Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 719 Come to negotiate

When Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang came to the hall, they saw Lu Sheng dressed in white and wearing a feather fan and scarf.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Lu Sheng, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Lu Fei?"

Yes, this Lu Sheng's appearance is somewhat similar to Lu Fei's.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that he was confused.

How could Lu Fei appear in hell? And if you look closely, you will find that there are differences between the two.

"I have met the leader of the Kuang Clan, Lu Sheng! Could it be that we have met before?"

The other party obviously heard the name Lu Fei called by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand.

"No, it's just that you look a bit like an old friend of mine."

"Sit down! I don't know why Mr. Lu from the Beimen family wants to come to my place?"

In fact, Zhuo Bufan could basically guess the purpose of the other party's visit. He just wanted to find out whether his Kuang Sect was a threat to the other three major families in Tianhuo City.

Since this is the case, Zhuo Bufan can explain the conditions to them.

"That's right. I'm here today specifically to congratulate Kuangmen for settling in our Skyfire City."

"With the addition of Kuangmen, our Heavenly Fire City will be even more powerful. Among the eight hundred Heavenly Cities, it will be ranked higher. Maybe it won't be long before we can be promoted to the Royal City."

This Lu Sheng is an absolutely smart man.

His purpose of coming this time was obvious, which was to make peace.

No matter whether Zhuo Bufan is an enemy or a friend, he must put on a friendly attitude.

After all, people still have the desire to survive.

Lu Sheng also has a strong desire to survive.

"So, Mr. Lu came here today to represent the Lu family and agree to my Kuang Sect's establishment of the fifth largest force in Tianhuo City besides your four major families?"

When Lu Sheng heard this, he quickly followed Zhuo Bufan's words.

"That's right, come here, that's what I mean."

"My Lu family has no objections to Kuangmen settling in Skyfire City."

Lu Sheng could tell from Zhuo Bufan's tone that Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be enemies with the four major families.

He just wanted to establish his own power in Skyfire City.

No matter what happens in the future, at least for the time being, Zhuo Bufan has no ill intentions.

Knowing this information, there is already four good news for the four major families.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was so powerful that he single-handedly destroyed the Guijia, which was once the number one family in Tianhuo City.

He weakened the overall strength of the Gui family by an entire level.

You can see how scary he is.

"In this way, in order to show our sincerity, our Lu family is willing to hand over the management rights of Fuxi Street to Kuangmen."

"If Kuangmen wants to be deeply rooted in Tianhuo City, it must have its own industry."

Lu Sheng quickly showed his kindness to Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, what he did had another effect.

He said that he would wait for Zhuo Bufan to ask for help from the four major families in the future, so why not take the initiative to give up a street now.

In this way, not only would it have a good effect, but it would also prevent Kuangmen from harboring ill intentions toward his Lu family.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he chuckled.

"I'm so sorry. My Kuang Clan just wants to be able to stay in Tianhuo City and not be ostracized. I have never thought about taking away the foundation that the four major families have built up with so much hard work over the years."

Zhuo Bufan said he was embarrassed, but he was secretly happy inside.

The girls in his crazy family really need a basic source of livelihood to support them.

Lu Sheng sent him to Kuangmen Street at this time, which really gained Zhuo Bufan's favor.

"Master, you don't have to be polite. This is my Lu family's gift to welcome the Kuang Sect to Tianhuo City. What do you think?"

"In addition, I will also give Kuangmen basic equipment in my own name."

"How about the Kuang Clan and the Lu family work together to strengthen our Skyfire City?"

Lu Sheng was very smart. After he gained Zhuo Bufan's favor, he began to win over Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was able to defeat the Guimen, which shows that he is a very powerful backer.

Once Kuangmen settles in Tianhuo City, the structure of Tianhuo City will definitely change in the future.

He might as well take this opportunity to win over Zhuo Bufan, so that the two major forces of the Lu family and the Kuangmen can be tied together, and then join forces to deal with the other three major families.

Maybe it won't be long before only the two major forces, the Lu family and the Kuangmen, are left in Tianhuo City to jointly dominate.

Regarding Lu Sheng's proposal, Zhuo Bufan did not express his position easily this time.

"Haha, this kid's cleverness is exactly the same as Lu Fei's."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that this Lu Sheng not only looked similar to Lu Fei, but they were both equally smart.

"Well, my Kuangmen has decided to hold the opening ceremony in three days."

"At that time, if the Lu family doesn't dislike it, how about we come and talk about it?"

When Lu Sheng heard this, he quickly replied.

"Okay, okay, sir, don't worry. In three days, I, the Lu family, will definitely pay you a visit and express my sincere gratitude."

"Then please come back today, Mr. Lu! Let's talk about it then."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let this guy stay any longer, otherwise he might shamelessly tie Kuangmen to his Lu family.

The other party is sending streets and equipment.

As the saying goes, those who take advantage of people are short-handed and those who eat people are soft-mouthed. If this continues, Zhuo Bufan will be embarrassed to refuse.

So he could only issue an eviction order.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he felt a little disappointed.

However, he did not dare to continue to make demands, so he had no choice but to bow down and leave.

"The master of the sect, I will take my leave first."

"Xiao Xu, help me deliver it."

"No, stay, stay."

Watching Lu Sheng leave, Xu Huang said.

"Master, this guy has ulterior motives!"

Xu Huang could see it, so how could Zhuo Bufan not see it?

"Haha, you are so smart!"

"But it's good this way. With the help of his Lu family, our Kuangmen can settle down in the fastest time."

"Go down and prepare. Three days later, our Kuangmen will officially open."

"Yes, Master."

After Xu Huang finished speaking, he turned around and left. Zhuo Bufan returned to the backyard and continued to teach the girls to practice.


On this side, Lu Sheng returned to the Lu family safely.

Seeing this, Lu Zhengdao hurried out to greet him.

"My son Lu Sheng, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will kill the Kuangmen."

Seeing his father so excited, Lu Sheng hurried to comfort him.

"Father, don't panic. Don't be impatient. I'm back safe and sound, right?"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back. Didn't that guy make things difficult for you?"

Lu Zhengdao asked hurriedly.

After hearing this, Lu Sheng replied.

"Don't worry, father. I've gained a lot from this trip."

"Oh? What did you gain?"

"To sum up, there are three points."

"First, the entry of the Kuangmen into Tianhuo City is a hundred benefits and no harm to my Lu family."

"Second, the leader of the Kuangmen is a very ambitious person. He is not interested in this mere Tianhuo City."

"Third, if my Lu family can join forces with the Kuangmen, it is not impossible for Tianhuo City to save my Lu family in the future."

Lu Sheng came to these three conclusions through his own observations.

But Lu Zhengdao was a little puzzled.

"My son, your father doesn't quite understand. Why is the entry of the Kuangmen into Tianhuo City a hundred benefits and no harm to my Lu family?"

Seeing his father's confused face, Lu Sheng laughed.

"Father, let's go back to the mansion and talk about it. I'll tell you the details."

"Okay, let's go back to the house and talk about it."

Then, all the Lu family members returned to the mansion, closed the door, and began to plot a big plan.


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