Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 695 Zifan's Crisis

After Niannian left, Zhuo Bufan stood there in silence for a long time.

He didn't know if this was the right choice. But as things have developed so far, everything seems to be going according to God's will.

After a long time, Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses.

He looked at the glazed green immortal lamp left by Qing Emperor and murmured to himself.

"Hell, going to hell?"

Qingdi suggested that Zhuo Bufan go to hell to practice.

Now Zhuo Bufan's soul has reached the six realms, and his own cultivation has reached the real person realm.

He was short of an opportunity, a chance to reach the Tao realm.

And going to hell is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because Qingdi had his own mission, he took Bai Zinian to Jingyuan.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan should do something of his own.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about when to go to hell, at this moment, Lu Fei suddenly contacted him.

"Boss, the boss is not good!"

After connecting to the sound-transmitting conch, Zhuo Bufan heard Lu Fei's busy voice.

"What's wrong? If you have something to say, please speak slowly."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Boss, news just came from the ancient temple, Xiaofan, Xiaofan was captured by the demonic people."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"What? Xiaofan was taken away? What happened?"

At this time, Zhuo Bufan became even more anxious than Lu Fei.

He had just given away his beloved daughter, and now he heard such bad news.

How could Zhuo Bufan not be anxious when his son was kidnapped by demonic people?

"Boss, is it convenient for you now? Come to Yunmeng Realm quickly. Xuanyuan Hao is also here."

"Xuanyuan Hao, okay, just wait, I'll come right away."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged and entered the Yunmeng Realm.

When he appeared at the Mad Sect General Forum in the Yunmeng Realm, he saw an anxious Lu Fei and a solemn-looking Xuanyuan Hao.

It was also the first time that Zhuo Bufan saw Xuanyuan Hao's expression so solemn.

Maybe it was because he didn't know how to explain to Zhuo Bufan.

But now is not the time to hold people accountable.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan came up, he walked up to Xuanyuan Hao and asked.

"What happened? Where is Zifan? How could he be captured by someone from the devil's path?"

Xuanyuan Hao heard this and replied.

"Three days ago, I sent him to the Ancient God Mountain to train."

"I didn't expect that the devil seemed to have already sneaked into my ancient temple."

"They have been waiting for the opportunity, and finally took Zifan away while he was out training."

"I found out in time and chased after him, but I didn't expect..."

"What didn't you expect?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"I didn't expect that the person who captured him would be the most powerful demon in the demon world today, the Earth Demon Lord."

"Earth, Lord Earth Demon?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened. He hadn't heard this name for a long time.

The last time I saw Lord Earth Demon was many years ago.

The Demon King came to Zhuo Bufan for the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan had no power to fight back when faced with the Earth Demon King. He had no power to fight back at all.

In the end, he could only honestly hand over the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

Although he gave the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death technique to Lord Earth Demon, Zhuo Bufan had no regrets.

Because for Zhuo Bufan, that volume of skills was a trap he specially sent to Lord Earth Demon.

If you practice this technique, you will have a narrow escape from death. If the Earth Demon Lord wants to practice this technique, he will definitely give him a hard time.

Zhuo Bufan had the same idea at the beginning, wanting to trap the Earth Demon Lord in a cocoon.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Lord suddenly kidnapped Bai Zifan.

"What does this bastard want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry.

Although Bai Zifan is not his biological son, Zhuo Bufan has watched him grow up and has always raised him as his biological son.

Now that something happened to Bai Zifan, why wasn't he worried?

"No, I want to go to the Demon Gate and save Zifan."

Zhuo Bufan was anxious, he was afraid that the Demon Lord would be harmful to Bai Zifan.

"I will accompany you. He is my apprentice, and I am also responsible for this matter."

"I'm on my way to the Western Continent now."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Okay, I'm in the Southern Monster Clan now, and we'll meet up in the far west, Fire Cloud City."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he immediately disappeared into the Yunmeng Realm. He was going to the Demon Gate immediately to rescue Bai Zifan.

After leaving Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan immediately walked out of Meicheng.

Then after explaining to Donghuang Haotian, he decided to rush to the Western Continent immediately.

Donghuang Haotian was obviously a little surprised.

"Brother Zhuo, are you in such a hurry? Do you need my help?"

Donghuang Haotian said.

Zhuo Bufan refused.

"No, you finally regained the throne, and you can be your Demon King! We will see you later."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he drove Meicheng and left the Demon Court.

Due to the sudden incident, Zhuo Bufan had no chance to properly celebrate with Donghuang Haotian, nor did he have a proper farewell.

In short, Zhuo Bufan was very anxious. He was afraid that if he was a step too late, the child would suffer some consequences.

Zhuo Bufan is very scared!

Even though Bai Zifan has grown up, Zhuo Bufan, as his father, is still worried about him.

Zhuo Bufan had just sent away his daughter Bai Zinian, but he didn't want anything to happen to Bai Zifan at this time.

After bidding farewell to Donghuang Haotian, Zhuo Bufan began to drive Meicheng towards the West Sea.

After returning to Meicheng, Zhuo Bufan asked Lu Fei to gather all the masters of the Crazy Sect to prepare to attack the demons.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan personally entered the Yunmeng Realm.

Then Zhuo Bufan began to inform the world.

"Everyone, I am Zhuo Bufan, and my son Bufan was captured by the demons recently. I believe you all know what the demons want to do."

"Once the demons succeed in their evil plan, the demons will reappear in the world and bring disaster to the world."

"Now, I will lead the Crazy Sect to attack the demons."

"I need your strength."

"If there are like-minded people, meet at Xihai Huoyun City in half a month. I, Zhuo Bufan, will be grateful for this."

Zhuo Bufan personally released the news, he actually wanted to attack the demons.

That's the demons, even if the demons are now in decline, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Zhuo Bufan had no choice. In order to save Bai Zifan, this was her only choice.

And Zhuo Bufan's call was quickly responded to.

"Xingchen Palace, we are willing to fight the demon clan together with Kuangmen!"

Unexpectedly, the first to respond was Xingchen Palace, which had a grudge against Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could actually guess the reason why Xingchen Palace attacked the demon clan.

"Thank you, Star Lord. See you in Huoyun City." Zhuo Bufan expressed his gratitude from a distance.

Soon, the second sect joined.

"Xiaoyao Sect, we are willing to fight the demon clan together with Kuangmen!"

Xiaoyao Sect, the first righteous sect in the Western Continent.

Obviously, if Xiaoyao Sect expressed its opinion, at that time, people from all over the world would gather and respond.

"My Qingfeng Sect, we are willing to fight the demon clan together with Kuangmen!"

"My Tianshan Sect, we are willing to fight the demon clan together with Kuangmen!"

"My Shenxiao Sect, we are willing to fight the demon clan together with Kuangmen!"


More and more sects joined the grand event of fighting the demon clan.

Among them, many people decided to repay Zhuo Bufan because of his help in the virtual realm.

Zhuo Bufan saved millions of real people in the past. What a terrifying force this is.

As more and more sects joined, Zhuo Bufan, with his own strength, united the righteousness of the world and officially declared war on the evil ways.

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