Chapter 614 Traveler

When everyone's faith was focused on Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan's divine power showed unprecedented power.

Endless divine power swept through the entire virtual tree space, and the virtual tree began to be assimilated by the power released by Zhuo Bufan.

The originally purple-black tree trunk began to glow with golden light.

The light spread rapidly from the trunk to the roots and branches, until every root and branch was fused with the power released by Zhuo Bufan.

Finally, Xu Shu began to exert all his strength.

The huge virtual beast he created also began to shrink slowly.

"It worked, we made it."

Gao Yangxu shouted.

Everyone, after going through a lot of hardships, finally saw this scene.

I saw the virtual beast being assimilated by Zhuo Bufan's power, and finally the entire virtual tree was completely surrounded by Zhuo Bufan's divine power.

Immediately, the mysterious immortal in Zhuo Bufan's soul completely handed over Xu Shu's power to Zhuo Bufan.

Deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul, he possesses two world trees, the virtual tree and the real tree.

"Is this the virtual tree?"

Zhuo Bufan is in his own soul world. Calmly looking at the virtual tree that suddenly appeared in his soul world.

When they were in the space of the virtual tree, Zhuo Bufan and the others couldn't see the true face of the virtual tree because the virtual tree was so big. After all, they couldn't see the mountain when they were in the mountains.

But now, Xu Shu has merged into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan could see Xu Shu's entire appearance.

The trunk of the virtual tree is entwined like nine giant dragons.

And its branches are just like the dragon's blood tree, with a very dense crown and many branches and leaves.

To be honest, the virtual tree is somewhat similar to the real tree, but the real tree has hundreds of millions of leaves.

The virtual tree doesn't have a single leaf, but there are fruits the size of peas hanging on the branches.

These small fruits are obviously the giant egg where Zhuo Bufan slept.

"It's really magical!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but say.

"It's time for everyone to go back."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten his purpose.

His ultimate goal is to let everyone leave this world.

Now Xu Shu has become the slave of Zhuo Bufan's soul. Zhuo Bufan naturally immediately released all the immortal cultivators in the entire virtual beast space.

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and saw Gao Yangxu and others standing in front of him.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan exuded a different kind of mystery and became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I am finally leaving this world. Thank you all for giving me strength at the end."

Zhuo Bufan knew that without these people giving him the power of faith at the last moment, he would not have been able to suppress the virtual tree in front of him so easily.

Seeing this, everyone showed a faint smile.

"Well done, boy, you saved everyone."

"Yes, boy, if it weren't for you, we might still be sleeping in this damn place. It was you who woke us all up. Fourth, you led all of us to knock down this virtual tree. So, boy, I remember you. After returning to the world of cultivation, if you need anything, just ask."

"Yes, as long as you give the order, all of us will do it without hesitation."

"Yes, you are our great benefactor. I, Mr. Qiao, am not an ungrateful person. If anything happens, I will go through fire and water without hesitation at the manager's command."

As these cultivators spoke, their bodies also emitted a faint white light.

Then their figures became darker and darker, and they began to leave this world one by one.

"Thank you so much, young hero. Hao'er is lucky to have a friend like you."

At this time, Xuanyuan Changfeng also came out and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Xuanyuan Changfeng is Xuanyuan Hao's father.

Zhuo Bufan lived up to Xuanyuan Hao's trust and finally took his father away from this world.

After Xuanyuan Changfeng finished speaking, a faint white light began to emit from his body, and then turned into particles all over the ground, slowly floating in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

Then people began to disappear from this world one by one. Before leaving, everyone expressed their solemn thanks to Zhuo Bufan.

They chanted Zhuo Bufan's name and engraved Zhuo Bufan's name deeply in their minds.

"It seems that my mission has been completed."

At this time, Li Daoxian came out and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Li Daoxian followed his master's order and was also waiting for the arrival of Zhuo Bufan.

Now Zhuo Bufan is here, and he has merged with the fairy light ball and the virtual tree at the same time.

Li Daoxian finally completed the mission deep in his soul.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Li Daoxian with great gratitude.

"Thank you Dao Immortal Brother!"

Of course Zhuo Bufan would like to thank Li Daoxian. If it weren't for Li Daoxian, maybe they would stay in this virtual tree world forever. The emergence of Li Daoxian is undoubtedly an important role in turning the situation around.


Li Daoxian didn't say much, he just raised his hands and bowed slightly towards Zhuo Bufan.

Then his figure became darker and darker, and finally disappeared into the air.

Seeing cultivators leaving this world one after another, Zhuo Bufan smiled sincerely.

He never thought that he could do something great, but this time, he felt that he was great. He saved all the cultivators sleeping in the virtual tree world.

After today, there will be millions more real people in the world of cultivation.

The world of cultivation will usher in an unprecedented outbreak of cultivation.

And all of this is extraordinary, brought to the world by him.

It was he who led this storm of cultivating immortals.

Seeing cultivators leaving one after another with smiles, in the end only Gao Yangxu was left in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Brother, you did a great job."

Gao Yangxu said and lightly hit Zhuo Bufan's chest.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and smiled after hearing this.

"Do you remember what you promised me back then? You said you would tell me your true identity after everything is over."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten what Gao Yangxu promised him. After hearing this, Gao Yangxu was silent for a moment and then said.

"I travel through various worlds and walk in the long river of history."

"Now you understand. I'm actually from the same place as you."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"Are you also a time traveler?"

Zhuo Bufan said the word "ye".

Obviously, he himself admitted the fact that he was a time traveler.

"Brother Zhuo, see you later!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask more questions, but Gao Yangxu didn't say anything more because he had already disappeared from this world.

Seeing Gao Yangxu disappear, Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought for a long time. A time traveler, he didn't expect that Gao Yangxu was also a time traveler, and that he came from the same place and planet as her?

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