Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 704 Sandstorm Giant

Zhuo Bufan walked on the desert without eating or drinking, with the scorching sun on his head.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, and it felt like his feet were almost useless!

But so far, he still hasn't seen the end of the desert, nor has he seen any human habitation.

"Isn't this hell just desert?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the vast desert in front of him, and his heart felt half cold.

But the house leaked and it rained all night. At this moment, he suddenly saw a storm on the edge of the desert.

"No, it's a sandstorm!"

Seeing the huge sandstorm sweeping over like a tsunami.

Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to grit his teeth.

"Damn it, it seems I can only use divine power."

Facing a sandstorm, a mortal body would definitely be powerless to resist.

The only thing Zhuo Bufan can rely on now is his divine power.

Therefore, when Zhuo Bufan faced the violent sandstorm, his only choice was to use divine power.

Seeing the overwhelming sandstorm approaching, Zhuo Bufan held his breath and concentrated, his thoughts clear.

On his body, divine rings condensed one after another.

Zhuo Bufan's current divine ring has nine levels, and his divine power is still extremely powerful.

Facing the sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand, and a divine ring condensed in front of his palm.

The next second, energy that destroyed the heaven and earth was ejected from the divine ring.


The terrifying sandstorm instantly opened a huge hole.

"One percent!"

Zhuo Bufan said to himself that the move just now consumed one percent of his divine power.

He is using his divine power very carefully.

Therefore, every move made has been carefully calculated.

He does not have much divine power, because in hell, believers in the world of cultivation cannot transfer the power of faith to Zhuo Bufan.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan's divine power cannot be replenished.

And divine power is what he relies on in hell.

Therefore, he must be like an iron rooster and use his divine power carefully.

In his opinion, one percent of the divine power was enough to deal with the sandstorm in front of him.

However, just before Zhuo Bufan had time to be happy.

Suddenly, the sandstorm in front of him changed.

The sandstorm that originally covered the sky like a tsunami began to gather.

Finally, a sandstorm giant formed.

That giant is too high to reach and cannot be seen from the top!

Perhaps angered by Zhuo Bufan's move just now, the sandstorm giant suddenly raised its fist as big as a hill and smashed it towards Zhuo Bufan.

That's not a fist, it's just a shooting star.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhuo Bufan pushed hard, and the sandstorm turned into a human form. This is simply unscientific!

Even the world of cultivation does not have such a strange existence.

However, it was indeed a giant made of countless sands.

Seeing the meteor-like fist falling from the sky, Zhuo Bufan immediately opened a divine ring and punched it out with his backhand.

This punch quickly formed a divine ring in front of his fist, and then amplified the power of his fist millions of times.


Zhuo Bufan's small fist met the sandstorm giant's meteor fist.

At that moment, the earth shook, the explosion was like thunder, and the whole world was shaken.

Endless amounts of sand fell from the sky like a downpour.

"One percent!"

In that punch just now, Zhuo Bufan carefully used up one percent of his divine power.

However, the collision of the two fists only offset their respective energies.

Zhuo Bufan did not kill the sandstorm giant.

On the contrary, the Sandstorm Giant saw Zhuo Bufan and blocked his Sandstorm Meteor Fist.

He suddenly became furious, then opened his huge mouth, and from his mouth, a surging sand waterfall like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens spurted out.

It was a waterfall formed in the desert, sweeping directly towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, we can't waste time with him, we must deal with him quickly."

Zhuo Bufan can no longer play with this sandstorm giant with punch after punch. His divine power is limited.

Zhuo Bufan must use the least amount of divine power to kill this sandstorm giant.

"It seems that at least five percent of the divine power must be used to destroy this freak in one go."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what this sandstorm giant was, so he could only regard it as a freak.

Seeing the sand waterfall falling from the sky, Zhuo Bufan raised his fist again, and a powerful divine power began to condense towards his fist.

Five percent of the divine power was poured into this punch, and the entire arm glowed with golden light.


Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and then punched the head of the sandstorm giant in the sky.

The moment he blasted out, a huge divine ring formed on his fist.


That punch was like a cannonball blasted out of the divine ring.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden light hit the head of the sandstorm giant.


This punch directly penetrated the head of the sandstorm giant, and even hit the sky, shattering the entire sky.

Five percent of divine power is indeed extraordinary.

Seeing the head of the sandstorm giant explode into flying ash.

Zhuo Bufan showed a solemn smile.

The reason why he is solemn is because he has consumed five percent of his divine power.

Together with the previous two punches, he had consumed seven percent of his divine power.

But fortunately, after consuming 7% of his divine power, he finally killed the sandstorm giant.

Seeing the sandstorm giant turning into ashes and falling from the sky, Zhuo Bufan saw that something seemed to fall from the abdomen of the sandstorm giant and finally fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurried over.

Only to see a small creature the size of a potato lying on the sand.

It seemed not to be dead yet.

Its body shape was also like a potato, with a hard armor-like shell on the surface.

It had two cute big ears, and the ears were also like wings.

There was also a mark on its forehead. It should also be the slave mark of the King of Hell.

However, unlike the mark on Zhuo Bufan's forehead, the mark on the forehead of this little potato was three concentric circles with a black dot in the center.

Then, right above the concentric circles, there were two triangular corners.

Obviously, the slave mark of this potato was higher than Zhuo Bufan's, indicating that its status in hell was actually much higher than Zhuo Bufan's.

"Does it mean that every time you upgrade a level, you will add a concentric circle?"

"This little thing has three concentric circles, with a small dot in the middle, and two triangles in the outer circle. Its status in hell should be five levels higher than mine."

Zhuo Bufan deduced the level of this little potato according to his own calculations.

Obviously, this little potato is the body of the sandstorm giant.

It is such a strange creature that can create such a terrifying sandstorm.

However, this little potato never expected that it would encounter a heretic.

Zhuo Bufan is obviously the lowest slave, but he defeated himself.

"Take it with you, as a backup meal."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and decided to take this little potato with him.

It is said that he would use it as a backup meal, but Zhuo Bufan felt that this little potato, even in hell, is a very unusual creature.

The plot about hell is a brand new plot. The cultivation system is also brand new. In order to facilitate everyone's memory, the cultivation system is written out in this chapter. Specifically, there are the first-level Yama slaves to the tenth-level Yama slaves, then the Lords of the Ten Palaces of Senluo, and the King of Hell.

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