Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 811: Using the opponent’s trick

The huge turmoil caused by Zhuo Bufan finally ended with the immediate appearance of Bai Zifan.

For Zhuo Bufan, his goal was achieved when he found Zifan and Xuanyuan.

As for the devil snake, from now on, when seeing Zhuo Bufan, he will have no choice but to walk around.

He now has a deep fear of Zhuo Bufan.

When Xuanyuan Hao woke up again, he found himself lying on a bed.

"Master, you wake up!"

Bai Zifan on the side quickly put down the food he had just brought, and then rushed forward to help Xuanyuan Hao up.

"Master, father said that your injury is serious and you need to rest for a while."

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao sat up from the bed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

In fact, with the help of Zhuo Bufan's divine power, Xuanyuan Hao has almost recovered.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

Xuanyuan Hao's coma was not due to the pain of She Xing, but because after finding Bai Zifan, the burden that had been pressing on his shoulders suddenly disappeared.

"Three days, Master, it's been three days."

"Three days? So long?"

Bai Zifan nodded and said.

"Master, I'm sorry for making you worry. My father told me that you haven't rested for a long time."

"In order to find me, you almost never closed your eyes."

Xuanyuan Hao patted Bai Zifan's head and said.

"You are my apprentice, and it is my responsibility to take care of you."

"Now, just come back. Where is your father?"

"Oh, father is in the meeting hall. He will be here shortly."

As soon as Bai Zifan finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Xuanyuan, how do you feel?"

As soon as he mentioned Zhuo Bufan, he arrived.

Xuanyuan Hao stood up, stretched his muscles, and then said.

"It's no problem, and I feel that my body is stronger now than before."

"It seems that those snake venoms have become a tonic to nourish my body."

Seeing that Xuanyuan Hao was recovering well, Zhuo Bufan said.

"That's good. Zifan happens to be here too. I have something important to tell you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly spoke to the air next to him.

"Xiao Lin, arrange a space barrier for us."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, an invisible space barrier enveloped the three of them.

Then, in addition to the three of them, a cute beast with big eyes suddenly appeared in the room.

"Father, what is this?"

"This is Abimon, the world beast of this world."

"What I want to say now is very important, and I want to hear your opinions."

Zhuo Bufan said solemnly.

"What's the matter, father?"

Zifan asked.

Xuanyuan on the side also showed curiosity.

"The world god of this world is the King of Hell. He wants to attack the world of cultivation."

This was exactly what Zhuo Bufan wanted to discuss.

"Attack the world of cultivation?"

"Yes, I heard that this King of Hell has been digging the door to the world of cultivation."

"Do you still remember Wang Xing's domineering behavior? After that guy was chased to hell by Su Su, he was spotted by the King of Hell."

"It was through him that the King of Hell learned about the current combat power of the cultivation world."

"He is fully prepared and is waiting for the Gate of Infinity to be opened, and then he will lead people from all over the world to attack the world of cultivation."

The King of Hell was obviously very confident in this expedition, so he issued orders to the gods of the major temples to prepare for the expedition.

"Attack the world of cultivation? This problem is serious."

"The power of this world comes too quickly. And the temple gods are unkillable."

"If they all arrive in the world of cultivation, it will indeed be a disaster for the world of cultivation."

Xuanyuan Hao fought against the devil snake and realized how harmful a role like a temple god can be to the world of cultivation.

Maybe they are not the strongest, but they cannot be killed or eliminated.

It will slowly torture you to death.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Bai Zifan asked.

Now, he is still too weak and can only listen to Zhuo Bufan's arrangements.

"You should also know that I am now the temple god."

"However, I am not controlled by the King of Hell."

"The King of Hell thought he controlled me, so he gave me the greatest authority to develop the power of the Kuang Sect."

"Then we can definitely take this opportunity to make the Kuangmen a force to contain the King of Hell."

"So next, I will try my best to develop Kuangmen."

Zhuo Bufan revealed his plan.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's plan, Xuanyuan Hao and Bai Zifan nodded in agreement.

"Now, I have another serious problem."

"what is the problem?"

Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Zhuo Bufan touched his chin and said.

"Old profiteer, old profiteer Chu Mubai, there is no news about him yet."

"This is not the first time the old profiteer has come to this world. He must have some secrets when he comes to hell this time."

Now, Bai Zifan and Xuanyuan Hao have been found.

The only one who has no news yet is the old profiteer Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai obviously came to hell on purpose, and he had another purpose.

"Ignore him, we don't have much time. We must master the powerful force of Kuangmen before going out."

Zhuo Bufan was very fortunate to be able to find Bai Zifan before setting off for the expedition.

Next, they don't have much time left.

The gate to the underworld is about to open, and they will soon return to the world of cultivation.

"Zifan, you should practice with your master during this period. Do you understand?"

Zifan nodded after hearing this.

"I know, father."

"By the way, who is the little girl who came back with you? Isn't she my daughter-in-law?"

Zhuo Bufan hadn't seen Bai Zifan for a long time, and couldn't help but joked.

Bai Zifan was so nervous that he didn't know what to do.

"No, no, no, her name is Lin Xi, she is just a good friend of mine."

"Just a friend?"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and had a smirk on his face.

"Of course, I treat her as my sister."

"Sister? That won't do. If Nian Nian knew that you have another sister, she would fight you to the death."

"Your sister went to practice with the Green Emperor. When she comes back, maybe you and I, father and son, can't beat her together."

When Zhuo Bufan mentioned Bai Zinian, he suddenly missed her.

"Hahaha, no need to say more, sister or daughter-in-law!"

"Zifan, come on! We will be able to go back in a while, and we will be able to see your sister then."

Zhuo Bufan not only missed his daughter, but also missed Bai Su more.

He wanted to return to the cultivation world as soon as possible and rescue Bai Su.

He had too many things to say to Bai Su.

He wanted to tell Bai Su that he took good care of the two children.

Taking Bai Zifan safely for a while was also a good explanation to Bai Su.

"I understand, father. I will work hard to cultivate."

After hearing this, Bai Zifan's fighting spirit was ignited at once when he thought about seeing his sister and mother soon.

Another battle was about to begin.

The door to the world of the living was finally about to open again.


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