Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 799: Battle against evil bones

Zhuo Bufan grabbed the organ of the God of the Inorganic Palace.

In the Cloud Palace below, everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Zhuo Bufan won, he won the God of the Inorganic Palace.

"Damn it, give me back my organ!"

At this moment, the God of the Inorganic Palace was resurrected quickly.

As soon as he was resurrected, he rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

However, before he got close to Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan crushed the crystal in his hand with a bang, and then tightly grasped the liver of the Inorganic God.


The Inorganic God screamed in pain on the spot, and fell directly from the sky like a kite with a broken string.


He fell heavily on the Cloud Palace.

"Give it back to you? Did you make a mistake? I am willing to accept the loss, do you think I will give it back to you?"

Zhuo Bufan tightly grasped the organs of the Inorganic God.

The Inorganic God roared on the ground in pain, and then dug his chest with a heart-wrenching pain.

Zhuo Bufan landed on the hall calmly.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

The Wuji God finally couldn't stand the pain and began to beg Zhuo Bufan for mercy.

Zhuo Bufan said calmly after hearing this.

"You agreed to it at the beginning. It's impossible to regret it now."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to your organs. As I said, as long as I am here, my organs will be here."

Zhuo Bufan stopped torturing Wuji God's organs. Instead, he put his organs away.

Then, Wuji God got up from the ground, staring at Zhuo Bufan with a pair of hostile eyes.

Zhuo Bufan laughed at this.

"Why are you so hostile to me? Isn't this agreed in advance? I'm willing to accept the loss."

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep your organs well, better than you."

Zhuo Bufan showed a wicked smile.

"You, you..."

Wuji God gritted his teeth, but didn't dare to touch Zhuo Bufan.

He knew very well that his life was now in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

"Juejian, don't go too far, just make a joke."

At this moment, the evil bone god standing on the pillar on Zhuo Bufan's left suddenly spoke.

His implication was that Zhuo Bufan should hand over the organs of the inorganic god.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan return what he had?

"A joke?"

"If I lose, will you still say this?"

"Sorry, there is no joke with me."

"You can also ask me to return it..."

Zhuo Bufan was halfway through his words, and Wuji and Xiegu both widened their eyes.

They seemed to see hope.

"Still the old rules, make a bet with me!"

"If you win me, the five organs in my hand, plus my own, will all belong to you. If you lose, hand over your organs."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the evil bone god, his eyes full of contempt.

When Xiegu saw Zhuo Bufan's eyes, his heart was filled with nameless anger.

"Xie Gu, help me."

"I know you are better than me, you can beat him."

"As long as you can help me get the organ back, I will die for you in the future, and I will not hesitate."

At this time, Wu Ji also saw hope.

He hurriedly prayed to Xie Gu, hoping that Xie Gu could help him.

"Xie Gu, help me, please. For the sake of our friendship for so many years."

Wu Ji begged Xie Gu, and in the end, he even knelt down to Xie Gu.

He was a dignified temple god, but now he had no image and dignity.

There was no way, the organ was his life.

Now that his life was in Zhuo Bufan's hands, what image did he want?

Seeing Wu Ji's plea, Xie Gu frowned tightly.

The other temple gods present also looked at Xie Gu to see what decision he would make.

"Why, don't you want to fight for justice?"

"I'll give you this chance now. Defeat me and get all my organs."

"If not, shut up, don't tell me any jokes, and don't tell me any great truths."

Zhuo Bufan finally provoked the evil bone god.

This time, it can be said that the evil bone was completely enraged.

"Boy, don't be too crazy."

"Crazy? Have you forgotten that I am the master of the crazy sect, and I am born to be so crazy."

Zhuo Bufan knew that his provocation was successful, so he angered the evil bone god again and again.

In the end, the evil bone god was completely irritated.

"You have completely angered me."

"Come on, let's fight in the sky."

As soon as the evil bone finished speaking, he rushed to the sky with a bang, and once again opened up a battlefield in the sky.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled coldly.


"If I can get their organs, then my position among the gods will be self-evident."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would use this method to collect the organs of other gods.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan flew to the sky.

This time, his opponent became Xie Gu.

Zhuo Bufan spread his hands, and six organs appeared in his hands.

Including his nails, Zhuo Bufan now controls one-third of the power of the gods.

"Show your organs! This is a fair duel, and everyone is a witness."

"The loser voluntarily hands over his organs and must not regret it."

Zhuo Bufan said as he looked at the evil bone in front of him.

Xiegu snorted coldly when he heard it.

Then he waved his right sleeve, and a silver-white rib appeared in the air.

That was his internal organ, the rib.

"If you have the guts, come and get it!"

The evil bone god was furious and showed his internal organs.

Bang bang bang bang!

The next second, one silver bone after another burst out from his body.

His bones were like swords, sharp and sharp.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the evil bone god who looked like a hedgehog and was covered with bone spurs,

he secretly took a breath in his heart.

This battle was obviously not as big as the previous one.

Xiegu was obviously more powerful than Wuji.

"Come on, fight!"

The evil bone shouted loudly, with a long and loud voice like thunder, resounding through the world.


The next second, the two of them collided with each other at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Every collision can cause a turbulence in the world, breaking the entire sky into pieces and shattering the space.

At this moment, in the cloud palace below, all the temple gods are watching this battle intently.

Among them, there is a temple god with a smug expression on his face.

"In this battle, I think that kid will be almost consumed by the evil bone."

"If he wins, then I will bet with him again."

"By then, the seven organs in his hand will all belong to me. By then, won't the entire temple be under my command?"

While Zhuo Bufan and his men were fighting, someone was thinking about conspiracy and intrigue.

And this temple god is the rumor that Tian Can called him a tuberculosis ghost!

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