Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 669 ?New Emperor (Part 2)

Chapter 669 The New Emperor (Part 2)

In fact, Donghuang Haotian already knew yesterday that his father had passed away.

So today, he actually participated in this trial with the pain of losing his father.

This is why he must succeed. He cannot live up to his father's last wish.

Zhuo Bufan was still worried about how he would tell Donghuang Haotian this news. Now it seemed that Donghuang Haotian was stronger than he thought.

This man looks carefree, but in fact he is more careful than anyone else.

After Donghuang Haotian held the final memorial ceremony for his father on the stage.

He stood up and sat on the throne at the top.

He wants to prove to the world that he is qualified to become the new emperor of the demon clan.

When the people of the Monster Clan saw the Eastern Emperor Haotian sitting on the throne, they all knelt down and started chanting.

Long live my emperor.

At this point, the Yaozu ushered in another emperor. The Prince of the East Palace, East Emperor Haotian, finally succeeded in ascending the throne.

Two days later, Zhuo Bufan was invited by Donghuang Haotian and came to the Demon Clan Palace.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Donghuang Haotian again, he was wearing a huge imperial robe and a crown symbolizing the Nine-Fiveth Emperor.

Holding the supreme scepter in his hand, he sat on the throne that was unique to me and unparalleled in the world.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan in the main hall, Donghuang Haotian showed a faint smile.

"Zhuo Aiqing, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"After becoming the emperor, your momentum is indeed different. I am happy for you, congratulations."

Zhuo Bufan sincerely congratulates Dong Huang Haotian on becoming the new emperor of the demon clan.

However, Donghuang Haotian smiled helplessly.

"Zhuo Aiqing, you don't have to laugh at me. Only after my father died did I realize how much responsibility I have to bear as an emperor."

"Haha, could it be that you think being an emperor is fun?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then Dongfang Haotian took out a jade plaque and gave it to Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo Aiqing, do you still remember what I promised you that day?"

"As long as I become the emperor of the demon clan, you will be the prime minister of my demon clan."

Zhuo Bufan took the jade plaque with the three characters "Prime Minister Zuo" written on it.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

At first, he was just joking, but he didn't expect Donghuang Haotian to take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, he named himself a left prime minister.

Prime Minister Zuo has a position below one person and above ten thousand people in the Monster Clan.

"Haha, I picked up a prime minister for nothing. In fact, I didn't do anything."

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling of being rewarded for nothing, and he had indeed picked up the prime minister cheaply.

"In addition to fulfilling the agreement of the day, I also have my own motives for making you Prime Minister."

"Now, although I am the Demon King, the demon tribes and tribes have not surrendered to me."

"My eldest brother, Donghuang Haoyue, is still in charge of the military power of the major tribes of the Demon Clan."

"To put it bluntly, the emperor I am now is just an empty emperor."

Although Donghuang Haotian became the chosen emperor in front of all the demon clan members.

However, his name as emperor does not live up to his name.

His elder brother Donghuang Haoyue still has deep friendships with various tribes of the Monster Clan.

These tribes all obey the orders of the eldest prince, Donghuang Haoyue.

On the contrary, Donghuang Haotian has no power of his own.

He was completely isolated.

"The only people who support me now are a few tribes and my aunt, Donghuangqin."

"The remaining nearly 70% of the tribe is still dominated by my imperial brother Donghuang Haoyue."

"I made you Prime Minister. In addition to wanting to establish my own power, I also hope that you can jointly lobby the major tribes in the name of my standard Prime Minister."

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"You should know very well that I don't have time to play any Game of Thrones with you here."

"Now that you have successfully ascended the throne, I think my mission has been completed."

"I will not take this position as Prime Minister. Please give me the star sea map to find the Tomb of the Star. I am going to find the Tomb of the Star now."

Zhuo Bufan will no longer waste time with the Monster Clan. He still wants to save Qingdi, Xiaomei, and Bai Su.

He directly rejected the position of prime minister given by Donghuang Haotian.

"Wait a minute."

Just when Zhuo Bufan decided to leave, Donghuang Haotian raised his hand and said.

"You don't have to reject me so quickly. In fact, I have decided to go with you to the Tomb of the Star."

"After all, I have no power of my own in the demon clan. Since these people don't obey me, then they should always obey the demon ancestor Qingdi who created the demon world."

"So, I want to go to the Tomb of the Star with you to resurrect the Qing Emperor and unify the demon world again."

"As for when the time comes, I still won't be the king of the demon clan, that doesn't matter. But your position as prime minister can be kept."

After listening to Donghuang Haotian's words, Zhuo Bufan probably understood what he meant.

He wanted to resurrect the Qing Emperor and let him rule the current demon clan again.

After the Qing Emperor returns, his throne of the demon clan may not be guaranteed.

However, the power he established can be preserved.

This not only gave Zhuo Bufan a favor, but also left a way out for himself.

"You want to follow me to the Tianxing Tomb to look for Qing Emperor??"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"That's right. The Green Emperor is the supreme ruler of our demon clan. I think only when he comes back to reorganize our demon clan can our demon clan become truly strong. This is also the wish of my father."

"If you follow me, what will happen to you, the emperor of the demon clan, and your foundation? This trip is dangerous, and I can't guarantee that you will come back alive."

Zhuo Bufan warned.

And Donghuang Haotian was not afraid at all, he said.

"I will leave the affairs of the demon clan to my aunt. As for whether this trip is dangerous, I have already put life and death aside."

"If I can't come back, my aunt will protect this country for me."

"Aren't you afraid that after we leave, your eldest brother will take the opportunity to usurp the throne."

"He doesn't have that courage. I am the true emperor who has passed the test of the previous demon emperor. What's the use of him taking the opportunity to usurp the throne if he can't win the support of the people?"

"Haha, okay, you are quite open-minded. In this case, then okay, you will go to Tianxing Tomb with me."

The return of the Green Emperor is inevitable.

Zhuo Bufan was going to the Tianxing Tomb anyway. If Dongfang Haotian accompanied him, he might be more likely to succeed.

At this moment, Donghuang Haotian took out a blueprint.

On the blueprint, the light of stars shone.

"This is the star sea map to the Tianxing Tomb. Tomorrow, I will hold a grand departure ceremony. Tell the world that I will go to the Tianxing Tomb to revive the Qing Emperor."

"You want to announce it to the world?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise. He didn't want to make such a big fuss.

"Yes, I just want to let the world know that I am going to revive the Qing Emperor. I have an important mission."

"No, don't do it. It's best to do it in secret this time. Not everyone wants the Qing Emperor to be resurrected. Don't do stupid things. If you really want to go, follow me to the Tianxing Tomb tonight."

Zhuo Bufan stopped Donghuang Haotian's stupid behavior.


Donghuang Haotian asked.

"Yes, tonight, I can't wait any longer."

Zhuo Bufan issued an ultimatum to Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian hesitated for a moment after hearing this.

Then he replied.

"Well, tonight, I will tell my aunt about the affairs in the Demon Palace. See you at the city gate at 3:30 pm."

"Okay, see you at the city gate."

Zhuo Bufan said, turned around and left the Demon Palace.

The trip to Tianxing Tomb has been delayed for so long, and it is finally time to start.


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