Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 784: Curse of Immortality

Zhuo Bufan, who was fully fired, truly showed his powerful side.

With his current strength, it was not difficult to kill three people of the same realm at the same time.

The difficult part was how Zhuo Bufan would pass the next level.

Next, Zhuo Bufan would face the big boss of this world, the God of the World, the King of Hell.


Drops of dark energy began to float in the air.

The blood-red sun appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan again.

"Child, congratulations, you have won the final victory."

"As a father, I will personally crown you."

A very obscene voice came from the sun.

This King of Hell called himself the Father God and wanted to be the father of everyone in the world.

Zhuo Bufan was very disgusted with this.

However, now that Zhuo Bufan was in the territory of the King of Hell, it was obviously impossible for him to openly go against his wishes.

So he had to keep his tail between his legs.

"Tell Father God, do you want to become a temple god?"

The King of Hell began to seduce Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan nodded in agreement.

"I am willing."

"Then are you willing to pay the price for it?"

"Pay your heart, pay your eyes, pay your bones, pay your organs!"

Sure enough, the price of the organs came.

The King of Hell asked others to pay their organs, and then gave them immortal power.

If you want to become a temple god, you must pay the price.

And Zhuo Bufan already knew the secret of the temple god's organs when he was in the South.

Once these things are handed over to the King of Hell, then the King of Hell will gain the power of life and death over you.

Now, Zhuo Bufan is facing this serious problem, should he pay this price?

However, Zhuo Bufan seems to have no other choice.

If he chooses not to hand it over, then he is likely to face the King of Hell's rebellion.

It has come to this point, there is no way back.

"What? Are you scared, kid?"

"No sacrifice, no gain."

"Father God can give you the power of immortality, and in return, you only need to pay a small price."

The small price is fatal.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not retreat at this time, but took a step forward and said.

"Okay, I'm willing to pay the price."

The red sun in the sky laughed when it heard it.

"Then what are you going to pay?"

As long as Zhuo Bufan paid what he had, then Zhuo Bufan's life and property would have to be handed over to the King of Hell.

"Do I have to pay a part of my body?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The King of Hell answered when he heard it.

"Yes, it must be a part of my body, even a strand of hair will do."

The headless god of the South paid his hair in exchange for the throne of God.

So what the King of Hell needs is not necessarily something related to his life, as long as it is something on his body, even a strand of hair will do.

"If that's the case..."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand, put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"Oh, my child, do you want to give up your finger? You are so brave."

The King of Hell saw Zhuo Bufan chewing his hand and thought that Zhuo Bufan was going to chew off his finger.

However, in the end, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his intact finger and said to the King of Hell.

"No, I want to give this."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he spread out his palm.

The sun in the sky was stunned for a moment.


"This, didn't you see it? My nail!"

Zhuo Bufan said seriously.

There was actually a piece of nail in his palm.

What he just chewed was not a finger, but the nail on the finger!


The King of Hell almost lost his integrity, but he couldn't get angry at this time. He had to stay calm and show his supreme majesty.

"Why? Didn't you say that anything on my body would be fine?"

"Can't the great Father God do it?"

The King of Hell didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would go to extremes with him at this time.

It was the first time he saw someone give up his nails.

He was not sure whether he could issue the King of Hell Immortality Curse to Zhuo Bufan's nail!

"Who said Father God, I can't do it?"

The King of Hell couldn't be despised by Zhuo Bufan at this time.

He tried to take Zhuo Bufan's nail from Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Zhuo Bufan saw that his nail was wrapped in a ball of black energy and floated in the air.

Then, countless black lightnings began to bombard his nails in the black energy ball.

Every time it bombarded, Zhuo Bufan could feel that a stream of energy had entered his body.

Ah ah ah!

Zhuo Bufan began to cover his chest in pain and roared.

"What's going on? Can nails work?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he would not be controlled by the King of Hell if he used his own nails.

After all, nails are a very inconspicuous thing on the body.

However, he underestimated the King of Hell's ability.

"Huh! Fortunately, my King of Hell Immortality Curse, I didn't expect that even nails can work."

At this moment, the King of Hell breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the first time he used a curse on his nails, and he thought it was impossible. He didn't expect that this curse would be so powerful.

This curse of immortality was one of the abilities that Yama gained after he devoured the heart of the Avici beast.

"My child, you don't have to resist. You are now inheriting the power given to you by God the Father."

"After accepting this power, you will become a tenth-level temple god."

When the King of Hell saw the power of the curse seeping into Zhuo Bufan's body, he knew that Zhuo Bufan would become his slave from now on.

Life and death will be controlled by him.

"Damn, you're so careless, you're so careless!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was trying his best to resist the invasion of the curse of the King of Hell.

He doesn't need this power, he knows that this power will only imprison him.

"I absolutely cannot be controlled by him. I would rather load the file and start over."

Zhuo Bufan gave a low drink and howled like a tiger.

"My child, the pain is temporary. After the pain, you will gain unimaginable strength."

The King of Hell continues to bewitch Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't like him at all!

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was trying his best to fight against the curse that invaded his body.

"Qingxianzhan, Qingxianzhan, it's your turn to come out."

Zhuo Bufan was calling for the glazed green fairy lamp, but no matter how he called, the glazed green fairy lamp remained indifferent.


Suddenly, the power of the curse poured directly into Zhuo Bufan's forehead.


Zhuo Bufan looked up to the sky and howled. On his forehead, the original ninth-level slave seal began to condense the last similar seal.

"It's done!"

Seeing the tenth-level slave mark appearing on Zhuo Bufan's forehead, the King of Hell slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that his curse power has completely dominated Zhuo Bufan's life.


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan still closed his eyes tightly.

At the last moment, Qingxianzhan appeared.

The Qingxianzhan helped Zhuo Bufan absorb the cursed power.

Zhuo Bufan did not obtain the power of this immortal curse, but he could use this power from the Green Immortal Lamp.

"I didn't expect that the Glazed Green Immortal Lamp would have such ability. Could it be that the Qing Emperor had anticipated this step?"

The glazed green fairy lamp was left to Zhuo Bufan by Emperor Qing. Zhuo Bufan didn't know what its true ability was.

Zhuo Bufan only knew that Qingxianzhan would help him overcome difficulties every time he was at the critical moment of life or death.

Including this time, it still concealed the truth and helped Zhuo Bufan absorb the cursed power of the King of Hell.

From the beginning to the end, the King of Hell was not aware of it at all.

The King of Hell only felt that his curse power had indeed been absorbed.

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