Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 764: The Green Emperor Leads the Way

I thought the statue of Haowan God was just a simple statue, but I didn't expect that there was an extremely powerful trap set on it.

As expected, no one can take their own weak spot lightly.

Haowan God looks extremely conceited on the surface, hiding his internal organs in the statue.

This will make people mistakenly think that he is confident enough in his strength.

In fact, all this is just an illusion he created to confuse the enemy.

In fact, Haowan God, like other temple gods, is very particular about internal organs and dare not slack off.

The trap he set on the statue was a wish fulfilled by the world god Yanwang after winning the championship in the temple god competition.

This is it - the dark abyss!

This trap will not be noticed by anyone. Once touched by someone, the other party will be pulled into the dark abyss and indulge in it forever.

This trap is specially used by Haowan God to deal with other temple gods. Unexpectedly, he caught the big fish Zhuo Bufan today.


Zhuo Bufan had to admit that he was too rash this time.

There is nothing wrong with Chu Fan's information. The problem is that Zhuo Bufan has not fully investigated the secret behind the statue.

"Damn it, am I going to die?"

"If I die, will I go back to before entering hell?"

Zhuo Bufan left a save file before entering hell.

After all, after entering hell, you can't use the power of the soul.

And he didn't dare to save it casually.

So after entering hell, he didn't save a file once.

I thought I could find Zifan as soon as possible, then complete the trial of hell and leave hell.

I never thought that it has been almost a year since I entered hell.

In this year, Zhuo Bufan went from having nothing to the leader of the Crazy Sect.

From the first-level Yan Nu to the current ninth-level.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has gained too much, so he dare not lose it.


The darkness came like a tide, and Zhuo Bufan felt that this time he was doomed.

He couldn't break through the predicament in front of him, and only death was waiting for him.

After all, this was a trap set by the King of Hell himself, and it was very difficult for Zhuo Bufan to break free.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was in despair, suddenly, a bright light came from his body.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that it was a lotus.

"Liuli Qingxian Lamp!"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed.

He almost forgot about this artifact. This was the artifact that Qingdi left for him, and asked Zhuo Bufan to bring it with him when he entered the underworld.

Liuli Qingxian Lamp can help Zhuo Bufan overcome nine difficulties.

Zhuo Bufan almost forgot about it, but he didn't expect that this artifact would suddenly appear when he was in despair.

For a while, a green lotus swayed in the dark chaos.

The legendary Chaos Seed Green Lotus is such a celestial phenomenon.

Then, the green lotus bloomed in the Chaos Bell, and a burning lotus seed floated up.

The lotus seed burned itself, and the light was not dazzling.

But it carried an unparalleled energy and pierced the surrounding space.

Crack, crack, crack!

Only bursts of sounds similar to broken glass were heard.

The next second, the dark space began to crack, break, and collapse.

I knew that the lotus seed had completely burned itself.

The dark space also exploded into countless pieces with a bang.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

The next second, he actually returned from the dark world.

He stood on the altar, and his right hand just grabbed the left hand of the statue of the God of Arms.

The trap left by the King of Hell was broken just like that.

The God of Arms had no time to react at all. The next second, Zhuo Bufan tore off the statue's right hand.


There was only a loud noise, and the right hand of the statue of the God of Arms was broken.

Then, Zhuo Bufan found the arm of the first level that had turned into a mummy in the hollow arm.

"Found it!"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely excited.

And at this moment, a crazy roar came from the king's hall of the Temple of Arms.

"Who is it? Dare to touch my organs!"

The God of Thunder was furious, and he appeared out of nowhere.

The next second, a black shadow descended on the land, and all the people present bowed their heads and did not dare to speak loudly.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a man with an extremely burly figure appearing above the sky.

He was nearly three meters tall, and the muscles on his hands were thicker than elephant legs. He had a square head and a thick neck, and looked like the Hulk.

It felt like he could flatten a mountain with one punch.

When he looked at Zhuo Bufan, his squinting eyes were filled with a violent murderous aura.

However, Zhuo Bufan was extremely calm at this moment.

He stood there without any fear.

Now that the organs were in Zhuo Bufan's hands, Zhuo Bufan would naturally not be afraid of the temple god in front of him.

On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan took out the arm that had turned into a mummy.

And then he held it tightly in his hand.

Finally, he looked at Hao Wan Shen with a smile, and then said with a wait-and-see attitude.

"Let's talk!"

Zhuo Bufan did not destroy the arm immediately, because his target was actually Hao Wan Shen.

He wanted to use this organ to threaten these temple gods.

"Boy, who are you? Dare to make trouble in my territory? Are you looking for death? Hand over what you have in your hand."

The Haowan God seemed calm on the surface, but he was actually panicking inside.

He was afraid that Zhuo Bufan would accidentally crush his organs.

"Haha, are you panicking now?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the panic in Haowan God's heart.

Haowan God looked at Zhuo Bufan's eyes, and his heart was a little turbulent.

"This kid, did he know the secret of the organs?"

"Damn it, how could he come back from the dark abyss?"

"That was a trap set by the Father God himself!"

Haowan God obviously felt a little incredible, and he did not act rashly.

After thinking for a moment, he waved his hand and shouted.

"Get out, all the outsiders!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone began to flee in panic.

In the end, only Zhuo Bufan and Haowan God were left in the huge square.

At this time, Haowan God looked at Zhuo Bufan with an angry look and said hostilely.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. As long as you return the thing in your hand to me, I can forgive you for what happened."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for blasting you into a pulp."

Hao Wan Shen said as he raised his fist.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely calm in the face of Hao Wan Shen's threat.

He picked up Hao Wan Shen's internal organ - the mummy arm, and then shook it and said.

"This thing? Haha, do you think I spent so much effort to get this thing, don't I know its secret?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Hao Wan Shen was stunned.

"Damn, this kid really knows the secret of the internal organ."

Hao Wan Shen obviously felt a little nervous and began to get nervous.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Hao Wan Shen knew that he would never dare to act rashly now.

So, he chose to negotiate with Zhuo Bufan.

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan became serious.

He picked up the mummy arm and pointed at Hao Wan Shen and said.

"I want you to obey my orders and be my slave!"


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