his heart.

Lu Fei helped to arrange the entire wedding.

It was with Lu Fei's help that Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su had such a grand wedding.

Zhuo Bufan did not refuse Lu Fei's help.

Because Zhuo Bufan really wanted to give Bai Su a unique wedding.

"Boss, get on the horse!"

Yin Lu patted the horse's back and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this, then jumped up and rode on the white horse with a noble aura.

"We will welcome the bride and set off!"


The person walking in the front rang the gong to clear the way.

Behind him was Zhuo Bufan, riding a tall white horse.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of people on both sides of the road, they headed towards the Su Nu Sect in the south of the city.

Following Zhuo Bufan, there was a big red sedan chair with embroidered balls and red silk tied on it, which looked particularly festive.

Lu Fei walked in front with gongs and drums in his hands.


"One gong, thank the heavens, this marriage is tied by a thread!"


"Two gongs, thank the earth, this marriage is destined!"


"Three gongs, thank parents, raising children, all hard work!"


"Four gongs, thank all living beings, please bless this relationship!"

Red makeup ten miles, gongs ring to open the way!

Zhuo Bufan's wedding procession came to the south of the city in a mighty manner.


"Here they come, master, their wedding procession is here."

Xiaomei rushed into the room in a hurry and was stunned by the beauty in front of her.


A crisp sound of gold and jade colliding came from the wind.

The fiery red sleeves fluttered gently in the breeze like a flying butterfly.

The red silk fluttered in the air, and a figure came slowly and walked out of the house.

Her skirt was as bright as fire, like a fiery red dragon, and her long skirt dragged on the ground, and she walked without revealing her feet, dignified and elegant.

Her hair flowed down like a dark green spring, and the fluttering hair stirred up layers of ink-colored light.

The golden phoenix hairpin crown was like a phoenix about to spread its wings and fly high.

She was filled with a nobleness that surpassed peony, floating in the flower field covered with white snow, which directly dazzled Xiaomei's eyes.

Her fairy-like jade-colored face was as clear as water and as bright as the morning star.

Her pair of spiritual eyes were ethereal and gorgeous, and she was the only one who was charming.

Shocked, amazed, and amazed, the shadow cast by her thick eyelashes was like the light ink stain on rice paper.

There was a blush of tiredness between her eyebrows, which made people feel pity.

The girls outside the courtyard couldn't help but feel their hearts surge and their breathing tightened suddenly.

The air was filled with the faint fragrance of lotus, which gently wiped away the frost in the air.

With light steps, she stepped over the door of the boudoir, and a pair of red rope bells tied to her jade feet tinkled.

Beauty, beauty beyond description, beauty that was suffocating.

Even the girl couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions and restlessness when she saw that stunning face.


Today's Bai Su was so beautiful that people couldn't look directly at her.

She was like the mysterious woman above the nine heavens, exuding an innate noble aura.

Even the delicate flowers in the small courtyard were eclipsed.

The proud and unyielding winter plums on the treetops were shy and couldn't bloom.

This kind of beauty was so beautiful that it made the sky jealous.

"Are you here?"

Lingyu, who was following Bai Su, could only serve as Bai Su's foil today.

She was dressed beautifully today, but in front of Bai Su, the protagonist today, she could only serve as a supporting role.

"Mother is so beautiful!"

Nian Nian, who was standing outside the courtyard, saw Bai Su walking out of the house and couldn't help clapping and shouting.

"Brother, do you think mother is beautiful?"


Bai Zifan, who was always as cold as ice, couldn't help but nod.

"Nian Nian, Zifan, come and pick up clothes for your mother!"

Lingyu took Bai Su's hand and slowly walked out of the gate.

After hearing this, the two children hurriedly walked behind Bai Su.

Pick up her long skirt that was on the snow.

Seeing this, Bai Su smiled slightly, then stepped on the lotus steps and swayed out of the palace.

Walking out of the hall, I found that there were already crowds of people under the hall, waiting for the bride to appear.

When Bai Su appeared, everyone was overjoyed.

Her beautiful eyes moved and swept lightly.

In an instant, people suddenly lost their souls and were fascinated by her.

With her hands behind her back and eyebrows raised, the heroes of the world bowed down, and thousands of beauties lost their color.

Among all living beings, there are more proud than snow plums, more elegant than black chrysanthemums, and embroidered with bright golden patterns, as if stepping on people's hearts.

"Is that the wife of the city lord? She is just like a goddess."

"When the goddess descends to the earth, all the beauty in the world loses its beauty."

"Today I am lucky to see such a beautiful face, and I will die without regrets!"

"This woman should only exist in heaven. After today, she can be praised as the most beautiful woman in the world."


People's praise for Bai Su is simply to the point of overthrowing the world.

I feel that I can no longer find adjectives to describe what I saw today.

The literati don't know what to say, and the painters don't know what to color!

Praise can only be kept in the heart, chewed deeply, and savored endlessly.

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