Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 755 The Enemy is Coming

The battle between the Crazy Sect and the Ghost Emperor completely alarmed the eight gods of the Temple City.

In the temple, the eight gods appeared one by one from the eight pillars.

Jiu Wushen was the first god to notice Zhuo Bufan.

When the Crazy Sect just started to rise, he had already noticed Zhuo Bufan and was ready to recruit him as his general.

However, Zhuo Bufan ignored him.

In addition, Xuanyuan Hao also killed the two great generals under the Dengyan God, which undoubtedly provoked the Dengyan God again.

Now two of the eight gods have already had murderous intentions towards Zhuo Bufan and his men.

"I suggest that we take action immediately to destroy the Kuangmen."

"The existence of the Kuangmen will be the biggest threat to my temple."

"Yes, I also agree with Jiu Wushen's decision. According to reliable information, the thief who killed my two great generals has joined the Kuangmen."

"In fact, the thief is an old acquaintance of Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Kuangmen."

"If the two join forces, there will be endless troubles."

Jiu Wushen and Deng Yanshen both proposed to kill Zhuo Bufan.

They thought Zhuo Bufan was a disaster.

After hearing this, the other temple gods were silent for a moment.

"Haha, in this case, the two temple gods can completely join forces to wipe out the Kuangmen, and there is no need for us to intervene too much, right?"

The two temple gods joining forces are obviously an extremely terrifying force.

When the two heard this, they nodded to each other.

"That's possible."

"Jiu Wushen, are you willing to join forces with me to help my father eliminate this cancer?"

Deng Yanshen looked at Jiu Wushen on the side.

After hearing this, Jiu Wushen agreed without hesitation.

"No problem, you and I can clear these obstacles together. I have been unhappy with this kid for a long time. Since I can't use him, I will just kill him."

"Then you two, we will wait for your good news here."

To deal with Zhuo Bufan, there is no need for the eight gods of the temple to join forces. That would be too exaggerated.

So this time, the two gods of the temple came out, which was already a great honor for Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan didn't know that he had just survived the great disaster of the Ghost Emperor, and two super strong men were targeting him.

Next, Zhuo Bufan's road will be even more difficult.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is now completely in high spirits.

The divine power lost in the battle with the Ghost Emperor has been replenished.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan was reunited with his old friend after a long absence, so he can be said to be quite happy.

"Xuanyuan, this time my father and I have implicated you. I, Zhuo Bufan, will never forget your kindness."

Xuanyuan Hao was actually brought to the hell world to save Bai Zifan.

So Zhuo Bufan always felt a little indebted to Xuanyuan Hao.

However, Xuanyuan Hao shook his head lightly.

"If I hadn't protected Zifan well, he wouldn't have been caught by the demon. In the end, the responsibility is still on me."

Xuanyuan Hao also always felt indebted.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things. Come, drink!"

Xuanyuan Hao has almost no friends, and Zhuo Bufan seems to be the only one who can chat with him.

So, even if he drinks with Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao feels happy.

Just when the two of them were drinking heartily and fiercely, Xu Huang suddenly walked into the hall.

"Master, I have something to report."

After the battle at Tiandang Mountain, Xu Huang's level was also promoted to the seventh level.

This advancement was something Xu Huang had never dared to imagine.

It was Zhuo Bufan who gave him all this, so he can be said to be absolutely loyal to Zhuo Bufan.

"It turned out to be Xu Huang, come, how about drinking with us?"

"This... Master, Dugu Chong, the military advisor of Tianwang City, is here."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Dugu Chong?"

He remembered the one-time encounter with Dugu Chong that night.

This Dugu Chong is not a simple person.

"Please come in!"

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that Dugu Chong actually recognized their identities that night, but from beginning to end, Dugu Chong did not say much, let alone expose them.

"Haha, interesting, please."

Zhuo Bufan felt that it was necessary to meet this military strategist face to face.

Not long after, Xu Huang brought the military strategist Dugu Chong into the hall.

"Dugu Chong, meet the leader of the Kuang Sect."

Dugu Chong walked in wearing a black suit. Zhuo Bufan nodded calmly after hearing this.

"I wonder what you want to see me for?"

At this time, Dugu Chong raised his head, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then smiled slightly.

"Master, have we met somewhere before?"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself, this guy really recognized him.

"Haha, you are joking."

"This game likes to get straight to the point, so please speak!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to beat around the bush with this guy.

Xuanyuan Hao sat aside, closing his eyes to rest.

Obviously, Dugu Chong also noticed Xuanyuan Hao.

"The Sect Master is a straightforward person, so Dugu will tell the truth."

"The Sect Master defeated the Ghost Emperor and shocked the Southern Kingdom. But the Sect Master seems to have not realized that you have now become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the Temple Gods."

Dugu Chong's words made Zhuo Bufan's face fall instantly.

"Are you here to warn me today?"

"No, no, I came here today to surrender to the Sect Master."

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows slightly after saying this.

"Follow me? Interesting, you gave up your job as the military advisor of Tianwang City and came to surrender to me?"

"The Lord of Tianwang City is content with the status quo and is no longer worthy of my continued assistance."

"What I'm looking for is a hegemon who can dominate the world!"

"So you came to me?"

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I can see that you, the master, have unparalleled abilities. If it were you, you would definitely realize my ambition to unify the world."

"Unify the world? Sorry, I don't have such great ambitions as you. Besides, I'm not an overlord."

Zhuo Bufan rejected Dugu Chong.

But Dugu Chong didn't give up.

"Master, some things won't happen if you don't want them to."

"In this era, some people are destined to become overlords. And you are that person."

"The era? Sorry, I won't be swayed by anyone."

Zhuo Bufan felt that Dugu Chong was using it.

But Dugu Chong was obviously well prepared.

"Master, you probably don't know yet! In the Temple City, Jiu Wushen and Deng Yanshen have united and are ready to attack you and your Kuangmen."

"Now, you either choose to flee the South Country and go to the North Country. Or, you can only choose to fight."

"Of course, even if you flee to the North Country, it will be useless. There are ten great temple gods in the North Country. It can be said that you have no choice. Your only choice is to defeat the temple gods and rule the temple."

Dugu Chong's words really surprised Zhuo Bufan.

"Has the Temple taken action?"

Zhuo Bufan expected the Temple to take action, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Master, I know that your Kuangmen has strong intelligence capabilities. However, you don't know the temple gods. Each of these temple gods has the power given by their so-called father god."

"They are more powerful than you think."

"If you have my help, I can help you defeat these temple gods."

Dugu Chong finally revealed his last trump card.

"You, can help me? Why?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Dugu Chong came prepared, but he didn't know what Dugu Chong's trump card was.

After hearing this, Dugu Chong said calmly.

"Because, I was one of the eighteen gods, the Dragon Bone God."


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