When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on the stairs.

At this time, less than an incense stick of time had passed since he fainted.

However, Zhuo Bufan felt that he had spent hundreds of years, even thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years.

He reincarnated in the world of the six paths, and each world was a long practice.

He deeply remembered every detail of his practice.

It was because of this that Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul had surpassed the past.

In the past, his soul could only take over the souls of others and occupy the magpie's nest.

But now his soul can change into all things in the world at will.

The soul of the six-pass realm can pass through the six paths and travel freely.

After the power of the soul was infinitely strengthened, Zhuo Bufan stood up from the stairs.

Then he took another step, step by step, towards the top of the ladder.

"He stood up, stood up."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan, who had fallen, stand up again, Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba were extremely excited.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is their hope now.

They couldn't go up, so they could only worry.


Finally, with a low roar, Zhuo Bufan's right foot finally stepped on the last step.

At that moment, a sacred light fell from the sky and landed on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that his soul had received a great baptism.

The soul of the Six-Pass Realm was stabilized and strengthened.

He raised his eyes and looked at the huge meteorite in front of him.

Below the meteorite is a square in the shape of Bagua.

There are eight altars in the eight corners of the square.

There is a laughing meteorite on each altar.

The small meteorite is tied with a huge bronze chain, which leads directly to the large meteorite in the center.

And on top of the large meteorite is the Qingxian Palace where Zhuo Bufan is going!

"Qingdi, I'm coming."

Zhuo Bufan took a step and continued to move forward.

After reaching the Bagua platform, Zhuo Bufan was no longer affected by the ladder, and he finally felt relaxed.

He quickly came to the center of the Bagua platform, where there was also an altar.

Zhuo Bufan stood on it, knowing that this was the passage to the top of the meteorite.

The moment he stood on the altar, a ray of light opened the road to heaven for him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt a surge of energy that slowly lifted him up, and then began to rise to the top of the meteorite.


With the sound of a dust-settled mechanism, Zhuo Bufan came to the top of the meteorite.

In front of him, there were clusters of crystals, and a crystal avenue led directly to the crystal palace in the center.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the crystal palace, he saw a crystal pyramid with a height of a hundred layers on all four sides in the palace.

At the top of the pyramid, there was a crystal coffin.

The outside of the crystal coffin released eternal light.

Zhuo Bufan began to climb the crystal pyramid with great awe.

Every step he took felt like a sacred baptism.

Soon, he had reached the top and came to the side of the crystal coffin.

In the crystal coffin, there was a man in white.

When Zhuo Bufan saw him, the call of the Chaos Bell suddenly exploded in his mind.

"Qingdi, Qingdi, Qingdi!"

The Chaos Bell was excited, and it was obviously the most excited.

The man lying in the crystal coffin, who else but Qindi?

Not only the Chaos Bell, but also the Red Lotus in Zhuo Bufan's hand seemed extremely excited when he saw the man in the coffin.

"Master, I finally see you, Master."

The Red Lotus Spear and the Chaos Bell were both Qingdi's things, and they both recognized Qingdi as their master.

So when they saw Qingdi, they were particularly excited.

"He is indeed a peerless handsome man!"

Zhuo Bufan was deeply ashamed of himself after seeing Qingdi's ageless face.

He thought he was also a handsome man, but compared with Qingdi, he was still far behind.

Even when Qingdi was lying in a cold coffin, he exuded incomparable majesty.

"Old boy, I finally see you again, see you."

The excitement shown by Chaos Bell after seeing Qingdi exceeded Zhuo Bufan's imagination.

Zhuo Bufan has already prepared for the worst.

If he resurrects Qingdi, he will lose Chaos Bell.

Seeing Chaos Bell so excited, it is obvious that in its mind, Qingdi is his eternal master.

Chaos Bell said that he was full of resentment towards Qingdi, but in fact, Qingdi's personality charm had completely conquered him hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Qingdi, one of the four legendary emperors, Zhuo Bufan finally saw his true appearance.

"Forget it, if losing Chaos Bell can bring back Xiaomei and Susu's resurrection, why not?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to give up Chaos Bell, but this bell was not his after all.

"Some things are his, and it's useless to force them."

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan resurrected Qingdi, and more importantly, he wanted to resurrect Bai Su.

He missed Bai Su and thought about her all the time.

He and Bai Su are Dao Lu, husband and wife, inseparable lovers.

Let alone the Chaos Bell, as long as he can save Bai Su, he will give up everything.


"Old Zhong, are you ready?"

"We are going to unlock the seal of the Green Emperor."

When Zhuo Bufan came, he had already told Chaos Bell the purpose of their trip.

When Chaos heard that he was going to unseal the Green Emperor, he became excited.

So, when he saw the Green Emperor, he couldn't wait.

"Boy, let me do it, let me unseal him!"

Baidi once said to Zhuo Bufan that only Chaos Bell could open the Green Emperor's seal.

So at this point, the next step is to rely on Chaos Bell.

Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated, and with his right hand in the air, Chaos Bell flew out of his palm.

Then, Chaos Bell floated above the crystal coffin, and endless chaos energy fell from the bell, like a waterfall of stars, falling on the crystal coffin.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside, silently watching the reaction of the Green Emperor.

The Green Emperor lay in the crystal coffin without any reaction.

"I need some time!"

Chaos Bell tried hard to unseal the Green Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan could only watch.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed his neck fiercely, and then pulled something out of his neck.

He shook it in front of his eyes and was stunned.

"Fish scale?"

The thing in Zhuo Bufan's hand turned out to be a fish scale.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was surprised at what the hell this fish scale was and when it was attached to his neck.

The next second, the fish scale suddenly released a thousand-foot light.

Then, with the fish scale as the singularity, a huge black hole began to form.

From the black hole, Zhuo Bufan felt an extremely terrifying breath.

Then, something rushed out of the black hole.

"Not good!"

Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him that the creatures on the other side of the black hole were not friendly.

Several strange creatures rushed out of the black hole in succession.

"Old clock!"

Zhuo Bufan was ready to change the Chaos Bell early, but found that the Chaos Bell was not in his hand.

"Damn it."

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the red lotus in his hand.

"Honglian, we can't let these guys out, understand?"


Honglian also felt that the appearance of this black hole would be very disadvantageous to the Green Emperor.

She would not allow anything to be disadvantageous to the Green Emperor.

"I will seal the black hole, and you will deal with these guys."

Zhuo Bufan said, throwing out the Honglian gun.

At the same time, he rushed to the front of the black hole, exerted his divine power, held the power of life and death, and blasted towards the black hole.


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