Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 809: Killing the Demonic Snake

Zhuo Bufan's anger finally alarmed the demon snake in the dungeon.

The demon snake flew out of the dungeon with a confused look on its face, and then saw Zhuo Bufan who suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Juejian, you are not in your territory, but you come here to shout at me? Are you looking for death?"

The demon snake was very dissatisfied with Zhuo Bufan. It was obvious that he did not agree with Zhuo Bufan becoming a temple god.

At the temple god meeting, he had already shown resentment.

So Zhuo Bufan's appearance made him very dissatisfied.

However, as soon as the demon snake temple god appeared, Zhuo Bufan pulled the sky bow without saying a word.

Six divine arrows broke through the air.

Puff puff puff puff puff!

Zhuo Bufan didn't agree with anything and started to fight directly.

The six divine arrows all carried Zhuo Bufan's powerful divine power.

The demon snake didn't react at all, and blood was spilled in the air, and was killed instantly by Zhuo Bufan on the spot.

"Juejian, you, you..."

The demon snake was puzzled. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to attack him as soon as he came, and didn't waste any words with him.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's divine power soared into the sky, and his eyes were extremely cold.

The next second, the Demon Snake Temple God was reduced to ashes.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

"Second, killed in seconds?"

Bai Zifan looked at the man in the air and was completely shocked.

After killing the five great generals in seconds, Zhuo Bufan killed the Demon Snake Temple God again in seconds.

This was the first time he saw someone who could kill the Temple God in seconds.

What a powerful force.

"Oh my God, killed, he killed the Demon Snake Temple God?"

"Incredible, who is he?"

"Don't worry, the Temple God can't be killed."

The servants who had already run out of the temple were obviously scared silly when they saw the battle in the sky.

"Brother Zifan, you finally came out."

After running out of the temple, Bai Zifan quickly grabbed Lin Xi's hand and started to run away.

"Hurry up, a big battle is about to break out here."

Bai Zifan had seen the battles between the temple gods, so he was very worried that the next battle would affect them.

He took Lin Xi, rode on the Howling Moon Demon Wolf, and then quickly fled out of the battlefield.

"Brother Zifan, what happened?"

Lin Xi was a little puzzled.

"There is a peerless strong man who killed the Demon Snake Temple God."

"What? Is it your master?"

Lin Xi thought it was Xuanyuan Hao.

Bai Zifan said that Xuanyuan Hao might be his master, so Lin Xi also called Xuanyuan Hao that.

But Bai Zifan shook his head and said.

"No, not him. This man is more powerful."

In Bai Zifan's eyes, Zhuo Bufan is the real god.

"Let's stop here, I want to see, I want to witness this battle."

Bai Zifan took Lin Xi to a mountaintop, and then looked back at the shocking battle on the vast plain.

After the Demon Snake Temple God was killed instantly, it was resurrected again in less than a minute.

"Resurrected, the Temple God is resurrected."

"Sure enough, the Temple Gods are all immortal. Long live the Temple God."

The servants of the Demon Snake were excited when they saw the Demon Snake resurrected.

However, as soon as the Demon Snake Temple God was resurrected, Zhuo Bufan flew over and raised his leg to kick.


The thigh wrapped in endless divine power kicked the head of the Demon Snake on the spot.

The head was kicked and blood was scattered in the air.

The servants who were so excited just now were instantly speechless.

"What's going on? Is this a fake Temple God?"

"Kick the head with one kick?"

"It must be fake, it must be a fake Temple God."

The servants were stunned.

The invincible Demon Snake Temple God in their eyes was actually tortured and killed by Zhuo Bufan over and over again.

"Good, so powerful! Brother Zifan, who is he?"

Lin Xi finally saw the peerless master mentioned by Bai Zifan.

She was also conquered by Zhuo Bufan's spirit.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that I might know him."

Bai Zifan lost his most important memory, so he naturally forgot his father, Zhuo Bufan.


Back to the battlefield of the sky, after Zhuo Bufan kicked the head of the demon snake, it was resurrected again after a minute.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, without saying a word, rushed up and kicked the head of the demon snake again.

The next hour or so was simply a brutal massacre.

The head of the demon snake temple god was kicked by Zhuo Bufan every time he was resurrected.

For an hour, Zhuo Bufan didn't give him a chance to speak.

The people below were completely numb.

Zhuo Bufan's atrocities obviously alarmed many people.

So much so that the gods of the major temples arrived one after another.


The sky exploded, and a temple god appeared from the thunder.

Looking at the temple god who was as strong as a mountain, everyone below exclaimed.

"It's the God of the Evil Bone Temple, one of the three strongest."

Zhuo Bufan's battle with the Demon Snake alarmed Xiegu.

Xiegu had planned to come and see, but he didn't expect to see Zhuo Bufan as soon as he appeared in the airspace of the Demon Snake Temple.

When the God of the Evil Bone Temple arrived, Zhuo Bufan glared at him directly.

Then he pointed at him and said.

"Stand there and don't move. If you dare to say a word, I will kill you."

Zhuo Bufan directly threatened the God of the Evil Bone Temple. Xiegu was frightened and trembled. He quickly stood still and didn't move.

The people below were dumbfounded.

Xie Gu, the third of the ten great temple gods in the North, was actually stopped by Zhuo Bufan's words.

Xie Gu's organs were in Zhuo Bufan's hands, so of course he obeyed Zhuo Bufan's orders.

At this time, the Demon Snake was resurrected for the 32nd time.

As soon as it was resurrected, the Demon Snake immediately used the art of life-replacement to distance itself from Zhuo Bufan.

"Jue Jian, what on earth are you going to do? You have killed me so many times, what on earth are you going to do!"

The Demon Snake cried, he really cried out.

How could a dignified temple god be so humiliated.

Zhuo Bufan tortured him again and again in front of the world.

From now on, he, the Demon Snake Temple God, is completely shameless.

"I beg you, don't kill me. Even if you want to kill me, can you tell me the reason? Let me die with my eyes closed!"

The Demon Snake Temple God knelt directly in the air, begging Zhuo Bufan for mercy.

Zhuo Bufan's anger obviously had not completely subsided.

He stepped out with a sudden step, shaking the space.

"You killed my son and hurt my brother. You deserve to die!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand again, tearing the sky, ready to strangle the demon snake again.


At this time, one after another of the temple gods fell from the sky.

"Juejian, you've gone too far."

Tiancan Temple God, with a group of temple gods, fell down and protected the demon snake.

"Boss Tiancan, Boss Tiancan, save me, save me."

When the demon snake saw Tiancan and the others coming, it seemed as if he saw hope.

He didn't want to be abused anymore.

Eleven temple gods appeared in this space at the same time, making the space unstable.

It seemed to collapse at any time.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly.

"Hmph, why are you all here?"

"I'm going to kill him today, can you stop me?"

"It's not that I look down on you, even if ten of you come together, I can still kill you with one hand."

Zhuo Bufan is furious today, and he will definitely go on a killing spree.

He wants to avenge his son Bai Zifan, and no one can stop him.

"What's going on?"

"All the temple gods have appeared."

"Oh my God, oh my God, this scene is so big."


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