The battle above the sky is still going on.

Every time the Demon Snake Temple God is resurrected, he will be slaughtered by Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao has become a veritable God of God-slaying.

The people below have already been dumbfounded and can't imagine it.

They have never dared to think that mortals can actually slaughter the Temple God.

It can be said that after this battle, Xuanyuan Hao's horrific record will soon spread all over the world.

By then, the whole world will know that the Temple God is not invincible.

Mortals can also slaughter them.

It can be said that the Demon Snake Temple God has completely disgraced their Temple God.

"Ahhhh! Bastard, bastard, bastard!"

"I will definitely make you live a life worse than death, a life worse than death."

This is the fifth time that the Demon Snake Temple God has been killed by Xuanyuan Hao.

His resurrected body has not recovered halfway before he was killed by Xuanyuan Hao.

The ancient god's Dharma image behind Xuanyuan Hao can be said to have changed again and again.

So far, Xuanyuan Hao has transformed into five completely different ancient gods.

Each ancient god has extremely terrifying power.

They can easily kill the Demon Snake Temple God.

However, no matter how Xuanyuan Hao kills, he can't kill this guy.

The Temple God has a contract with the World God, and all the Temple Gods have the ability to be immortal.

So, Xuanyuan Hao can't kill him at all.

Unless Xuanyuan Hao can find the fatal point of the Demon Snake Temple God, that is, the internal organs.

However, he has no source of information, so how can he know where the internal organs are?

If the internal organs cannot be destroyed, then Xuanyuan Hao can only fall into this endless cycle.

Can't kill, can't destroy.

His divine power will slowly be consumed.

Until Xuanyuan Hao has no divine power, then his situation will be reversed.

"My divine power is almost gone, I can't stay."

Xuanyuan Hao summoned five ancient gods in succession, and his divine power has gradually reached the bottom.

Therefore, if the battle continues, Xuanyuan Hao's situation will become worse and worse.

Xuanyuan Hao is not a fool, such a battle is meaningless.

Before finding the organs of the Demon Serpent God, the battle is futile.

Xuanyuan Hao still has to continue looking for Zifan, he has no time to continue to entangle with the Demon Serpent God.

So, Xuanyuan Hao killed the Demon Serpent God one more time.

Then he fled away as soon as possible.

When the Demon Serpent God was resurrected for the sixth time, he saw Xuanyuan Hao running away, and finally showed a smug smile on his frustrated face.

"Damn bastard, is your strength finally exhausted?"

"Then next, it's time for me to fight back."

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao running away, the Demon Serpent God laughed wildly.

He was humiliated and teased by Xuanyuan Hao, so it was obviously impossible for him to let Xuanyuan Hao go easily.

Xuanyuan Hao chose to escape at this time, obviously because his strength was exhausted.

"Run, run as much as you can! What awaits you is only destruction."

The God of the Demonic Snake Temple looked at Xuanyuan Hao who had fled, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

He was a high-ranking temple god, and he had never suffered such humiliation.

He would not let Xuanyuan Hao go, and would not let Xuanyuan Hao live easily.

The next second, the God of the Demonic Snake Temple chased in the direction of Xuanyuan Hao's escape.


The battlefield in the sky has undergone dramatic changes.

Xuanyuan Hao, who originally had the advantage, actually started to run away.

The people watching the battle below obviously did not react.

"What's going on? Why did that human god give up this battlefield?"

Some people rushed to puzzle.

They called Xuanyuan Hao a human god, which means that Xuanyuan Hao's ability can already be called a god.

He is a god who abuses gods, a god among men, so he is honored as a human god.

"We must make one thing clear, that is, the Temple God is an immortal being."

"You have also seen that even if the Human God has the upper hand, even if the Demonic Snake Temple God is beaten and killed by him."

"But up to now, the Demonic Snake Temple God has not been truly eliminated. In other words, the Demonic Snake Temple God is an immortal being."

"The Human God cannot kill the Temple God, and the Temple God cannot beat him. Therefore, it is meaningless to continue fighting."

Some people with clear eyes began to analyze.

Bai Zifan was standing next to him and couldn't help asking.

"May I ask, what is the origin of this Human God? Where can I find him?"

Bai Zifan had just made a decision to worship the Human God as his teacher.

So, he wanted to ask the insiders for information about Xuanyuan Hao.

However, after hearing this, the people present shook their heads and said they didn't know.

"I don't know. This human god has a mysterious origin. I've never heard of him before."

"Yes, I've traveled all over the country for so many years, but I've never heard of this person."

"I heard that this human god came to Huanlin City to seek revenge. The Xue family in Huanlin City was destroyed by him."

"Xue family?"

When Bai Zifan heard about the Xue family, he was stunned.

He quickly asked the insider.

"Brother, what else do you know? Why did he seek revenge on the Xue family?"

"Oh, I seem to have heard him shout that he came to avenge his apprentice."


Bai Zifan frowned.

He forgot, he forgot his master, so naturally he didn't know he had a master.

He just learned from Lin Xi that he was looking for his father.

He didn't know that he had a master, and Lin Xi didn't know either.

"This human god is obviously a man of temperament."

"It seems that his apprentice was killed by the Xuejiang assassin hired by the Xue family. So he first destroyed the Blood Demon City and then slaughtered the Xue family."

When the insider said the last sentence, Bai Zifan's eyes almost popped out.

Blood Demon City, Xuejiang, Xue Family, revenge, apprentice...

This series of keywords are linked together, and Bai Zifan will definitely know if he is not a fool.

The apprentice that this human god is looking for is probably him!

"Brother Zifan?"

Lin Xi on the side also reacted.

Because, the first person Lin Xi thought of who could be connected with Xuejiang and Xue Family at the same time was her brother Zifan.

"Master? Master? Do I have another master?"

Bai Zifan looked at Lin Xi on the side and asked quickly.

Lin Xi shook her head. She had never heard Bai Zifan mention his master.

The main reason is that Bai Zifan rarely talks about his origins.

"No, I must go and ask him. He must know my origins and who my father is!"

Bai Zifan suddenly realized.

He had lost the most important memory. Since he had lost it, he had to find it back.

Perhaps, the disciple that the human god was looking for was him.

Bai Zifan had this hunch that it must be him.

"Brother Zifan, wait for me."

Seeing this, Lin Xi hurriedly said to Xiaotie beside him.

"Xiaotie, thank you for taking care of me and grandpa these days. Goodbye!"

"Sister Lin Xi, goodbye."

After saying goodbye to Xiaotie and the others, Lin Xi immediately followed Bai Zifan.

The two of them rode on the Howling Moon Demon Wolf and chased in the direction where Xuanyuan Hao fled.


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