Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 717: One Battle to Become the King

The heaven and earth shook, and the sky and earth roared.

The entire Ghost Mansion, and even the entire Tianhuo City, were shaken.

Zhuo Bufan was merciless when he made a move.

After the wind was calm and the dust settled.

A huge tiankeng was blasted out on the square of the Ghost Gate.

In the tiankeng, Zhuo Bufan stood with his hands behind his back. Xu Huang beside him was trembling.

Seeing the third boss and the eight heroes of the Ghost Gate, except for the third boss lying on the ground dying.

The rest of them have become ashes.

Waiting for resurrection in the resurrection fountain.


"My God, what a terrifying power."

Xu Huang was shocked to see Zhuo Bufan kill all living beings in one battle.

He felt that there was no one that Zhuo Bufan could not kill.

The slave seal had no binding force on Zhuo Bufan.

"Xiao Xu, what did you say about the Six Dharma Seals just now?"

After killing the Eight Heroes and the fat housekeeper, Zhuo Bufan looked at Xu Huang again and continued to ask about the Six Dharma Seals.

After hearing this, Xu Huang came back to his senses from the shock and replied.

"Master, starting from the fifth level, Yan Nu will gain the power of the Dharma Seal."

"The so-called Six Dharma Seals are Earth Seal, Fire Seal, Water Seal, Wood Seal, Gold Seal, and Thunder Seal."

"As for the specifics, I have not reached the fifth level, so I don't know."

After listening to Xu Huang's words, Zhuo Bufan did feel that a new power was infused into the slave seal on his forehead.

He felt that he could control the sand on the ground, and as for the specific method, he needed to practice slowly.

"You haven't reached the fifth level, right? Then this master will give it to you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pointed to the third master who was lying on the ground not far away and dying.

When Xu Huang heard this, his eyes widened.

"Master, you, you want to give me his slave seal?"

Xu Huang was a little shocked.

You know, that is the slave seal of a fifth-level Yan slave.

If Xu Huang gets it, he can directly advance to the fifth level.

The fifth level, this is the realm he once dreamed of.

He originally planned to reach the fifth level within ten years.

Unexpectedly, less than two days after following Zhuo Bufan, he was already within reach.

"You are the northern steward Xuanwu of my Kuangmen, and you will be the most important fighting force of my Kuangmen in the future."

"Of course, this master will train you. If this master does not kill him, it will be a gift to you."

"Xiao Xu, don't betray my Kuangmen in the future!"

Xu Huang knelt down to Zhuo Bufan with a plop.

"I, Xu Huang, swear that from now on, I will follow the master and be loyal to the Kuangmen until my death. I will serve you until my death, and I will never betray you!"

When Xu Huang heard that Zhuo Bufan wanted to focus on training him, he knew that he would have a bright future.

At that moment, Xu Huang knelt down without hesitation and expressed his loyalty.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and pulled him up.

"Okay, if you don't do it, that guy will wake up."

"The master will teach you the first lesson, take his life while he is sick."

When Xu Huang heard this, he pulled out a sharp long knife from behind and rushed towards the third boss lying on the ground.


Just when Xu Huang was about to kill the third boss, a very intimidating voice suddenly came.

Then, an old man in a black robe with flying hair fell from the sky.

Xu Huang was obviously stunned for a moment.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and shouted.


"You dare!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to kill Xu Huang.

At that moment, Xu Huang didn't care so much, he naturally listened to Zhuo Bufan.

He raised his hand and slashed, killing the third boss with one knife.

The next second, the body of the third boss began to turn into ashes.

Then, the fifth slave seal began to condense on Xu Huang's forehead.

The messy-haired old man who saw this scene suddenly went crazy.

"You dare to kill my third brother, you will die!"

After the old man finished speaking, he raised his right palm and slammed towards Xu Huang.

On his right palm, a raging fire condensed.

At the moment when he slammed his palm, Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and then slammed his palm with his backhand.

"One percent!"

In this palm, Zhuo Bufan used one percent of his divine power.


The flaming palm versus the divine power palm.

At the moment when the two palms collided, overwhelming energy began to pour.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, thousands of flames flew around like fireworks and burned on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan and the old man took two steps back at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan stabilized his body first.

After the old man stabilized his body, he was furious.

"Damn bastard, who are you? Dare to come to my Ghost Gate to make trouble?"

"I am the leader of the Crazy Sect. Today I announced that I will move into the Sky Fire City. From now on, I will be the fifth largest force in the Sky Fire City. Do you have any objections?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was quite arrogant and arrogant.

He exuded an evil aura.

This was the aura that Zhuo Bufan had never had before.

Power, absolute power.

In the world of Hell, where power is respected, Zhuo Bufan really began to indulge himself and did whatever he wanted.

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the Ghost Gate's boss was burning with anger.

"Ahhhhhh, I'm going to skin you alive and tear out your tendons. Come and die!"

The big boss stomped his foot on the ground.


The slave mark on his forehead began to spread rapidly all over his body like a tattoo.

Then, the black tattoo emitted a red light.

He was the big boss of the Gui family and the only sixth-level Yan slave.

The sixth level, mastered the power of the fire seal.

He was seen burning with raging fire.

His eyes, ears, and hair were all filled with fire, like a fire god.

Boom boom boom!

He opened his mouth towards Zhuo Bufan, and a huge fireball came like a burning sun.

"Master, be careful!"

Xu Huang shouted behind him. The sixth level was indeed much stronger than the fifth level, which made him a little worried about Zhuo Bufan's comfort.

"Sixth level? It seems that I have to use 5% of my strength."

This was not the first time Zhuo Bufan fought against the sixth level. In the previous battle with the sandstorm giant incarnated by Little Potato, he used 5% of his divine power to defeat Little Potato.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan, who had experience, called upon 5% of his divine power again this time.

Then the golden light of divine power began to condense on his fist.

Facing the fireball that was rushing towards him, Zhuo Bufan raised his fist filled with divine light and punched it out.

"Destroy it!"

This punch directly sent out a golden energy wave, which instantly penetrated the fireball and completely disintegrated the power of the fireball.

Then, it hit the head of the family hard.


The body of the head of the family was infused with Zhuo Bufan's divine power.

The next second, it exploded on the spot, and a boom resounded through the world.


Zhuo Bufan slowly exhaled after killing the head of the Ghost Gate with a punch.

Then, he raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"From now on, I have the final say in Tianhuo City!"

Xu Huang, who was standing behind Zhuo Bufan, was shocked by the head of the family again and again.

He could no longer find an adjective to describe Zhuo Bufan.

He only knew that after this battle, their sect leader would be the most respected in Tianhuo City.

Their Kuang Sect would take deep roots in Tianhuo City.

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