Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 724 I Am the Only One

The destructive meteorite fell and was about to crush the earth!

Amid the exclamations and wails, a calm voice that was inaudible sounded.

"Ten percent!"

It was Zhuo Bufan. He had long known that a great war would break out at today's opening ceremony.

Ten percent of her divine power was the most she had used so far.

Using ten percent at a time, it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan also believed that this King of Sand was not an ordinary slave of Yan.

He stretched out his right hand and aimed at the meteorite falling from the sky.

With his five fingers open, a divine ring condensed in his palm and then spread out rapidly.

The next second, the huge meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters actually began to disintegrate and explode in the air with a rumble!


The next second, the meteorite exploded and turned into countless powders, and yellow sand filled the sky.

The people who saw this scene were stunned...

"Oh my god, don't crush it, the meteorite was crushed by the leader of the Crazy Sect with his bare hands!"

In the eyes of many people, the meteorite was crushed by Zhuo Bufan with one hand.

No one could see what means he used.

However, he only used the power of the sixth-level slave seal to crush the destructive meteorite that the seventh-level Yan Nu combined with the power of the fire seal and the earth seal.

Not only the onlookers, but also the seventh-level Yan Nu, King Sand, was more shocked!

King Sand looked at his meteorite that disappeared out of thin air with a confused face.

However, before he could be shocked, he felt a terrible force filling his body and imprisoned him.

Zhuo Bufan consumed 10% of his divine power, not just to destroy the meteorite.

For him, destroying the meteorite does not require more than 3% of his power.

The reason why he used 10% was to deal with King Sand behind the meteorite.

Zhuo Bufan destroyed the meteorite with one hand and imprisoned the King of Sand at the same time.

His body slowly floated up, floated in the air, and then landed on the top of his statue in the courtyard.

Zhuo Bufan's statue was very tall, more than 30 meters high. Standing on it, he could overlook the earth.

Zhuo Bufan, standing on his own statue, had halos emanating from his back, which made him look particularly sacred.

The light of divine power gave him divine power.

All those who looked at Zhuo Bufan felt a sense of being conquered from the bottom of their hearts.

It was as if an impulse to kneel down was born in their hearts.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan was heard shouting at the three major families on the ground who were about to invade.

"Today, I, Zhuo Bufan, will liberate Tianhuo City!"

As soon as the voice fell, endless divine light fell from Zhuo Bufan.

The powerful divine power fell on the ground like rain.

The people of the three major families felt that they were suppressed by a strong pressure and could not move.

Looking at the sky again, Zhuo Bufan glanced coldly at the Sand King who had turned into a sandstorm and sneered.

"Today is the grand opening ceremony of my Kuangmen. You, a demon, are causing trouble for no reason, so I can only execute you on the spot!"

In Zhuo Bufan's view, the Sand King was just a first-level demon and was not to be feared.

He pinched his right hand in the air, and an invisible divine hand exerted more force, and began to deform the sandstorm in the air.


The Sand King in the sandstorm began to scream.

"Impossible, you are obviously a sixth-level, why, why are you so powerful?"

The Sand King was terrified at this moment.

He never expected that Zhuo Bufan, a sixth-level Yan slave, would have such terrifying power.

"Demon, don't show up!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the words of the Sand King at all, and his power became stronger.

The Sand King had to show his true form in endless pain.

He retracted the sandstorm Dharma image and finally restored the image of a yellow-haired old man.

The whole person was controlled in the air by Zhuo Bufan.

The people of the Gui family and the three major families who saw this scene were stunned.

The King of Sand, whom they placed their hopes on, was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent at all.

"My son, this, this Zhuo, no, who is the leader of the Kuangmen?"

The head of the Lu family, Lu Zhengdao, was also very shocked after seeing this scene.

He thought that today was a great disaster for his Lu family. He thought that he had chosen the wrong team and should not have chosen Zhuo Bufan.

Unexpectedly, he was wrong again this time. Zhuo Bufan actually controlled all the people who were making trouble by himself, including the King of Sand who was so powerful that he could not even beat the King of Sand!

"Impossible, impossible! Who is he?"

"King of Sand, kill him!"

The three brothers of the Gui family were imprisoned by Zhuo Bufan's divine power and could not move.

They could only place their hopes on the King of Sand.

And the King of Sand had just recovered from his panic at this moment.

Then, he actually began to beg Zhuo Bufan for mercy.

"Young man, no, sir, this sir, please show mercy."

"I was deceived by others and offended your dignity."

"Please let me go, I will leave now and never set foot in Tianhuo City."

Sand King knew very well that he was no match for Zhuo Bufan, so he began to beg for mercy.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan let him leave?

"Haha, since you are here, then stay here!"

Zhuo Bufan said, mumbling in his mouth.

"Ten percent!"

He used another ten percent of his divine power.

"You want to kill me? I'll fight you."

Knowing that Zhuo Bufan would not let him go, the Sand King was furious and suddenly jumped up, wanting to fight to the death with Zhuo Bufan.

However, the next second, Zhuo Bufan squeezed his right hand hard-


The Sand King was crushed alive by Zhuo Bufan's divine right hand in the air and crushed into yellow sand!


The Sand King, with a wail, turned into ashes and fell into reincarnation.

A generation of Sand Kings fell, from the seventh level to the sixth level.

"Come to my Crazy Gate to make trouble, I will make you never come back!"

"Xu Huang, go to the resurrection fountain and guard it for me. Once he is resurrected, notify me!"

"I will make him never turn over!"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, the hearts of the people of the three major families were completely cold.

Zhuo Bufan actually asked Xu Huang to guard the body after resurrection.

He was going to kill the Sand King from the seventh level to the first level!

"Then, Master, what should we do with the people of the three major families?"

Xu Huang said, looking at the people of the three major families who were all controlled on the ground.

When the people of the three major families heard this, they were terrified.

Qi Duanyun knelt down and begged: "Sir, sir, we were wrong, please forgive us. We will never dare to do it again."

Feng Qian prostrated himself: "Sir, please forgive my Feng family. From now on, my Feng family will recognize you as the master and will never violate your majesty again."

The patriarchs of the two major families, Qi and Feng, began to beg Zhuo Bufan for mercy.

However, Zhuo Bufan looked down, his eyes showed coldness, and he slowly spoke.

"The three major families have violated our prestige!"


As soon as the voice fell, the light of divine power turned into a sword of heavenly punishment and fell from the sky.

It poured into the heads of all the people of the three major families!

The three major families, hundreds of masters, were instantly wiped out by Zhuo Bufan with a thunderous force in an instant.

They didn't even have the chance to beg for mercy, and were ruthlessly killed by Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's momentum was extremely magnificent, and I was the only one who was supreme!

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